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Subject: Thank God for Buddy Holly

Posted by: sadwings
Date: May 14 17

This is about everything rock and roll from the 50's to the present, but that's only the beginning. Any poets out there? I have a couple of poems to share before too long. Misunderstood song lyrics are always a lot of fun. Favorite album cover art? Any wild or interesting concert experiences? Prefer Motown to rock? Jazz? Blues? You can share all of these things and much more here. Come one come all to the midnight ball! Let's do this!

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terraorca star

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Reply #1021. Mar 12 18, 7:19 PM
sadwings star

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I have a funny story for you, flopsy, one that could have turned out to be very embarrassing for me, but I got lucky! :-)

I'm sure you are familiar with the song All You Need is Love by The Beatles and how it starts out with the first part of the French National Anthem and all that. Well, we were docked in a French port one time when I was in the navy. Must have been my first time in a French port because of this experience I had.

Anyway, I had a color guard detail one morning, you know, when they raise the flag up the flagpole and all military people who are outside on the dock or on the ship will stop and salute and all that. They blow the bosun's whistle to cue the color guard to hoist the ensign and then they start playing the national anthem over the ship's speakers. Well, the French guys were a few seconds ahead of us and they start playing their national anthem. I was only 19 or 20, but even so, I had always thought that the first part of that Beatles song was just original Beatles music like the rest of the song. I had no idea whatsoever that it was the first part of the French National Anthem. So I hear this stuff blaring out of the speakers of these French ships and I thought "Oh, WOW, man! These rock and roll outlaws are starting their day off with some BEATLES! How cool is THAT?" and I know that if anyone had been standing around me at the time, especially someone I was acquainted with, which was probably 3/4 of the crew, I would have said something very similar to that! However, I got lucky and no one was standing around me. :-p

Reply #1022. Mar 12 18, 7:25 PM

sadwings star

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Wow, Mark, how did you get to do that at such a young age? Was it on a trip with your parents or something?

Reply #1023. Mar 12 18, 7:28 PM

mpkitty star

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Believe it or not, some people go waaay back before 1966...


Reply #1024. Mar 12 18, 8:53 PM
terraorca star

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Yes, a cruise with my parents. We left Miami and took a short cruise to Nassau. We saw some sights, including a fort, did some shopping, but no beach, no swimming. I was bummed, I have always been about swimming in the body of water nearby, wherever I was at the time.. Never had any fear in the water, might be different if I ever went to Australia, lots of deadly things lurking there.

Reply #1025. Mar 12 18, 11:10 PM
mpkitty star

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I envy your trip, Mark. I am afraid if I ever went on a cruise it would be to Mexico (beautiful) or Alaska. But mostly now, I save my shekels for the TCM Film Festival in Hollywood each year. It ain't cheap! But this year I plan to fulfill my only bucket list desire, to go to Santa Anita racetrack. There, I will see the statue of Seabiscuit, the great horse, whom I owned his 1/2 sister, named War Bread. When I got her she was loco as many in the sire's Hard Tack, were.

Reply #1026. Mar 13 18, 12:28 AM

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Hi, Stephanie (hope you don't mind me using your real name), Wolverhampton is about 3 hours from Longleat by car, a bit more than 2 hours by train. You might have passed through, it depends where you were coming from at the time, Wolverhampton has a fairly large central train station. I live outside Wolvo in a much smaller town, but it's not far and I go there often.

I envy all of you who have travelled; for as long as I can remember, I dreamed of visiting every state in the US, but that's not gonna happen now. I've been to New York twice, and technically New Jersey, since that's where the plane landed! Some of my family have been around the world several times, but mostly in the years before camera-phones and social media, so the memories are like folk tales, passed on by word of mouth. Nowadays the most I long for is somewhere green with less people and more dogs :-)

Reply #1027. Mar 13 18, 1:01 AM
MiraJane star

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For those that prefer facts:

This song is about the famous music festival in 1969. Mitchell was scheduled to perform at the festival, but backed out on the advice of her manager David Geffen, who was concerned that she would miss a scheduled appearance on The Dick Cavett Show. Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young did appear, playing an acoustic set followed by an electric set. They took the stage around 3 a.m. Monday morning - the festival was scheduled to end at midnight, but it ran long, culminating with a legendary Jimi Hendrix set that most people didn't stay to see.

That Tuesday, Mitchell, David Crosby and Stephen Stills all appeared on The Dick Cavett Show. Crosby has said that he and Stills were talking about the festival, and Mitchell wrote the song based on their experience there. Mitchell, however, claimed that she wrote the song before the band returned.

Under the tab Songfacts. This is a well known story for anyone that knows anything about the song or Joni Mitchell. The story that she was supposed to appear at the original Woodstock festival can be found in less than five minutes on multiple sites across the Internet, including videos of her telling the story.

Reply #1028. Mar 13 18, 1:27 AM
terraorca star

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I think that I looked on with envy at your past trip to the TCM Film Festival. I have missed my opportunity to meet Robert Osborne, but Ben Mankiewicz seems nice as well. Old movies, I enjoy them, and their stars.

Reply #1029. Mar 13 18, 1:29 AM

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Elle, I presume this is aimed at me:
"And because being ignored is really horrible, if you think about it, and even if you don't, and because I can't be "too emotional" while also being "too logical," because that is completely illogical and nuts, and because I'm sorry, but no one gets to threaten me, even on this flat, emotionless screen, not even e-fake people, let's do this one. Bye Kids. Gotta fly."

This isn't the place for it, but I feel like I should answer your accusations. I'm not sure what's going on with you, but there's really no need to be so defensive when there's no offense coming at you.
1. I have not ignored you or anyone else.
2. I have not said anywhere that you are "too emotional" nor "too logical". Please refrain from putting things into quote marks when they are not quotes. That makes me feel like you are deliberately trying to create a false impression of me to others. What I said was that I thought you were perhaps taking (something Jazz said) too literally.
3. I have NEVER made any direct or indirect threat to you or anyone else on this site. If you feel threatened and it is my fault, then please show me exactly what I did or said to make you feel this way so that I can apologise.
4. Please don't call me names. I am not an 'e-fake' and it is hurtful for you to say that.
5. When people are being nothing but kind and friendly towards you, it is rude to throw that back at them. If I wasn't welcome here, you could have just politely told me so right at the beginning when I joined the forums and I would have left. Instead you are misquoting me in public and trying to make it seem like I have been mean to you in order to colour everyone else's opinion of me. That's not nice, Elle, and it's not true.
I'm not trying to take your friends away, all I wanted was to be one myself.

Reply #1030. Mar 13 18, 1:33 AM
sadwings star

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Hey, Jo, I was just wondering, have you ever seen Stonehenge? Either way, what is the most exciting and thrilling place in all of England that you have ever been to?

Reply #1031. Mar 13 18, 3:19 AM


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That's kind of a tough one, Kev! I tend not to see anything here as being hugely exciting because it's familiar. The grass is always greener, and all that.
I've never been to Stonehenge, which surprises me, it's the kind of place I love. I have been to other standing stone circles, there are lots, but Stonehenge is the famous one. Did you know they recently discovered and excavated ' Woodhenge' just a few yards away from the stones? They found the remains of an exact replica to Stonehenge, only not as much of it has survived because it was constructed out of wood, so all they've unearthed are stumps.

I've visited lots of castles, cathedrals, etc, so if you like historic buildings, we've got plenty.

In 2016, we went down into Drakelow tunnels, and THAT was pretty cool. In WWII, the ministry of defence got together with the Rover car company of Birmingham to build a Shadow Factory where they could produce plane engines (and, it's rumoured, other things) without fear of the plant being discovered or bombed. So they dug tunnels into the side of a range of hills in a forest, that sloped downwards until they were far underground. The tunnels run for six miles, and have really high arched ceilings, and are maybe 15 feet across in most places, with wider parts for the actual factory work. There's no natural light and no living creatures down there; no bugs, no spiders, nothing, so you investigate by torchlight (flashlight). Lots of the old equipment is still down there, including old computers and a safe. There's mysterious machinery, a fully fitted out catering canteen, original light fixtures, and loudhailer systems still in place, but no electricity.
The staff used to be bussed in on vehicles with the windows blacked out so they couldn't reveal the secret location, and there's a story that one woman who ran from the bus without a blindfold was shot. This is all from memory, we took a fascinating guided tour but then came back the next night with a different group so we could wander around more freely.

So that's one of my favourite places; other than that, I like extremes. Either rowdy and noisy with loads of friends, or really quiet on my own or just with the Viking. We both love to wander through forests, and I love the beach, but not sunbathing. I like to swim or walk on a grey day watching the wind throwing the waves about, or sitting by the cliffs at Shell Island near Barmouth after the sun has gone down and the bats come out and fly around my head. I'm naturally blonde and very, very pale so I don't like the sun, I burn much too easily.

There's also the site of an Iron Age Hill Fort a few miles away called Castle Ring, we both love it there. I don't know quite what it is about that place, but I love how I feel when I'm there. It feels like home, if that's not too weird for ya!

Reply #1032. Mar 13 18, 4:57 AM

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You must have been to loads more exciting places. What's the most memorable/thrilling place you've ever been?

Reply #1033. Mar 13 18, 5:03 AM

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Hey, Kev, I saw you on the Duels this morning and I've just seen you in the hourlies. Do you only play the expert game? Glutton for a tough challenge, huh? :-)

Reply #1034. Mar 13 18, 5:47 AM
sadwings star

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No. I normally play almost all the games, especially since I like to see how high I can score on the Everything Challenge, where they total your scores on like 14 games, and you get a badge if you can score 22,222 or more points. I honestly don't believe I will ever be able to do it, but it's just fun to try to beat my own personal record, which is always on the screen when you check your scores.

But this month I have kind of slacked off on everything and I don't do the Everything Challenge like i was doing every single day for like 4 or 5 months, maybe even longer than that. Didn't even know about it until Varnish told me about it a while back and I just kind of went ape over it for a long time! I played that Expert game earlier when i noticed the topic sounded like a pretty easy one to get a decent score on. I had also been going completely gonzo on the Word Wizard game every single day for the last 4 or 5 months trying to see how close I could get to first place in total points, but I have been giving that one a big break this month. It just kind of varies, but I'm usually playing quite a few different games.

There are a couple of hourly games that are not registering my accumulative scores this month for some reason. That has happened to me a couple of times before and I've seen it happen to one of my teammates, and I have never figured out what the deal is with that.

I think it would be pretty much impossible for me to decide which place is the most thrilling that I have ever been to. Maybe the muddy field over in Hinkydink where they have all the Stagedork concerts. :-p No, that really would be a toughie. I remember how fascinating it was to see some of the ruins in Athens, Greece, and that was even just seeing them from a distance as we were going from point A to point B. I never actually went on any kind of tours or anything, just running around everywhere looking for bars!
I'll never forget how beautiful the island of Mallorca is, right off the coast of Spain in the Med. I think it's actually called Palma de Mallorca or something like that. I can't remember if it was while I was there or after I had gone, but I came to find out that it was a place where a lot of wealthy Europeans go to vacation and it was very easy to understand why.

Marseille, France was the first time I had ever experienced a topless beach, so that was pretty thrilling. :-) Then there was all the islands in the Carribbean I got to visit. I remember meeting a man and his wife in Nassau who were from England. We were at one of those beachside bars, I can't remember what they call those things, probably not bars. Anyway, it was pretty clear from the kind of jewelry that they were both wearing that they must have been pretty wealthy. Came to find out that the man had been part of the film crew that filmed one of the James Bond movies that had been filmed in the area. I think it was Thunderball or Thunder something. Anyway, I'll certainly never forget that.

Then there was Jamaica, mon. Drinking rum at another one of those outside beach bar thingies and watching reggae bands play. At one point this one band had invited a couple of the guys on my ship to come up and play with them for a few songs. One of my shipmates was on the bass guitar and the other one played harmonica. It was so awesome! And it got a lot awesomer when the band was finished and they shared a particular "island product" with us. Yeah, we jammin' now, mon! :-p

Gosh, Jo, so many fun times and fun memories. We quietly and slowly cruised through the French Riviera one time on what happened to be a very dark night. I have never, ever seen anything like that in my entire life to this day. I mean the breathtaking beauty of all the lights. I can't even begin to describe it. I also saw a double rainbow out on the Atlantic for the first and only time in my life. Nothing but sea, sky and two rainbows kind of side by side. It was so awesome. There was like this gap in between them and it looked just like we were headed straight toward the gap.

Reply #1035. Mar 13 18, 8:58 AM

Mark, used to enjoy water too. No boats (or anything like that), though: Scared me. Cried on amusement park rides. Didn't like motion. Hated roller coasters (particularly this mini one that made mty head bob up and down like crazy). Water, though, relaxed me. Pool or ocean, didn't matter, and I loved playing with sand when younger. After requiring a walker, though, all that stuff pretty much ended. I just slow down everyone around.

I went to a camp in New Jersey, trainimg thing in Maryland, and visitecd relatives in yOhio. That the extent of traveling for me... oops, forgot Delaware. But that stuff isn't realistic anymore :-(

I feel a need to delicately suggest something, and delicate is something we all struggle with. Still, I feel I must try:
Jo, please try not to take stuff Elle says personally. I say this because, unless I am mistaken, she has "issues of her own" to deal with (notice I do not mention labels. Yes, it isnt't nice to hurl accusations; unfortunately, when somebody with any sort of mental health condition, and there are many, is upset, the tendency is to "blast" anyone around, whether warranted or not, becaause at that time (in the moment) we feel hurt/angry/confused/attacked, etc. etc. etc. Things like this are rarely one sided, and sadly logic rarely works at such times either (think about this: have you ever felt irrational anger of the kind that blinds you to everything else? This is like that)

Everyone is here on the virtual blogs to make friends and engage with each other to varying degrees, though some probably just like to talk to themselves (that honestly makes no sense to me. Why would someone blog just for the express purpose of *only* reading what they themselves wrote? There is no "learning curve" there, no perspective other than one's owjn. How boring... and lonely).

I burn easy too... whole family does (well, grandmother when she was living, and mother... not sure about uncle). I could sit there listening to birdsong all day, or smelling flowers (though sadly Im allergic). Ocean sounds, etc., are very relaxing, and that wind ruffling my hair too.

Used to sleep in a-frame tent at one camp (I hated that). adventure s tories are for me, not adventure experience itself (part of that could be the vision, but not all).

My friend (one living closest to me, knew each other in elementary/high school) goes on a cruise with her family every year. They also go camping up in the Poconos. (Mother loves hiking; used to go with her, but didn't enjoy that much... probably due to balance issues.)

Reply #1036. Mar 13 18, 10:09 AM

player avatar
Friends, don't worry, I clearly see that Elle has issues, I just didn't think it was right to keep quiet while I was being accused of bullying in a public forum, that's all. Not everyone who reads one comment has read them all, and I couldn't just ignore being publicly accused of something I hadn't done. I have worked through plenty of my own problems and still have plenty more, and don't think it's an excuse to treat other people badly. By her own admission, Elle has no 'real life' friends or family around her, and if no-one ever calls her out when she is acting disgracefully, and instead just leaves quietly, she'll end up with no support network at all, and nobody wants that. Her being mad at me I can handle (my very large husband is autistic and occasionally throws a tantrum, and I still love him afterwards), but her trying to make other people mad at me I won't tolerate. She can message me privately if she wants to vent, not yell untruths at me in front of everyone.
I know you're upset because she left your blog, and I'm happy to step aside so she can come back if you like, I promise I won't be offended.

Reply #1037. Mar 13 18, 10:53 AM
terraorca star

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In reference to post 1030, it was not aimed at you Jo. It was a transfer from a different thread, if I may speak for Elle, because she's not here to defend herself.

Thank you,

Reply #1038. Mar 13 18, 10:57 AM

player avatar
Wow, Kev, you've been to so many amazing places! My travels are done, and I never had that many adventures abroad, but I'm glad to have the few memories I did make.
Your head must be stuffed to bursting with all those glorious memories! Like a treasure chest that you can look through whenever you like, admiring all the priceless, shiny booty inside one piece at a time :-)
You should write them all down, you could get a book out if it. 'People and Places in the Journeys of A Metalhead Clown'.

Reply #1039. Mar 13 18, 11:05 AM

player avatar
It was definitely aimed at me, she had already said the same words to me directly on the other thread, but because none of you responded, she moved it here to make sure you all saw it.
Just because she's not posting doesn't mean she's not here, either.

Reply #1040. Mar 13 18, 11:18 AM

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