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Subject: Thank God for Buddy Holly

Posted by: sadwings
Date: May 14 17

This is about everything rock and roll from the 50's to the present, but that's only the beginning. Any poets out there? I have a couple of poems to share before too long. Misunderstood song lyrics are always a lot of fun. Favorite album cover art? Any wild or interesting concert experiences? Prefer Motown to rock? Jazz? Blues? You can share all of these things and much more here. Come one come all to the midnight ball! Let's do this!

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terraorca star

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In addition to the Hell on Wheels that Elle found, I found another that you may enjoy:

Reply #921. Mar 10 18, 1:48 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Overly competitive? That would not even be possible as far as I'm concerned. That sounds like something that someone who gets beat all the time would say about the person who is beating them all the time.

Those guys in that video you played were about some rock and roll outlaws, Mark. They may not have been the outlawiest rock and roll outlaws of all the outlawy rock and roll outlaws, but they were pretty outlawy.

Beagles are my favorite dog in the world, Jo. I just consider them to be the perfect all around dog. Very playful and great with kids, very pretty dogs, very nice family dog, and I suppose they could also be good hunting dogs. I guess that would describe a lot of different dogs, but there is just something I like about beagles the most. Maybe it's just because Snoopy is a beagle, I don't know. :-p

I bet it must be a lot of fun to go to one of those dog shows. All those beautiful dogs marching around with their owners. Never been to one of those before.

Reply #922. Mar 10 18, 3:54 AM

terraorca star

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Beagles are also very cuddly and loving. Beagles have the most expressive faces.

Reply #923. Mar 10 18, 9:36 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
I didn't know that about them having the most expressive faces, I've never heard that before.

Flopsy just reinstated the Duels thread, you guys.

Fun Trivia Duels! :-)

Reply #924. Mar 10 18, 10:22 AM

Blackdresss star

player avatar
My internet died yesterday in the middle of playing. Well, of course it did.

I need to play and get caught up all over the place, but in the meantime:

Note To Self: Write a Story Using Song Titles with Hotel California, or any other Eagles Album. Dibs on this, too!

Reply #925. Mar 10 18, 1:25 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Wait! It's Daylight Savings Time once again, a quaint, archaic little custom that needs to go the way of the dodo.

In the meantime, since it's Spring, but not at my house, don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour at 2 a.m., losing sleep you will never recover and will feel for at least two weeks. That's been documented, so why "they" continue to do this is a mystery.

Reply #926. Mar 10 18, 1:27 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar

Kevin, you know garage and grime. You just hate it.

Remember Kurt Cobain and Nirvana, who showed up and pretty much destroyed your beloved metal, and my beloved Skid Row, right in their prime? That would be garage and grime, merged to form "grunge."

I do like Kurt, but there is NO WAY that little dude killed himself with a shotgun after shooting up. No way in hell.

I also love Pearl Jam, mostly because I love Eddie Vedder's voice. And he's so emotional -- he cries at his concerts, depending on the song and background.

Ever seen the video "Jeremy"? It was banned from MTV for awhile, but only because they didn't understand it. Well that's not the only reason -- it's pretty gruesome, but he was trying to make a POINT. Point taken.

I may post it. I don't want to get in trouble, but it's worth watching and listening to.

"Jeremy spoke in class today." (Did he ever...)

Reply #927. Mar 10 18, 1:32 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Wait! Never, ever did I say I don't like Cinderella. I probably don't, but never did I say that!

But... Jo, you may as well know this now, because it drives Dorkus crazy. I really don't like Rush. I don't get them, at all.

And for just about forever, I thought Rush, Styx and Air Supply were the same band, with wayyyyyy too many bad songs out there. They sound exactly the same to me.

I think I had 11 Duel wins yesterday, maybe 12. You're only 17 ahead of me now, Dorkus, and that's after missing a day. And! And! I beat Triviaballer at... drum roll... Barbie!

But not by much. Our scores were both terrible and very close. Not completely horrible, we were both in the 500s, but I guessed at every single answer. I am dying to beat him at something worthy, but Barbie Dolls? Ugh! Blech! Those things are just nasty.

Okay, we all need to figure out a time to meet up in the Town Square for some Duels. The Sheriff, The Wrangler (me,) The Cook (Mark,) Stephanie and Jo. Steph and I are in the same timezone, Jo is 7 hours ahead of both of us, Mark is two hours ahead, and Kevin is one. We can do this!

And you are not overly competitive, Mark. That's ridiculous! This is healthy competition, emphasis on "healthy."

Reply #928. Mar 10 18, 1:41 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Barbie Dolls -- 681 to 636, Me/Triviaballer.

Basically, we rock at exceptionally creepy dolls. I'd rather play with G.I. Joe.

Reply #929. Mar 10 18, 1:44 PM

player avatar
Home after a very long day, I've been going to dog shows all my life but I get tired so much more easily these days. Still, I love it.
I have three Beagles - Trubel, Temmi, and Delaney, my lil pupper. They really do have very expressive faces, the main expression being 'please give me more food'. Even sickeningly fat beagles can generally convince the average person that they are starving to death. Fortunately I am not the average person, I have a heart of stone and am immune to pleading brown eyes.
Unless they are pleading for cuddles, then I have been known to cave a bit ;-)

Reply #930. Mar 10 18, 1:51 PM

player avatar
I'm with you on the whole Barbie thing, Elle. When I was a little girl I wanted toy trucks, not dolls. Once for Christmas my folks bought me a Barbie with horse, and I was delighted with the horse, and gave the Barbie to the dog to play with.
She chewed its head and feet off.
I did not care.

Reply #931. Mar 10 18, 1:56 PM

player avatar
The band last night finished with 'Whole Lotta Rosie', which even got the Viking singing along, and he NEVER sings in public.

Reply #932. Mar 10 18, 2:01 PM

player avatar
Oh, yeah, and I don't know about in the States, but over here garage and grime music has nothing to do with grunge. I don't mind a bit of Nirvana (I don't think he killed himself, either. While it's possible to shoot yourself with a shotgun, it's logistically very difficult), but I hate garage. It is not singing, it's a person babbling strings of usually offensive words too quickly for any normal person to understand, backed by insanely loud, monotonous base and a bit of unmelodious techno. It really is just noise for the sake of noise, and the 'lyrics' tend to be gang related, talking about stabbing rivals, taking drugs and beating women who don't know their place.
Don't know why I don't like it, maybe it's an age thing...

Reply #933. Mar 10 18, 2:27 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Help! Help, help, help...

Tulo danced across the keyboard of my laptop. He's all snuggled up now beside me, which is nice, but he changed so many things. He minimized my screen until I could barely see it. Got that one fixed.

But, I've lost my tool/task bar at the bottom of my screen, and I've lost everything at the top of my screen, to include "recyle" which I use a lot. I have no clue how to get these back, and trust me, Tulo isn't divulging how he did it, or how to undo it.

I don't want to waste time in Google researching this. It should be easy, right? But what the heck did he do, and how do I undo it?

Reply #934. Mar 10 18, 2:54 PM
sadwings star

player avatar
Check this out, you guys. On post #928 on this very page, Elle states "Wait! Never, ever did I say I don't like Cinderella."

Okay, now take a little peek at page 22, post #434 on this blog. I ask Elle if she liked Cinderella. In post #435 she responds "No, sorry, I don't like Cinderella." It's all right there, Elle. I remember what people tell me, just like I remember every word of what I say to other people. That's why you never hear me telling you the same thing twice, unless it's something silly like "The Priest Beast rules" or meaningless crap like that. The next time I just casually mention something that you told me, Elle, you really, really need to think twice before you try to tell me you didn't say it. I'm not coming down on you, I am only giving you friendly advice so that you will hopefully be able to avoid being corrected this way. You are my friend and I love you.

Yeah, Jo, I thought that sounded a little odd about garage and grime forming to make grunge. I don't blame you one bit for not liking that stuff you were describing. Men who beat on women are not even men, they are nothing but a sickening, pathetic disease. That's exactly why they are raped and murdered when they go to prison.

Reply #935. Mar 10 18, 3:02 PM

terraorca star

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I scored a 685 at Barbie yesterday.

Reply #936. Mar 10 18, 3:05 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Barbie is Evil and Bad, Mark!

Dammit Kevin. I also have a photographic memory for conversation, but it has to be actual conversation, face to face. I'll check into Cinderella. Maybe I love them and just forgot?

Also? I kind of made up "garage and grime" being turned into "grunge," but I think it's a pretty good guess.

In the meantime, help! Help me retrieve my tabs at the top of my screen, and my tabs at the bottom! I can't play anything without my back arrow and my recycle button. I can't even see the TIME.

If you help me retrieve my everything, I'll look up the origins of "grunge" in Google, which I can't do now because everything has been removed by Tulo!

Reply #937. Mar 10 18, 3:12 PM
terraorca star

player avatar
A garage band back in the early days of Rock meant a band that couldn't afford studio time and just played in a members garage, at least until the dad kicked them out, then on to a different garage. Back then, it had nothing to do with grime or grunge. I can't speak to the 90s, a wasteland of music, to me. My opinion is different than yours. I'm OK with that, are you?
Unless, of course, we're talking about the 1790s or even the 1890s.

Reply #938. Mar 10 18, 3:13 PM
terraorca star

player avatar

Barbie good, at least yesterday, when I won my Barbie Duel.
By the way, at my age a photographic memory would help a lot, unfortunately I have a photogenic memory, when I look back, I have forgotten all the pain.


Reply #939. Mar 10 18, 3:16 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar

I thought maybe doing a reboot would help with my loss of keyboard functions. But... I can't even LOG OUT!

Seriously, guys, can you help me with this? I am baffled.

Reply #940. Mar 10 18, 3:19 PM

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