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Compounding the Problem Crossword Puzzle

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The challenge: construct a small crossword with 14 compound words, each of which is six letters or more in length. It's not easy deciding exactly what constitutes a compound word, but this puzzle does have plenty of them. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Relatives by marriage (2-4)
      4. Partiality (4)
      6. Like some patches or transfers (4-2)
      7. TV programming schedule (6)
      8. Equestrian sport testing both horse and rider (11, 4,7 or 4-7)
      11. Like some servants (4,2)
      13. Ancient (3-3)
      14. Deep in thought (4)
      15. Night flight (6)


      1. Object of worship (4)
      2. Simple shelter (4-2)
      3. Person or business constructing water vessels (11)
      4. Explode (6, 4-2 or 4,2)
      5. Partial rainbow (6 or 3,3)
      8. Coastal breeze (3,3)
      9. Quirky (3-3)
      10. Alpine climber's tool (3,3)
      12. Observe (4)