LUCA_BRASI has been a FunTrivia author since Apr 29 09 and has written 15 quizzes.
LUCA_BRASI strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Humanities, and
General Knowledge.
has earned 519 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Are you ready for Part 10? This quiz will be the last 10 questions of a total of 100
questions on institutions of higher learning. I wonder how many foolish people out there
will attempt all 100 questions. For those of you that do, I salute you.
Are you ready for Part 6? Identify the college or university by the association. As always,
I apologize for the overweighting given to U.S. colleges and universities.
Are you ready for Part 7? Identify the college or university by the association. As always,
I apologize for the overweighting given to U.S. colleges and universities.
Are you ready for Part 8? Identify the college or university by the association. As always,
I apologize for the overweighting given to U.S. colleges and universities.
Are you ready for Part 5? Identify the college or university by the association. As always,
I apologize for the overweighting given to U.S. colleges and universities.
Are you ready for Part 11? Apparently, it ain't over till it's over. I make the usual
apology about the over-weighting given to U.S. colleges and universities.
Are you ready for Part 9? Identify the college or university by the association. As always,
I apologize for the overweighting given to U.S. colleges and universities.