Chippy has been a FunTrivia author since Jun 10 01 and has written 16 quizzes.
Chippy strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Movies, and
has earned 2,171 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
This will be an easy quiz about the final episode of 'Frasier.' In the US, it aired May 13, 2004. Note: This is about the actual episode only, NOT the clip show that preceeded it when it originally aired.
I will take the names of popular soap operas and put them in other words, you tell me the actual name of the shows. Pay attention to how many words the hint says correct answer is. Good luck! Let me know what you think!
This is my first quiz ever to make. I hope you enjoy it! Ferris is one of my all time favorite movies! Some will be multiple choice, some fill in the blank. Enjoy!
This is one of my very favorite movies. I've seen it about a million times. Congratulations to the only ones to have a perfect score! Let me know what you think of my quiz.
I didn't see any other quizzes dedicated to Taylor, so I decided to make one. I hope you enjoy and learn from it. Info for questions 1-8 comes from unless otherwise noted. Sources for 9-10 will be noted in the interesting info field.