Hawkeye's gal has been a FunTrivia author since Dec 28 02 and has written 13 quizzes.
has earned 1,799 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Bio: I mostly enjoy MASH and Charmed quizzes, but I'm game to give anything a try, especially numbers, or really old music!! Let me know if there's a quiz you'd like me to try.
Margaret was in and out of love like a yo-yo, Hawkeye was the constant bachelor, Trapper and Henry were 'technically' married, even BJ fell off the wagon once, how much do you know about the characters' lovelives and romantic interests?
I'm focusing each quiz on one specific song from "Bat Out Of Hell"! Along with lyrics from the song, there'll be general questions about the album itself. The first quiz is on the title song "Bat Out Of Hell".
How much do you know about the actors behind the characters? If I say "During the series..." I mean during the run of "M*A*S*H" unless otherwise stated.
Well, I was tired of having done all the Evanescence quizzes, and I figured you would be too! Lyrics and other questions from the album "Fallen" as a warm up.
The lyrics I provide are far more general, but I will ensure that they don't appear in any other songs. Just pick the right song from the 3,4 or 5 word snippets I give.