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On the Mend

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Prestige reward: 8 prestige

The Challenge:

 So you want to heal the world? That's great to hear! In fact, there are at least 66 ways to do so and you can probably come up with many more. One way you can't choose, however, is to take part in the Heal the World authoring challenge. We would love you to take part in it, but it was a limited edition for 2021. But - you could play the quizzes that were authored for it and get not merely a badgelet but a full badge.

You can find the quizzes that were authored for the challenge right here. Just go through the submissions while you enjoy the discussions and ideas that were realized in that difficult year. You need to play only 55 out of the qualifying entries - so don't worry too much if you overlook one. You do, however, need to play them in a 60-day window. We don't have that much time to heal the world, after all!


 Locate and play 55 of 66 quizzes in our special Heal the World Scavenger Hunt.

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