Author Biography: Yaarbiriah
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Yaarbiriah has been a FunTrivia author since
May 08 03 and has written
3 quizzes.
- has earned 197 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
- last seen online Dec 09 24, and most recent quiz went online Sep 23 07.
Bio: Hi:)
My avatar picture is of myself in Wadi Qelt, a watercourse which winds down from Jerusalem at about 700 m above sea level down to Jericho at about 300 m below sea level- over twelve miles of twists and turns, desert above, but down in the canyon, a paradise of giant reeds and other vegetation and a wide variety of wildlife. is a fantastic site for learning, and brushing up on my fields of interest. I enjoy the challenges but I'm here for knowledge for its own sake. Favourite subjects: natural sciences esp. birds as well as languages and assorted humanities.
Hobbies: Bird & other Nature Observation, Photography, Internet interaction, Writing.