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Subject: Tale of Two Kitties - and Me

Posted by: bionic4ever
Date: Oct 02 10

Well, this won't be filled with profound insights and I'm not as good at humor as I'd like to be, but I miss my old blog - and the opportunity to chat with YOU! I am. More to follow; just saying hi for now.

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Re Bubba: Well, then, you know that saying about being owned by one's cats is absolutely true!

He's gorgeous! Thanks for allowing me to match image with name.

Reply #21. Oct 04 10, 11:22 AM
bionic4ever star
Yes, 'tis a lovely thing to be owned by a cat!

I am home from the MRI's. Weird Al proved to be a great distraction. The technician said it was the first time she's ever had someone bring a Weird Al CD for their MRI music! What can I say? I like to be unique!

Reply #22. Oct 04 10, 2:44 PM

Jazmee27 star

player avatar
There's certainly something to be said for unique.

Reply #23. Oct 04 10, 2:59 PM
Deunan star

player avatar
Smart move, Beth, to take Al with you.

Thanks for letting us know you are ok.

Reply #24. Oct 04 10, 3:09 PM
I'm glad you could take music in with you. And what a choice! It doesn't get much classier than Weird Al. :)

Reply #25. Oct 04 10, 4:25 PM
bionic4ever star
Completely zonked out afterward! I ended up taking a 3-hour nap! It felt really good; sure hope I'm not up all night, though. Bubba probably wouldn't allow that. He gets the cat version of 'naggy' if I'm still up after midnight!

Reply #26. Oct 04 10, 6:22 PM

romeomikegolf star
Beth, glad you survived the scans. I know what they're like, I've has a couple in my time. I had to have one on my shoulder a couple of months ago. It wasn't going to be long enough to take a CD to listen to so I just had to put up with all the whirring and clanking noises. And sedation? Lucky you.That's one thing I've never been offered.

Reply #27. Oct 04 10, 10:18 PM
bionic4ever star
The Xanax didn't make me dopey or groggy, but I didn't panic, so I guess it did its job. Those machines are SO loud, aren't they? (I couldn't wear the music headphones for the spinal scan and it sounded like bombs going off and things crashing...even with earplugs and ear shields!)

Reply #28. Oct 04 10, 11:02 PM

Jazmee27 star

player avatar
Nice description-even with headphones, it sounded like I was inside a war zone when I had my last two or three!

Reply #29. Oct 05 10, 1:22 AM
bionic4ever star
Weird Al's strange rhythms and background music drowned it out better than Fleetwood Mac. But during the spinal portion, I was wondering if I'd come out of the tube deaf!

Such a pretty day outside! Makes me want to go and play on the swing in the backyard!

Reply #30. Oct 05 10, 8:33 AM

bionic4ever star
I shared my chicken with the cats tonight. As usual, Rocky didn't want any. He doesn't like chicken...or tuna...or turkey..or beef. I guess he is a vegetarian kitty. His favorite foods are shredded cheese, peanut butter and popcorn!

Reply #31. Oct 05 10, 7:16 PM

bionic4ever star
I am holding my breath tonight, waiting for an e-mail!

I've never been able to publish my Bionic Woman stories because the rights were tied up between the studio and the distributor and it looked like the problem would never be ironed out. Well....Bionic Woman Season 1 DVDs are available on October 19 - which means the rights have been settled!

I just sent an e-mail to Jaime's original creator and executive producer, asking who I should contact about possibly publishing my NaNoWriMo piece from last year.

Please cross your fingers and toes!

Reply #32. Oct 07 10, 8:04 PM

All crossed. Hope everything works out.

Reply #33. Oct 08 10, 5:18 AM
Good luck, Beth. Hope you get the right answer. Please send autograph.

Reply #34. Oct 08 10, 6:39 AM
Jazmee27 star

player avatar
Here's to good news!

Reply #35. Oct 08 10, 7:52 PM
bionic4ever star
I am feeling overwhelmed. Tomorrow morning, I am having an EMG. That's the one that I call The Electric Shock Torture Test. The one I had two years ago was the worst pain I've ever experienced! First, they send electric current into your muscles to test for various reactions. After that, they insert needles into the muscles and wiggle them around. The muscles typically are sore for several days afterward.

At least this time I have a new neuro, who seems to possess a sense of compassion - something the old neuro did not have. Hopefully, it will go smoother this time, but I am really scared.

Reply #36. Oct 14 10, 9:49 PM

I'd better not let the wife read that about the EMG Beth, she's having one next Tuesday. They think she has carpal tunnel syndrome.

Reply #37. Oct 15 10, 12:57 AM
Jazmee27 star

player avatar
I had one of those-it's the only test that didn't come back "normal," and all it told them was thatI have peripheral neuropathy. My favorite line from that period is "The results [of testing] do not match the symptoms." Oh, and let's not forget the word "inconclusive"!

Reply #38. Oct 15 10, 5:26 AM
postcards2go star

player avatar
The problem with the EMG is that they can't give you drugs. You have to be able to flex your muscles.

I was born with a neuromuscular disease, and had my first (and only) EMG when I was 12. I have flat out refused to have one since then, and that was decades ago. I have always described it as the ultimate torture machine, and will never have them do that to me again.

RMG, be there for your wife. She will need you.

Reply #39. Oct 15 10, 7:44 AM
I will be there. There's no way I would let her go through this on her own. Over the last few months she's been so supportive of me with my dislocated shoulder it's the very least I can do. It's only this last two weeks that I've been fit enough to get back behind the wheel and drive.

Reply #40. Oct 15 10, 9:34 AM

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