k9999 has been a FunTrivia author since Feb 07 06 and has written 33 quizzes.
k9999 strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Video Games,
Television, and
has earned 2,579 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Hobbies: Studying, watching, and analyzing films, video games, learning about new ideas and cultures
A ten question quiz on lines from "Seinfeld". These quotes were said by minor characters on the show (either appearing for every season or a few seasons). Can you figure out who said the line? Have fun.
Ten questions on lines from "Seinfeld". These lines were said by hilarious characters appearing for only one or more episodes. Can you guess who said it? Have fun.
A ten question quiz on clothing in "Seinfeld". There have been numerous episodes that have made fun, or discussed, uniforms, accessories, or just daily clothing. Have fun.
A ten question quiz on occupations taken by "Seinfeld" characters. Some characters held jobs for more than others while other characters seemed to be fired every other show. Have fun.
Another ten question quiz on great quotes from the episodes of "Seinfeld". Try and guess which "Seinfeld" main character said the line. Was it Jerry, George, Kramer, or Elaine? Have fun.
A ten question quiz on the "Seinfeld" episode, "The Voice", season nine. Kramer gets an intern, George trys to keep his job, Elaine tries to stay "Puddy-free", and Jerry is forced to choose between his girlfriend and the voice. Have fun.
A quiz on the "Seinfeld" episode, "The Rye". George's parents take back their marble rye from Susan's parents over a dinner party argument. Ten questions, have fun.
Hello again! Time for another round of characters from the "Resident Evil" franchise. Can you name each character by just their background story? Ten questions, have fun!
For all you "Resident Evil" fans, let's see if you know ALL your characters well! I'll summarize a person's history and you tell me who that person is. Ten questions, have fun!
Ten questions on lines from "Seinfeld". Some episodes had funny catch phrases used over and over again. However, some characters did not say these phrases. Can you guess which one person out of the four did NOT say the phrase?
A quiz on Jin Kazama, one of the main characters for the "Tekken" series (Playstation 1 and 2), and has since been kicking butt on our TV screens. Ten questions, have fun!
Work that brain on a 10 question quiz about the unforgettable animated films by Studio Ghibli. I'll give you plots from the movie and you guess the title of the movie. Have fun!
Another quiz on the Playstation 2 video game "Guitar Hero 1". I'll give you the lyrics to a song featured in "Guitar Hero 1" (either from the set list or the bonus track list) and you guess the name of the song.
A quiz on the Playstation 2 game, "Guitar Hero 1". I'll give you the lyrics of some of the tracks and you guess which song it is. Ten questions, have fun!
A quiz on the costumes of "Resident Evil 1" for the Nintendo Gamecube. Can you figure out where the costume came from or what it looked like? Let's find out!
A ten question quiz on the mini-game "The Mercenaries" in "Resident Evil 4" for the Gamecube. Do you know this mini-game well? Let's find out! Have fun!
A quiz on Stephen Chow's 1996 film, "God of Cookery"! A famous celebrity chef is ousted by his competitors and must start from the bottom to become "God of Cookery" once again! Have fun and good luck!
A quiz about the "Mann vs. Machine" mode for "Team Fortress 2" on the PC! Test your wit with ten questions about the basics of this new mode for "Team Fortress 2". As always, have fun!
Hello there. This is a quiz on part two of the number one national bestseller. We continue with David Sedaris' events in his interesting life. Fifteen questions, have fun!
Exercise that noggin by taking a quiz on part one of the number one national best seller. David Sedaris talks about events he encountered full of comedy, joy, and bloodshed....ok, maybe not bloodshed.
15 questions, have fun!