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Trigraphs: THR Crossword Puzzle

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A "trigraph" is a group of three letters representing one sound. An authors' lounge challenge asked for either a small puzzle with 10 words containing the same trigraph, or a medium puzzle with 15. This crossword has some rather obscure words, so a few of the clues are quite generous. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Frugality
      5. Piece of mail
      9. In the past
      11. Give hope to
      12. Jostle, push or squeeze into a place. Rhymes with "crutch" which may help with this action
      13. A state of matter
      15. As originally positioned (Lat., 2,4)
      17. Turn abruptly
      18. Formal speech
      19. "Comin' ____ the Rye" (Robbie Burns)
      22. Charity
      24. Invests with power
      25. Its symbol is Pb
      27. Unwanted e-mail
      30. Demonstrate
      32. Coypu
      33. Totally confused
      34. Mad cow disease (init.)
      36. Gold or silver Anglo-Saxon coin (var. of "Thrymsa")
      37. Soft silvery metallic element, atomic number 69, formula Tm
      38. Triumphed
      39. Resembling a nerve cell or fibre
      40. Pulsating


      2. Sounding more husky
      3. Completely (Lat., 2,4)
      4. Sharp taste
      5. Plenty
      6. Bad-tempered (Scot.); rhymes with "brawn", not a good combination in an ill-tempered person
      7. Captivate
      8. Obsolete form of "thirst", rhyming with "wrist" (may be used in slaking a thirst)
      10. Triplets
      14. Joint inflammation
      16. Urinary duct
      17. At the earliest opportunity
      20. Shade
      21. British lexicon (abbr.)
      22. Biblical beast
      23. CEO's degree (abbr.)
      25. Duration
      26. Highly infectious disease caused by "Bacillus anthracis"
      28. Condition
      29. Half notes
      30. Coal miner or shorthand inventor
      31. Songbird
      34. Cry like a baby
      35. European erupter