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Gateway to the World

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Prestige reward: 5 prestige

The Challenge:

 We're in this together... the virus is out there and we can't go out without endangering ourselves and others. But that doesn't mean we can't see beautiful things and share experiences... we just have to do it another way.

And that's where you come in. Head to the Author Lounge, specifically this thread and share an event or a destination with your fellow quizzers - then once your quiz is online, post a link in that thread.

All contributors will receive the Gateway to the World as their personal entry point to this series. And, just to make that gateway actually functional, the finish text to the badgelet will contain a handy reference list of all those destinations for you to visit from the comfort of your own home!

This badge was available only as a temporary special treat during the COVID-19 Pandemic until the end of 2020. Stay tuned for new time-limited challenges coming to a FunTrivia near you!


 Awarded to any author who contributed at least one quiz for the "virtual events" authoring challenge during the Coronavirus 'Stay at Home' period.

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