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Dr. Strangelove Movie Trivia Quizzes

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3 Dr. Strangelove quizzes and 30 Dr. Strangelove trivia questions.
  The Ultimate Dr. Strangelove Quiz   great trivia quiz  
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One of the funniest movies to ever hit the silver screen, "Dr. Strangelove" showcased comedic talent while tackling the looming specter of The Bomb. Have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, cag1970, Mar 03 21
Mar 03 21
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  10 Questions about Dr. Strangelove   popular trivia quiz  
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This dark comedy is one of my favorite all time movies. Let's just hope it never comes true...
Average, 10 Qns, andymuenz, Nov 02 14
andymuenz gold member
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  Dr. Strangelove Quiz for Experts    
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A masterpiece from Stanley Kubrick it was ranked 3rd funniest movie of all time by AFI (American Film Institute), and 26th overall in AFI's greatest movies of all time. This quiz is for people who can't stop quoting, and watching this great movie.
Average, 10 Qns, natsirt, Mar 03 21
Mar 03 21
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Along with Stanley Kubrick who also helped write the screenplay for 'Dr. Strangelove'?

From Quiz "Dr. Strangelove"

Dr. Strangelove Trivia Questions

1. The full name of the movie "Dr. Strangelove" includes a subtitle. What is the subtitle?

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Dr. Strangelove

Answer: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

The subtitle appears in the opening credits of the movie. Before I first saw the movie, I saw the preview which included several readings of the subtitle with an emphasis on the phrase "Love the Bomb". Does the movie make the case for loving the bomb? You be the judge.

2. "Dr. Strangelove: Or, How I Stopped Worrying And Learned To Love The Bomb" was based on the novel "Red Alert", written by which author?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: Peter George

A former officer in the Royal Air Force, George was concerned that the United States and the Soviet Union would face each other down in nuclear conflict. Along with American satirist Terry Southern, he based the black-comedy screenplay on his deadly serious novel.

3. How many roles did Peter Sellers play?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: 3

Originally Peter Sellers was cast in 4 roles, but only played 3 (Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake, President Merkin Muffley, Dr. Strangelove) when he faced problems in trying to develop a Texas accent for Major T. J. 'King' Kong.

4. Which actor played three roles in the movie including the title role?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: Peter Sellers

In addition to the title character, Peter Sellers played Group Captain Lionel Mandrake and President Muffley. This wasn't the first time he played three roles in a movie. Five years earlier he played three roles in "The Mouse That Roared", another classic but unusual movie. James Earl Jones' role as the bombardier was his first credited role in a motion picture.

5. Which major studio produced "Dr. Strangelove"?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: Columbia Pictures

Though Columbia has its name all over "Dr. Strangelove", the movie was acutally filmed at Shepperton Studios outside London, England. The late Peter Sellers was going through a divorce at the time of shooting and was unable to leave the country.

6. 'You can't fight in here, this is the ___ ____!'

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: War Room

This quote is from President Merkin Muffley directed towards General 'Buck' Turgidson, and Ambassador de Sadesky.

7. In addition to the actor who played the title role, which other actor is listed as a star in the credits?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: George C. Scott

Scott's role as General Buck Turgidson may have been his first military role but certainly not his last, as he is best known for his role as the title character in the movie "Patton". In the war room in "Dr. Strangelove", he is in favor of a full scale attack on the Russians before they can strike back.

8. Who directed "Dr. Strangelove"?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: Stanley Kubrick

All the directors here left their mark on the motion picture industry. "Dr. Stranglove" happened to be one of the many gems left by the late Stanley Kubrick, whose own fear of nuclear war led him to work on this movie.

9. Dr. Strangelove is based on which novel?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: Two Hours to Doom

Based on Peter George's 'Two Hours to Doom', also known as 'Red Alert', and originally conceived as a tense thriller about the possibility of accidental war. But, Stanley Kubrick while working on the script realized that many scenes he had written were actually quite funny.

10. What is the unusual name of the general who starts all the trouble?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: Jack D. Ripper

Sterling Hayden, who later went on to play Captain McCluskey in "The Godfather", plays General Ripper who decides on his on accord to send the planes at his command on an atomic bomb mission to targets inside Russia. He has the authority to counterattack in cases where the country's leaders in Washington have been incapacitated by a sneak attack, but he aims for a pre-emptive first strike. Unfortunately, he is also the only one who knows the code to recall the attack. As General Turgidson states in the first war room scene, "It's beginning to look like General Ripper has exceeded his authority."

11. The opening sequence of the movie depicts which specific military activity?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: Midair refueling

Establishing a sexual overtone to the movie, the opening sequence shows the refueling boom of a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker making contact with a Boeing B-52 Stratofortress. The two aircraft stay mated until the end of the opening credits.

12. Major T. J. 'King' Kong's comment about the survival kit ('a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff') originally referred to what city?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: Dallas

Originally referred to Dallas instead of Las Vegas, but was overdubbed after President Kennedy's assassination in Dallas.

13. During the scenes inside the cockpit of the plane, music derived from which song can frequently be heard in the background?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: When Johnny Comes Marching Home

"When Johnny Comes Marching Home" is used it stir patriotism during the scenes where the B-52 is involved in the attack. It can also be thought of as the longing for home the airmen must be feeling during this time.

14. What is the name of the fictional American air force base from which the B-52 bombers are dispatched to attack the Soviet Union?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: Burpleson Air Force Base

During the scenes in which base commander General Jack D. Ripper (Sterling Hayden) and Group Captain Lionel Mandrake (Sellers) fight off army troops, a large aerial photo of what is supposed to be the air base is shown on the wall. That photo is actually of Heathrow Airport in London. Barksdale (Boosier City, LA), Beale (Yuba County, CA) and Brooks (San Antoino, TX) are all real US Air Force bases.

15. General Turgidson (George C. Scott) was not scripted to do what in the War Room when he gets excited (but did anyway)?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: Fall

When George C. Scott fell over in the War Room, it wasn't in the script, but Stanley Kubrick decided it was in character, and left it in.

16. Who was originally tabbed to play the role of the B-52 bomber commander, Major T.J. "King" Kong?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: Peter Sellers

Had Peter Sellers not suffered a broken leg during filming, he would have wound up playing four roles in "Dr. Strangelove". As it was, though, he relinquished the role to Slim Pickens. Kubrick remembered Pickens from his work in another movie and brought him onboard to play Kong.

17. Which German word means Strangelove?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: Merkwurdigliebe

When Strangelove is talking about the doomsday device, Turgidson says, 'Strangelove. What is that, German?' The reply he receives is 'He changed his {name;} it was originally Merkwurdigliebe' -- which means Strangelove in German.

18. What is the name of the device that will destroy all human and animal life if Russia is attacked by a nuclear weapon?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: Doomsday Machine

The Doomsday Machine was supposed to deter a nuclear attack by creating a completely hopeless situation for the attacker. Unfortunately, while the device has already been activated, it has not yet been publicized which takes away its effectiveness as a deterrent. (It was going to be announced to the world the following Monday.) It can't be turned off which means that if the nuclear strike works, the population of Earth will be wiped out.

19. 'Gee, I wish we had one of them ________ machines.'

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: doomsday

Although wrong, slurpee machine would have been funnier. Maybe. This wish is expressed by Gen. 'Buck' Turgidson after the President and the Russian Ambassador have been discussing why the Russians developed their own doomsday machine.

20. When Mandrake has the colonel get him change for a phone call to the president, who does the colonel tell him he will have to answer to if he doesn't get the president on the phone?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: The Coca-Cola Company

Mandrake needs to talk to the president in order to tell him the recall code which he believes he knows. The only working phone they can find is a pay phone but Mandrake doesn't have enough change to make the call. When he spots a nearby Coca-Cola vending machine and tells the colonel to shoot off the lock, the colonel warns him that the machine is private property and that if he doesn't get the president on the phone he'll have to answer to the Coca-Cola company.

21. Kubrick intended to end 'Dr. Strangelove' with what type of fight between the Americans and Russians?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: custard pie

The custard pie scene was shot but Kubrick changed his mind on it because it was too farcical to fit in with the satirical nature of the rest of the film. Another reason for the cut might have been when President Muffley took a pie in the face and fell down, prompting Gen. Turgidson to cry, 'Gentlemen! Our gallant young president has just been struck down in his prime!' Written before J.F.K's assassination this line showed eerie similiarity to it, and the scene would have been cut anyway, or at least this line in particular.

22. What is the recall code?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: OPE

OPE is an anagram of the first letters of "Purity of Essence", three words that General Ripper used in the communist conspiracy theories he proposes to Mandrake. They are also an anagram of the initials of "Peace on Earth" which Ripper doesn't actually say in the film but which Mandrake writes down while trying to figure out the code. By limiting the code to three letters, that means that there are only six codes to try rather than over 17,000 combinations of all 26 letters.

23. What target does Major Kong's crew ultimately destroy?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: A missile complex

In one of the most famous scenes in motion picture history, Major Kong finds himself free-falling atop a multi-megaton hydrogen bomb destined to destroy a Soviet ICBM base. The crew, low on fuel and in desperate need of ditching, choose the first available target of opportunity to destroy. This act prompts the Soviet ambassador (Peter Bull) to set off the powerful Doomsday Device.

24. Along with Stanley Kubrick who also helped write the screenplay for 'Dr. Strangelove'?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: Terry Southern

Often the forgotten writer of 'Dr. Strangelove', Terry Southern is the person who gave us General Ripper's fixation with bodily fluids and Colonel 'Bat' Guano's certainty that Mandrake was a pervert of some sort.

25. Why does the B-52 that we see in the movie not turn around when the recall code is issued?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: It did not receive the code because its communication system had been destroyed.

Prior to the recall code being issued, the plane is able to evade a missile and only take a partial hit. The hit knocks out their communication system so they are unable to receive the recall command. They also lose enough fuel so that they are unable to reach their primary or secondary target. This means they aim for a different target than anyone expects and since they are flying below radar, the Russians are unable to intercept them. If you want to see how they actually drop their payload and how the movie ends, you'll just need to watch it.

26. How was "Dr. Strangelove" originally supposed to end?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: With a pie fight in the War Room

The classic ending of "Dr. Strangelove"--the atomic-bomb montage with Vera Lynn singing "We'll Meet Again" in the background--almost wound up being a custard-pie free-for-all. The pie-fight scene was indeed shot and made quite a mess of the War Room set, but Stanley Kubrick ultimately decided it was just too silly. All this after President Merkin Muffley (Sellers) admonishes the Soviet ambassador (Bull) and General Buck Turgidson (George C. Scott) with the classic quote, "You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!", earlier in the picture.

27. Who played gung-ho hick pilot Major T. J. 'King' Kong?

From Quiz Dr. Strangelove

Answer: Slim Pickens

After Peter Sellers turned down the role because he couldn't develop a Texas accent Kubrick cast Slim Pickens. But, Pickens was never shown the script, nor told it was a black comedy ordered by Kubrick to play it straight, he played the role as if it were a serious drama - with amusing results.

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