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Weird Words (5) Crossword Puzzle

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Every now and again, the Word Wizard in FunTrivia's eponymous game surprises when strange or obscure words are accepted. Recently, FT member Rumpo successfully submitted 1A, while about the same time, player pehinhota produced 29A. There are three anagrams. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. UH, UNICODE characterising creature with reduced sexual features (anag., 9)
      7. Once-a-year gathering for a company or organisation (init., 3)
      8. Bolt's partner (3)
      10. Blue-headed lizard (5)
      11. Symbol of authority (5)
      12. It's a gift (3)
      13. Speculate (5)
      15. Long (for) (5)
      17. Informal language (5)
      20. Cultural values (5)
      22. Pirate's potable (3)
      23. Wagner work (5)
      25. Chemist with a gas law (5)
      27. Driver's license datum (init., 3)
      28. Anonymous John (3)
      29. Somehow, OTTO DAMNS Ice Age elephant with different teeth from mammoths (anag., alt., 9)


      1. Bird-to-be (3)
      2. Savoury sensation (5)
      3. Meter reading (5)
      4. It takes up time when taken up (5)
      5. Pakistan neighbour (5)
      6. Used a spade (3)
      7. SO, ANDORRA hides biblical plant with yellow flowers (anag., 5'1,3)
      9. Volunteer State (9)
      14. Palindromic Bobbsey twin (3)
      16. Break bread (3)
      18. Amorphous creature (U.S. spelling, 5)
      19. Bestow (5)
      20. Plant firmly (5)
      21. Prolific Mozart contemporary (5)
      24. Little dog, for short (abbr., 3)
      26. Auction offering (3)