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Subject: Tale of Two Kitties - and Me

Posted by: bionic4ever
Date: Oct 02 10

Well, this won't be filled with profound insights and I'm not as good at humor as I'd like to be, but I miss my old blog - and the opportunity to chat with YOU! I am. More to follow; just saying hi for now.

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bionic4ever star
The photo was pulled down about 12 hours after it was posted. It's still available on the MIL's page, but at least she's no longer using it as her profile picture. My ulcers calmed down after a couple of days.

We had quite the ice storm here this past weekend! Rocky sang/yodeled for over two days straight. He must have slept sometime, but I honestly don't know when. He was singing last night and the night before as I was dropping off to sleep - and still singing when I woke up in the morning! When Bubba was feeling especially harmonious, he would snore along in perfect rhythm!

Reply #241. Feb 21 11, 9:50 PM

bionic4ever star
Okay. I have put up with a LOT from my downstairs neighbors. I don't complain about their dog being left out to bark early in the morning. I didn't say anything about the dog's "love bombs" on my stairs. I even put up with their shouting at each other almost every evening (the other night, past 11:30pm!). But today they crossed the line.

They took my walker, which was stored (folded up neatly) in a small space at the bottom of the outside stairs - and they THREW IT IN THE RECYCLABLES! I was very lucky my daughter was visiting today and taking me to the store, or I'd have never known it was back there, amidst the pile of old discarded tires.

It has been rescued - and a friend brought me a bike lock so it is now securely fastened to the pillar beneath the stairs. What I don't understand is what their reasoning was. Every person living down there knew it was my walker; they've all seen me using it. It didn't take up too much space. In fact, they didn't put anything else in that tiny space after removing my walker.

I have been very tolerant. My tolerance ends today.

Reply #242. Feb 23 11, 6:42 PM

Jazmee27 star

player avatar
They're not worth gettingworked up over ((()))

Reply #243. Feb 23 11, 7:39 PM
bionic4ever star
Very true. But I shudder to think what might have happened if I hadn't been in the car with my daughter and spotted the walker back there. (I don't go down the back driveway otherwise, so it may have been hauled away at any time.) But they can't remove it again without cutting through the bike lock, so I won't worry myself into an ulcer. Or I'll try my best not to. :)

Reply #244. Feb 23 11, 9:10 PM

Jazmee27 star

player avatar
Some people just have no consideration--too bad we have to learn to live with them!

At least you retrieved the walker before it disappeared--that's all that matters.

You just "kill them with kindness," that's what you do; stooping to their level just isn't worth it in the long run

Reply #245. Feb 23 11, 9:51 PM
bionic4ever star
This morning, I am happily finding out that I can (finally) fit into my favorite jeans again! It's like reconnecting with an old friend. :)

Reply #246. Feb 24 11, 9:32 AM

Stooping to their level may not be worth it in the long run, but it feels good in the short run. Just sometimes it's a bit of a problem thinking what to do, because people like that can send it back double.

Thinking of our lovely neighbours (mine that cut my phone line), could you send their dogs' calling cards back to them? Just a little naughty thought.

Putting your walker in a bike lock is a good message. I hope they hear and understand it.

Reply #247. Feb 24 11, 9:53 AM
PS lucky you to be able to get back into your jeans. That's wonderful. :)

Reply #248. Feb 24 11, 9:54 AM
daymare star
Congratulations on fitting back into your jeans.

Have you checked on your walker?

Reply #249. Feb 24 11, 10:01 AM
Jazmee27 star

player avatar
Way to go with the jeans-I think I'm a bit jealous!

Reply #250. Feb 24 11, 10:06 AM
bionic4ever star
I did check on the walker, first thing this morning and again a little while ago. It's safe. News of the day: there is a storage/moving pod parked in back of the house. Rumor has it the neighbors are leaving!

Reply #251. Feb 24 11, 7:41 PM

Lochalsh star
Pod? Maybe they've phoned home and are now returning to their planet. :)

Reply #252. Feb 24 11, 8:09 PM
That's very good news!

How will you see them off? tell them how happy all the neighbours are to see them leaving? tell them there'll be a street party to celebrate their departure - shame they won't be coming? or just sigh with relief?

Reply #253. Feb 24 11, 8:15 PM
daymare star
I hope they are leaving.

Keep us posted.

Reply #254. Feb 24 11, 8:32 PM
bionic4ever star
One year ago today, my daughter called to tell me that the baby she was carrying had passed away. (I can still vividly hear her voice in that phone call...) One year ago tomorrow, he was 'born to the angels'.

Reply #255. Feb 25 11, 5:13 AM

((((((( Beth )))))))

Reply #256. Feb 25 11, 6:15 AM
Jazmee27 star

player avatar

Reply #257. Feb 25 11, 7:52 AM
Jazmee27 star

player avatar
And I hope the neighbors are leaving, too--and that, if so, whoever moves in down there is respectful and courteous.

Reply #258. Feb 25 11, 7:54 AM
daymare star
Any news, Beth?

How are you feeling?

Reply #259. Feb 25 11, 6:14 PM
bionic4ever star
I'm pretty sure the neighbors are moving. They've been here and gone and back again all day. I haven't gone down to check things out though because everything is just sort of sapped out of me today. I'm so drained. I'll be okay; just have to ride this out.

Reply #260. Feb 25 11, 6:41 PM

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