vhallewell has been a FunTrivia author since Dec 27 03 and has written 13 quizzes.
vhallewell strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
General Knowledge, and
For Children.
has earned 1,090 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
This quiz deals with questions from series 2 of "Only Fools and Horses". This quiz may be quite difficult as much of it deals with things that are said or done that are not made a big thing out of in the episodes.
These questions are based on children's tv programmes, mainly from the 1980s although some are from later. It is a fairly easy quiz, but I hope you still enjoy the nostalgia!
"A Touch Of Frost" stars David Jason, one of my most favourite actors. Although most questions are related to the show, there is also one relating to the books. Hope you enjoy the quiz.
This quiz deals with questions from series 1 of "Only Fools and Horses". This quiz may be quite difficult as much of it deals with things that are said or done that are not made a big thing out of in the episodes.
This quiz deals with questions from series 4 of "Only Fools and Horses". This quiz may be quite difficult as much of it deals with things that are said or done that are not made a big thing out of in the episodes.
This quiz deals with questions from series five of "Only Fools and Horses". This quiz may be quite difficult as much of it deals with things that are said or done that are not made a big thing out of in the episodes.
This quiz deals with questions from series 3 of "Only Fools and Horses". This quiz may be quite difficult as much of it deals with things that are said or done that are not made a big thing out of in the episodes.
This quiz will be difficult if you do not have a current interest in ghosts. I researched a lot of these questions on www.mysterymag.com under '101 British Ghosts and Hauntings'.