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Compound It Crossword Puzzle

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We have tried to put as many compound words into this puzzle as possible. There are 13 in total (unlucky for some) and we have identified them for you. We also managed to throw in a couple of two word answers as well. Apart from that, there is no theme. Best of luck.
Author: JAM6430 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Ag-coated cutlery (Compound 6,4)
      6. Shaka
      9. Person from Spain
      10. Porridge (Compound 3,4)
      12. Group discussion to solve problems (Compound 5,8)
      14. Item not developing in an outward way (Compound 2,6)
      15. Hushed
      17. Repeated regularly
      19. Protestant denomination
      21. After daylight learning institution (Two words 7,6)
      24. Baseball segments
      25. Straightforward
      26. World's fair, for short
      27. Periodical bulletin


      1. Wise man; or herb
      2. Beetle, commonly red with black spots
      3. Place item outside another (Compound 5,8)
      4. Type of fastener - Plural (Compound 4,4)
      5. Chicken perch
      7. Womblike
      8. Technique to showcase
      11. Ankara beverage (Two words 7,6)
      13. Round pattern (Compound 6,4)
      16. Turning point
      18. Batting fourth
      20. Public introduction of a new product
      22. Wren's Beau
      23. Mix