11. According to Michael, what is the alternative outpost, designed to protect the inhabitants should all others fall?
From Quiz "The Morning After"
The Sanctuary
Michael Langdon finally introduces himself to the main inhabitants of Outpost Three, meeting in the library and having Ms. Venable step aside. He informs all that humanity is on the brink of failure and his arrival is crucial. Three other compounds in the United States have been overrun and destroyed and contact has been lost with the six international compounds operated by The Cooperative. The people inside have been massacred. There is, however, a failsafe known as The Sanctuary, and there, some of them will continue living, safe from all who may attack, so that humanity may survive. However, he has been sent to determine if any of them are worthy, and to do that he will spend several days conducting a line of questioning for each of them, referred to as 'cooperating', and that will help him decide. If they stay, he will give them a vial which, if ingested, will put them into a permanent sleep after one minute. Problem solved.