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Jumble Mayhem Crossword Puzzle

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This crossword is just a "Jumble". It contains a mix of easy and harder words. I would like to thank my team mates from Phoenix Rising, for help in putting it together. I hope you enjoy it.
Author: JAM6430 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Canadian province (abbr.)
      5. Japanese sash/belt (3)
      7. Greek Goddess of Cures (4)
      9. Zero,Not any (4)
      11. Camping Shelter (4)
      12. Meat ____ Pizza (6)
      13. Cold as ____ (3)
      14. Person who can not hear (4)
      15. Paper towel____(4)
      17. A vampire has them (5)
      18. Depression in a surface (4)
      20. "____ in a Bottle" (4)
      22. Originally called (3)
      23. Water source from the ground (6)
      26. To make money (4)
      28. Brewing, another word for beer (archaic) (4)
      29. A killer whale (4)
      30. High European mountain (3)
      31. Freud's Super _____ (3)


      2. Your brother's or sister's Daughter (5)
      3. Browned skin for sun exposure (3)
      4. A card game(ie:Draw Two) (3)
      5. First number (3)
      6. Pale green gemstone (5)
      8. Freshwater diving duck (9)
      10. Losing traction in the rear end on a vehicle (9)
      12. Pisa's Tower (7)
      14. Your father (3)
      16. To rest in bed (3)
      19. Drive out by force (5)
      21. Scottish name for a Loch Monster (5)
      24. Music genre (3)
      25. Main character in "The "Matrix" (3)
      27. Highest playing card (3)