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Subject: Thank God for Buddy Holly

Posted by: sadwings
Date: May 14 17

This is about everything rock and roll from the 50's to the present, but that's only the beginning. Any poets out there? I have a couple of poems to share before too long. Misunderstood song lyrics are always a lot of fun. Favorite album cover art? Any wild or interesting concert experiences? Prefer Motown to rock? Jazz? Blues? You can share all of these things and much more here. Come one come all to the midnight ball! Let's do this!

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sadwings star

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You don't have to worry about me, Stephanie. Everything is all good with me.

That's a funny story about Air Supply, I wish I could have seen that! Those lip-syncers!

So your granddaughter watches Bawbie, does she? Hee hee! That's cute. Do you get to see her often?

Reply #961. Mar 10 18, 7:45 PM

mpkitty star

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YES, very often, Kev, I of course like to think she looks like our side of the family, you know, blonde hair, blue eyes, but then, her dad has those, too! Thanks, Kev...

Reply #962. Mar 10 18, 9:30 PM
mpkitty star

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This may be out of context here, but Kev will understand why I put it here, and it's not kissy-face, it is much more important.

Reply #963. Mar 10 18, 10:07 PM
terraorca star

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Air Supply and Milli Vanilli both syncing the lips.

Reply #964. Mar 10 18, 10:51 PM
sadwings star

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Hello world, hear the song that we're singin'
Come on get happyyyyy
A whole lotta druggin' is what we'll be bringin'
We'll make you happyyyyy!

Hee hee!. Remember that Partridge Family song? I had forgotten that Shirley Jones had such a beautiful voice, Stephanie. I have never been all that crazy about musicals, but that's just me, but thanks for contributing that.

Reply #965. Mar 11 18, 12:29 AM


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I don't think they should ban Barbie, or anything, I just didn't want one when I was little. I never say someone else shouldn't like something just because I don't. Or like something because I do. It'd be Stepford if we were all the same!
I have two beautiful god-daughters (sisters), and they are polar opposites. 6yo loves pink, dollies, female superheroes, ballet, cats, and hates dirt; 3yo loves blue, toy cars, dinosaurs, swimming, dogs, and playing in the mud. I love them both. They get along so well, and never fight, because neither of them wants what the other one has. Anything they do both have in common ( books, unicorns, cartoon movies like Frozen) they're more than happy to share because they don't have to share everything.
The y make it look so easy to agree to disagree. Took me years to get the hang of it.
I hated my sister lol

Reply #966. Mar 11 18, 1:27 AM

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Anyway, I've had roughly four hours sleep, that should be enough for Duels, yeah? Here I go...

Reply #967. Mar 11 18, 1:28 AM
sadwings star

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That's funny, talking about sibling rivalries. I have a sister who is 6 years older than me and a brother who is 5 years older than me. There was enough of an age gap between me and them that I never fought with them, at least not until I became an adult and had some pretty heated arguments with my sister over the years. Never had the slightest argument whatsoever with my brother to this day.

Anyway, with my brother and sister being just one year apart, that was a whole different story on the fight scene. They would fight like cats and dogs sometimes! I remember how I would naturally keep my distance but i had to stand there and watch like i was watching the most exciting thing of my life, you know, complete with me wanting to bust out laughing but being way too scared to do it. Nothing quite like being scared and amused at the same time!

Reply #968. Mar 11 18, 1:50 AM


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My sister is two years my senior, and we fought all the time, like proper kicking and punching fought. Very un-ladylike haha.

The Viking has an identical twin, it fascinates me how alike but how different they are at the same time. They are clearly identical, absolutely no mistaking it, yet they look nothing alike. Hubs is a hulking bear-brute with huge wide shoulders from riding bikes and playing rugby when he was younger, while his brother is sickly and skinny and small. There's none of that psychic-twinnery stuff going on, either. They're not that bothered about each other. Weird.

Reply #969. Mar 11 18, 2:13 AM

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Also, twin brother has type 1 diabetes (I find that a little crazy, that only one of them has it), and the Viking has autism. The Asperger's kind, that people mainly mistake for OCD and stubbornness. He's very clever but misunderstood.
Aren't we all? Haha ;-)

Reply #970. Mar 11 18, 2:19 AM

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Reply #971. Mar 11 18, 8:21 AM
sadwings star

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Will do, flopsy.

Reply #972. Mar 11 18, 9:07 AM


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It's mother's Day here in the UK, so Happy Mother's Day to all of you out there, whether your children are human or furry. :-)

Reply #973. Mar 11 18, 10:28 AM
postcards2go star

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What about human children who are furry? My son flat out refuses to shave, or even trim... anything.

Happy Mother's Day :-)

Reply #974. Mar 11 18, 10:34 AM

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Haha, those too!

My husband shaves his head but has a huge full ginger beard. He's much furrier than any of my dogs :-)

Reply #975. Mar 11 18, 10:38 AM
terraorca star

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Reply #976. Mar 11 18, 11:34 AM
sadwings star

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Now I'm over here wondering what countries have a Mother's Day and what countries don't. Guess I never thought about that before.

I think they should have a Biker Day, a Metal Maniac Day, and a Metal Maniac Biker Day. Wouldn't that be cool? Criminally Insane Renegade Outlaw Metal Maniac Biker Day with free Maui Wowi for all. :-)

You guys remember that Elvira song by the Oak Ridge Boys?

My hearts on fire
For Elvira
Giddy-up a-oom boppa oom boppa mow-mow.....

Remember that? Well, I have discovered that it's a lot more fun to sing along like this...........

Hell, fire it up!
Hell, fire it up!
My heart's on fire
So hell, fire it up!
Giddy up a-oom boppa oom boppa MAUI WOWI!

Ha! Man, I just love that! :-)

Reply #977. Mar 11 18, 11:36 AM


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It's so much fun to make up your own words!

I also love the misheard lyrics. There was a novelty song in the eighties called 'Einstein A-Go-Go', I forget who it was by, but every time they sang that line, my friend's little sister used to sing 'I smell of cocoa'. She was adamant that she was right, as if it made total sense!
That was so long ago now, but it was so funny that I can remember it like it was yesterday. Hilarious :-)

Reply #978. Mar 11 18, 12:49 PM

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As for the other thing, I kinda felt at the time like I shouldn't be talking about it, so I apologize sincerely. I take a lot of painkillers and don't sleep much, and some of the responsible bits of my brain have been mercilessly hammered by loud music. ;-)

Reply #979. Mar 11 18, 12:54 PM
Blackdresss star

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Great. Perfect. I came here specifically to attempt to fix this, realizing it was probably too late. Okay, time for some Conflict Resolution, because we're adults, and that's what adults do. And we had best do this before it gets worse, because worse WILL happen. Things rarely get better.

I am terribly, horribly sorry I forgot a post I made on Page 22, Post 436, not 435, on Dec. 21, three months ago, 49 pages later and now Post 441. Time flies when you're having fun. Time stands completely still when you're not. I was having fun then or at least beginning to. I am not having fun now. I haven't had any real fun, or anything that wasn't abject agony in a very long time. My problem, not yours. I did this to myself. I don't make impulsive decisions. I don't set myself up for failure. I can't afford to. And then, I made the biggest mistake of my life.

So now, posts have been removed, because do you imagine someone was "alerted" to come here and "correct" us? Did you possibly forget about that? I did tell you someone would be so elated to see all that was transpiring. Completely leaping for joy. What could be better? Two friends ripped apart, with one being assured she was a freak show, using lots and lots and LOTS of words, just in case I didn't fully comprehend it, complete with "warnings" and wondering if I realized "how I looked." Truly, just what the doctor ordered. Not for me, however, but absolutely for that other person whose name will never be spoken again.

I loathe being "ambushed," and really loathe being "corrected," but only in here. If I'm wrong, perfect. I actually like being informed about something I may have been misinformed about out here in the real world, where I actually live. I am "corrected" far too often in here, and forget the Mods and Editors and Admin. They can "correct" me until the cows come home, and then the cows can also "correct" me. But random people who are not even sort of random? Kids, I am sick to death of that. To DEATH.

I don't think I am "amazing" because I type 100 wpm. I think anyone could do this. You just have to learn the way I was taught. I'm right-brain. Big freaking deal. I don't type individual letters. I don't even type words. I type entire thoughts. If I had been taught to play the piano in a right-brain sort of way, I would play like I type. But I didn't. Oh freaking well.

I can't remember what else I allegedly said I was "amazing" at, but trust me, I'm not. Few people are. Nothing about me is amazing. I'm just me, and what you see is what you get. I don't change; I don't fake; I sure as holy hell do not lie. I'm not even sure I like people anymore. I'm fairly certain I can't trust anyone anymore. That's just sad. That's about as sad as sad gets.

Please do not question my honor, ever again. Please do not question my truthfulness, ever again. Please do not threaten me, or correct me in the patronizing way that you did, ever again. Since there is zero inflection in here, all we have are words on a flat screen. Your words were brutal. Read them again, or have someone read them to you. Or, have your screenreader read them to you, with a flat little robotic voice. I have one on my laptop. Surely you have one on yours, which is much newer than mine. Or, better yet, ask 10 or 15 or 20 random people to read that exchange, and ask them if it came across as jumping me out of the blue, and if my reaction to that was abnormal.

Whenever I can't really understand or relate to what someone is telling me, I always try to trade places with them. Or, I really DO ask 10 or 15 or 20 random people on the street what they think about whatever I am dealing with. I've asked both of my sisters to please do this with me, just so they can maybe understand why I might feel completely misled and then abandoned. I've been assured by both of them that is "manipulative." Really?? No, it's not. It's called empathy, and in my experience, most people lack that.

I'm certain I have explained my fight-or-flight and just how completely broken it is. If you leaped out from behind a tree out here in my real world, it wouldn't be funny for anyone for more than 1.3 seconds. Trust me, I wouldn't laugh, or fall to the ground, or run. Well, I might run, but not away.

Surely I've mentioned making this godawful move that is never-ending that I made FOR my family, only to have my FAMILY then move away and leave me here. That move started in May, almost two years ago, because my sisters desperately needed me. It ended 1,000 miles later in four different houses late in November. That is far too long to make a move. It just about killed me and my kitties, literally, and I regret this move every second of every waking hour, and then, when I sleep, which is now rare, I regret it even more in the nightmares I have. Real life or dreaming, I can't escape. I did this. I did this to myself and my kitties, and now I can't fix it. I am trapped, and I am miserable. And I am still so shell-shocked, I can't cry. That alarms me probably more than anything. I have no release. I'm not laughing; I'm not crying. I'm just mostly staring and trying to work and take care of my kitties. I can't even eat.

Did I also mention that my adoring sisters are also now holding my nieces and nephews hostage? We don't know why. We only know that they are. So, little kids are being tortured to prove some ridiculous point over inheritance that I refuse to get involved with. Because God knows, nothing truly says "We're family and we love each other" quite like fighting over money and property. I'm the oldest of four adult children. I refuse to participate in this. I moved here and lost ONE ENTIRE FAMILY. Three siblings; seven nieces and nephews; three step-nieces and nephews. They might as well have been hit by a damned bus while I was waving goodbye from my front porch, because they are GONE.

So. Please forgive me for forgetting I said something about a stupid band in a stupid post three months ago that is so far at the bottom of my List Of Things That Matter, it's not even on the list, and it never will be. I'm just trying to hang on here and make it through another day that is just endless. And then, I'll try to make it through another night, that is equally endless. And then, I'll do it all over again, because my life now is Groundhog Day.

Please accept my apology for disappointing you so severely. But do please ask a few random people to read that exchange, and see if they might understand why I reeled backwards. I won't bore you with how my fight-or-flight got completely destroyed, or how long it took, or why I couldn't get away from it. But I'd love to meet the person who just LOVES ambush. Because that person doesn't exist.

You're new to the internet, remember? You probably haven't been here long enough to have experienced that kind of betrayal, and while potentially no one here is real, everyone here is a person, at the very least. With feelings. And even though those words are just flat and toneless on a big, fat, flat screen, they still cut right to the core.

There now. One heart-felt apology, with a couple of suggestions. I'm not "correcting" you; I'm just making suggestions. And I'm sorry this is so long, but I had some things to say, and now I've said them.

I actually thought it would be much worse in here after what happened yesterday. Having posts deleted doesn't feel good, though, does it? Think it can't get worse? Oh, honey. It can and it probably will, if we don't fix this, right now. Your entire blog could get locked.

I apologize profusely for forgetting a post I had made. I hope you will forgive me. I'm finished.


Reply #980. Mar 11 18, 1:35 PM

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