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Subject: BINGO!

Posted by: kyleisalive
Date: Mar 28 24

We've heard the requests and we agree! Single questions need some attention! In addition to the refresh of the Lounge single question games, we have some new fun on tap, and for this you'll need to pull up a seat, grab a card, and play!

We're rolling out the numbers on AUTHOR BINGO today! Accessible from your Author Central page, this new game is single question-centric. You'll get a card of twenty-five topics and the goal is to create lines or whole cards based on the prompts. You simply need to click the suggested word or phrase and proceed from there, making a question with that key item in the question itself or the correct answer. Each card is a new set; no two cards are the same!

And naturally, there are badges for this one. Of course. ;)

131 replies. On page 2 of 7 pages. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
zorba_scank star
Great new addition to all the recent challenges and badges. Also thanks to the editors for clearing the queues so quickly.

Reply #21. Mar 29 24, 6:06 PM
misstified star

player avatar
Thanks Kyle and LadyNym

Reply #22. Mar 29 24, 6:47 PM
dim_dude star

player avatar
Honestly my favorite new addition to the site

Awesome idea

Reply #23. Mar 30 24, 1:15 AM
Hooray, a new game!!!

Thanks all. ;)

Reply #24. Mar 30 24, 11:52 AM

player avatar
It looks like the game is going really well! I am so happy to see a lot members filling out those bingo cards!

Remember that each bingo word itself doesn't necessarily need to be the focus of the question, just be present in the question or answer. Your bingo word could be part of a movie or book title, for example. If you are staring at your bingo card and coming up with a blank on some of the terms, perhaps the other Lounge single question games can help give you some inspiration. Here are some links:

- 20 Questions: link

- Wiki Chain: link

- Project Codeword: link

- Defuse the Bomb: link

- Take a Penny, Leave a Penny: link

Reply #25. Mar 30 24, 7:08 PM

player avatar
I've written more single questions in the last couple of days than I had all year! It's safe to say I like the Bingo game a lot!

Reply #26. Mar 30 24, 7:13 PM
misstified star

player avatar
Writing these questions is certainly educational for me. Yesterday I learnt about eukaryotic organisms and today it's been contract killers.

Reply #27. Mar 30 24, 7:16 PM

player avatar
Lol! What I'm finding is that I'm digging into topics that inadvertently also touch on other words in the same bingo card. I actually have both 'nacho' and 'salsa' on mine, and I just wrote about 'finance' while I have 'wall' further along...even though I wrote about Wall Street.

There's some fun coincidence in here. I've seen the lists and I know it's pulling at random. :D

Like Liz, I've written a lot of single questions this past few days, and I haven't written any since the Grill (which burnt me right out).

Reply #28. Mar 30 24, 8:12 PM
zorba_scank star
Has the 5 question cap on single question submissions been taken out? I have written any in ages and just realised the system is allowing me to continue to submit beyond 5.

Reply #29. Mar 30 24, 9:27 PM
Lord_Digby star

player avatar
If you play for three lines, can you have the top line and the bottom line and one going down? Would this count as a three-line?

Reply #30. Mar 31 24, 3:30 AM

player avatar
Zorba, I do believe the cap was removed some time ago to encourage more prolific authors to keep writing. There may be a cap for some authors who have proven to not proofread well, though I'm not 100% on that.

Lord_Digby, that should count as three lines, considering a whole card is 12.

Reply #31. Mar 31 24, 4:34 AM
zorba_scank star
Thanks, Trident.

Reply #32. Mar 31 24, 5:01 AM
Lord_Digby star

player avatar
Thanks, Trident. Now going for three lines!

Reply #33. Mar 31 24, 6:15 AM

player avatar
Having intersecting lines is a great way to get more credits per question. If you do a single line or several parallels, you need five questions per line.

If you do a horizontal, a vertical and a diagonal, you can get three lines out of 12 questions, so you're now getting one line per four.

A full card is 12 lines for 25 questions - just a little more than 2 questions per line.

Of course those last words will likely be the ones that are hardest for you - so it evens out a bit!

Reply #34. Mar 31 24, 10:58 AM
KayceeKool star

player avatar
Kudus to Terry, Trident and Wes for this addition. It is addictive and has made single question writing a whole lot of fun. Thank you, guys :)

Reply #35. Mar 31 24, 11:14 AM

player avatar
I would like to remind authors, though, that submitting essentially the same question, with just the pertinent word changed, all at once, are unlikely to be accepted. As a slightly absurd example, and using Kyle's words mentioned above, if "What is salsa?" "What are nachos?" "What is finance?" and "What is a wall?" were all submitted at the same time, they would not all be accepted.

Reply #36. Mar 31 24, 1:53 PM

player avatar
On a purely subjective side, if I were to encounter questions like those in the New Question Game or if they were unvarying in a regular quiz, I'd probably rate them quite low. There's definitely a place for "Who sang this?" and the like, but a lack of build to the question really makes it quite tedious.

Reply #37. Mar 31 24, 2:00 PM

player avatar
Spread them out a bit, at least.

Reply #38. Mar 31 24, 2:06 PM

player avatar
On a more positive note, most of the questions I've seen so far have been very high quality!

Reply #39. Mar 31 24, 2:07 PM

player avatar
Re: "Spread them out a bit, at least."

I can very much agree with this. We don't have control over the algorithm that selects these questions for play in the NQG, so often they'll come out in bunches that are spread between sets in a given week or two, so when the repetitive ones do show up, avid players are seeing the same sort of thing over and over again despite an expectation of variety. That's exactly the type of thing that leads to a rating crash; players are looking to the game for 'new and fresh'. :)

Reply #40. Mar 31 24, 2:28 PM

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