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Canadian Commercials Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Canadian Commercials Quizzes, Trivia

Canadian Commercials Trivia

Canadian Commercials Trivia Quizzes

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Get ready to take a nostalgic trip through the memorable world of Canadian TV commercials. This category will jog your memory with iconic jingles, unforgettable mascots, and classic catchphrases that have graced the airwaves from coast to coast.
3 Canadian Commercials quizzes and 31 Canadian Commercials trivia questions.
  Remember This 1970s "Smarties" Candy Jingle?    
Fun Fill-It
 11 Qns
How do you eat your "Smarties"? The "Smarties" in this case refer to the ones first produced in the UK not the US version.
Very Easy, 11 Qns, stephedm, Jan 22 24
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stephedm gold member
Jan 22 24
234 plays
  Molson's Beer Commercials   top quiz  
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 10 Qns
Molson's had some of the best and the funniest commercials on Canadian television that I've ever seen. Many were also very patriotic. To what extent have some of Molson's commercials lingered in your mind?
Average, 10 Qns, spiritseeker, Oct 05 07
757 plays
  Canadian Advertising Slogans   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Many American ad slogans cross the border, and Canadians are familiar with them. How many of these Canadian ads will Americans know?
Average, 10 Qns, agony, Oct 07 11
agony editor
2810 plays

Canadian Commercials Trivia Questions

1. One of the best Molson's commercials aired during the NHL lock-out of the 2004/2005 hockey season. What Culture Club hit song was sung during this commercial?

From Quiz
Molson's Beer Commercials

Answer: Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?

"Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?" was a #1 hit in the UK in October of 1982. It was #2 on Billboard Hot 100 singles chart in America in March of 1983, and it was a hit in many other countries, as well. The commercial shows different scenes of Canadians in their daily lives, such as watching television, in convenience stores, or drinking with friends in bars. They sang the words to the song, "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?" The commercial ended by showing the words, "Hockey, please come back. It's a Canadian game." I'm not a fan of either hockey or beer, but I found this commercial to be ingenious.

2. Which retail chain's Christmas slogan has been, for many years, "Give like Santa, save like Scrooge"?

From Quiz Canadian Advertising Slogans

Answer: Canadian Tire

The "Santa" and "Scrooge" characters now star in a whole series of Christmas ads.

3. When the NHL lockout of the 2004/2005 hockey season ended, what Irene Cara song was sung in Molson's follow-up commercial?

From Quiz Molson's Beer Commercials

Answer: Flashdance...What a Feeling

"Flashdance...What a Feeling" was from the 1983 movie entitled "Flashdance". "Flashdance...What a Feeling" went platinum in 1983, and in 1984 it won an Academy Award for Best Original Song, as well as a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song. On an interesting note, the word "Flashdance" isn't in the lyrics of the song. This commercial showed the same people in basically the same situations as in the commercial which aired during the lockout. This time, they were singing the words to "Flashdance...What a Feeling". The commercial ended by showing the words, "It starts here. Hockey's back. Molson Canadian...a huge fan and proud sponsor." Again, I found this commercial to be ingenious.

4. "It's pronounced ZED, not ZEE, ZED!" This line is from a very popular commercial for which product?

From Quiz Canadian Advertising Slogans

Answer: Beer

The "I AM Canadian" ad was a big hit for Molson's Canadian beer. "I believe in peacekeeping, not policing; diversity, not assimilation, and that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal!"

5. Possibly one of the most famous of Molson's commercials had a man named Joe giving his opinions on being Canadian. What line from this commercial became a recurring theme in subsequent Molson's commercials?

From Quiz Molson's Beer Commercials

Answer: I am Canadian.

This commercial was possibly Molson's most famous commercial. It shows a man named Joe giving his opinion of what it means to be Canadian. It ends with the words, "I am Canadian", which subsequently became used as an ending to many Molson's commercials.

6. In this long-running series of TV commercials, English people are shown using a product. When informed that it is only available in Canada, they murmur, "Only in Canada? Pity." What is the product?

From Quiz Canadian Advertising Slogans

Answer: tea & Red Rose tea

Red Rose Tea has been using variations on this commercial for many years, since I was a child.

7. This department store chain, formerly a giant in Canadian retailing, was started in Toronto in 1869 with the slogan, "Satisfaction Guaranteed or your Money Refunded".

From Quiz Canadian Advertising Slogans

Answer: Eaton's

Timothy Eaton started his original Toronto store with the then-novel concepts of cash-only sales, and a money-back guarantee. Eaton's began its mail-order division in the 1880's, and the Eaton's catalogue was an important part of life in isolated Canadian homes for most of the twentieth century. Now, however, the catalogue, like Eaton's itself, is no more.

8. "When you eat your (product name) do you eat the red ones last?" What product is being advertised here?

From Quiz Canadian Advertising Slogans

Answer: candy

"Do you suck them very slowly, or crunch them very fast? Eat that candy-coated chocolate, but tell me when I ask - when you eat your Smarties do you eat the red ones last?" Smarties candy (a candy-coated bit of chocolate similar to, but much better than, an M&M) is available in most of the world, but not the US. Actually, I think this ad ran in other parts of the English-speaking world as well, such as the UK and Australia.

9. What brand of beer "smiles along with you"?

From Quiz Canadian Advertising Slogans

Answer: Blue

"When you're smilin', say Labatt's Blue... Bluuuuuuue smiles along with you". Nobody ever said that beer ads had to make sense! This ad was from the seventies.

10. One Molson's commercial shows scenes of different aspects of life in Canada. What Bosson song with a catchy tune is sung during this commercial?

From Quiz Molson's Beer Commercials

Answer: I am Canadian

The commercial shows different aspects of Canadian life, from historical views of railroads being built, to present day scenes of life in the prairie provinces. It is a stirring commercial, especially when paired with the lyrics of Bosson's song, "I Am Canadian". I am including the song lyrics here. "I know this place is where I am, No other place is better then. No matter where I go I am, Proud to be Canadian! I am, you know I am, I am Canadian! I am, you know I am, I am Canadian! I love this country where I am, This land is where I make my stand. No other heart is truer then, The one we call Canadian, Canadian! Saying, I am, you know (you know I am), I am Canadian (you know I am) I am, you know I am (you know I am), I am Canadian. I AM CANADIAN!"

11. Canada Dry is the "_____________of ginger ales".

From Quiz Canadian Advertising Slogans

Answer: champagne

Canada Dry, is of course, available throughout the world, and this slogan should be pretty well-known, as it's printed on the bottle. Canada Dry ginger ale was invented in Toronto in 1907.

12. I'd like to go back to my very favourite Molson's commercial, featuring Joe giving his opinions on what it means to be Canadian. Let me know how much you paid attention to this commercial. Where was Joe when he gave his speech?

From Quiz Molson's Beer Commercials

Answer: standing on a stage

Joe's speech in this commercial has become known as the "Canadian Rant". This is one of my favourite Molson's commercials. I am including the words here. "Hey. I'm not a lumberjack, or a fur trader, and I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber, or own a dog sled, and I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, although I'm certain they're really, really nice. I have a Prime Minister, not a President. I speak English and French, not American, and I pronounce it 'about', not 'a boot'. I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack. I believe in peacekeeping, not policing; diversity, not assimilation; and that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal. A toque is a hat, a chesterfield is a couch, and it is pronounced zed: not zee - zed. Canada is the second largest land mass. The first nation of hockey. And the best part of North America. My name is Joe. And I am Canadian! ... Thank you."

13. Complete the slogan. "You've always got time for _________"

From Quiz Canadian Advertising Slogans

Answer: Tim Hortons

The Tim Horton's chain of doughnut shops started in 1964 (yes, owned by hockey star Tim Horton). Tim's is the ubiquitous Canadian restaurant, especially in the east. They merged with Wendy's hamburger chain in 1995, and at that time started to expand into the US.

14. What song by Sweet was featured in a 1988 Molson's Canadian commercial, which starts out showing a man doing dishes?

From Quiz Molson's Beer Commercials

Answer: Ballroom Blitz

"Ballroom Blitz" was released as a single by Sweet in 1973. The lyrics are often misheard to say "Barroom Blitz'. The commercial starts out showing men doing dishes and reading, while a voice-over states that "most Canadians are hard-working, mild-mannered people who enjoy quiet, intellectual activities". Then the commercial shows the men putting away their dish towels and books, and heading to a bar. The song starts out slowly at the beginning of the commercial, and then plays strongly at the end.

15. Kokanee beer uses this mythical (or is it?) creature in its ads.

From Quiz Canadian Advertising Slogans

Answer: Bigfoot

Apparently Sasquatches, like many Canadians, can't get by without their beer.

16. A funny commercial for Molson's Golden took place in a bar. A customer in the bar placed an order with a waiter, which caused the waiter to complain to the bartender. What did the customer want?

From Quiz Molson's Beer Commercials

Answer: half of a beer

This hilarious commercial had the waiter complaining to the bartender that some guy wanted only half of a beer, and the waiter was making fun of the order. Then the waiter turned around to find the customer standing behind him. The waiter thought quickly, turned to the bartender and said, "And this fine gentleman would like the other half". Turning to the customer, the waiter then asked him if he would prefer the top half or the bottom half.

17. When the Hudson's Bay Company celebrated an important anniversary in 1970, it used a logo which superimposed the year 1970 with the year of the company's founding. What year was that?

From Quiz Canadian Advertising Slogans

Answer: 1670

The fur-trading posts of the Hudson's Bay were one of the most important factors in the European settlement of the Canadian west. You can still walk into The Bay in any Canadian city, and buy furs or the distinctive striped blanket. You have to pay cash these days, though; the days of trading for beads and gunpowder are long gone.

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Last Updated Oct 26 2024 5:46 AM
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