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Subject: Tale of Two Kitties - and Me

Posted by: bionic4ever
Date: Oct 02 10

Well, this won't be filled with profound insights and I'm not as good at humor as I'd like to be, but I miss my old blog - and the opportunity to chat with YOU! I am. More to follow; just saying hi for now.

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bionic4ever star
I think I am going to the ER tonight. My legs have been very bad for two days. Yesterday, my doctor was on jury duty (when I called asking for something for pain). Today, his nurse called me, asking for more information, said she'd talk to the doctor and call me back. No callback. Nothing called in to the pharmacy. I know the doctor will likely help me tomorrow, but I'm not sure I can get through tonight. Can barely make it across the house. Caseworker calling back in a few minutes. If she still wants to take me to the ER, I think I will go. Will update when I can.

On a positive note, the downstairs neighbors will be gone tomorrow.

Reply #261. Mar 03 11, 7:55 PM

daymare star
I hope you get the help you need, Beth. Hurting is exhausting.

Please, as soon as you can, let us know how you are doing.

Reply #262. Mar 03 11, 8:43 PM
bionic4ever star
Caseworker on her way. Going to the ER. :(

Reply #263. Mar 03 11, 8:44 PM

Jazmee27 star

player avatar
I hope you feel better soon. ((()))

Reply #264. Mar 03 11, 10:17 PM
bionic4ever star
I am home. They gave me a pain pill for tonight and a prescription for more. It is just starting to kick in, but is already helping a little. So glad I went! Would have been a miserable night.

Doctor Bubba is hovering. As soon as the pill kicks in a little more, I can let him sit on my lap again. :)

Reply #265. Mar 03 11, 10:25 PM

Jazmee27 star

player avatar
Glad you're feeling better

Reply #266. Mar 04 11, 8:40 AM
bionic4ever star
I am doing a bit better now. Still have some pain, but the meds take pretty good care of that. Really dislike the groggy feeling, but I've been getting lots of extra rest and it's certainly better than sitting here in so much pain.

Neighbors were supposed to be gone yesterday. They told a mutual friend they'd be out by then. They are still here. They were screaming at each other until after midnight last night, and still slamming doors when I fell asleep at 12:30. But they will be gone soon. (And my walker is still safe.)

Reply #267. Mar 05 11, 4:28 PM

Jazmee27 star

player avatar
Glad to hear it :)

Reply #268. Mar 05 11, 8:33 PM
daymare star
Hopefully you will be able to get some sleep (and peace and quiet).

Reply #269. Mar 05 11, 9:55 PM
bionic4ever star
Got my Old Timer badge today. *Sits back in rocking chair* I remember the day.....


Reply #270. Mar 08 11, 9:37 PM

bionic4ever star
Here I am - back from a nasty bout with either the flu or food poisoning. (Slept for almost 36 hours straight.) Might or might not have been some hummus I bought from a (chilled) vending machine. Not sure...but I DO know that I will never eat hummus again.

Not ever.

Reply #271. Mar 27 11, 8:11 PM

bionic4ever star
Good morning, everybody! Good news! I am moving next week to a new apartment - first floor, with a BATH TUB! About half the size of what I have now, but that will be much easier for me to keep up with. It's so cute; has a stained glass panel on top of the living room window, and all windows are floor level so the kitties can look outside.

Also...bad news. Was in the ER yesterday due to (there's no other way to put this) my own stupidity. Have already lugged pretty much everything non-essential down the stairs and out to the curb and I decided yesterday that it would be a good idea to lug my old computer hard drive and monitor down there as well. NOT such a good idea. An hour later, I could barely move at all. Spent three hours in the ER getting IV meds and am spending the next couple of days doing absolutely nothing. (Was way ahead of schedule anyway.) We'll move stuff over gradually, over the course of next week. Still very excited, but also in considerable pain...and with no one to blame but myself.

Doctor Bubba is taking very good care of me, though. He slept with his head to my forehead and his paws over my hands. :)

Reply #272. Apr 21 11, 5:32 AM

Good news about the move Beth. But take it easy, I know only too well what doing too much can do to you. And yes, I'm still waiting for the op on my shoulder.

Reply #273. Apr 21 11, 6:22 AM
Jazmee27 star

player avatar
Hope you're feeling better soon

And hope the move is as good as you think it will be

Reply #274. Apr 21 11, 8:21 AM
bionic4ever star
The boys and I have been in our new home for two weeks today. A group of my friends showed up (supposedly to get me started by moving a few boxes) and ambush moved me - a week early! And they wouldn't let me do a thing to help! They even unpacked my canned goods and kitchen supplies, spent a day and a half beforehand getting things ready for me here and left me a Welcome Basket! I was totally overwhelmed - and very grateful.

The best part: I have a REAL bed now...not just a mattress on the floor! And my PTSD is gone because the 'ghosts' of the BATS are not here. And - of course - bubble baths!

The bad part: Remember that visit to the ER? I saw my neuro last week and he said that yes, I had thrown out my back. I also SPRAINED MY NECK.

So nice to have a comfy new home to rest and recover in! And my wonderful friends have returned several times to help me settle in and to move the furniture to its best advantage.

Rocky has not yodeled once since we moved here. Not once. I think the poor little guy was even more afraid of those sloped ceilings than I'd realized. With his bad depth perception, he probably thought the walls were closing in on him. He's like a different cat now! Still not a lap cat (probably never will be) but much more affectionate.

Bubba is settling in well too. :)

Reply #275. May 07 11, 2:04 AM

Jazmee27 star

player avatar
Glad you're settling in--and it's *so good to see you again.
Hope your back and neck recover soon.

Reply #276. May 07 11, 4:38 PM
bionic4ever star
Today I left the neck brace off for short periods of time. Did okay. Still very sore, but beginning to heal. I got one more box unpacked today. Once the inertia kicks in, it's so hard to pace myself. I just want to keep going and unpack EVERYTHING. And I know I can't. Slowly but surely, though, it will all get done.

Reply #277. May 07 11, 6:58 PM

MarchHare007 star

player avatar

Lovely to hear you're moved and settling in.
Nice to have ambushing friends - I htink they are the Very Best Kind at times.:)
You new home sounds perfect for you all.

Reply #278. May 09 11, 10:26 PM
bionic4ever star
Hi again! I'm sorry for not posting here for the last month. I didn't want my posts to merely be how much pain I'd had that day. I try to focus on what I can do, rather than what I can't, but when there's a lot of pain, that focus can sometimes get lost. But I've been here almost daily, reading what you write and keeping up with things.

The boys and I are well-settled into our new home. I've felt at home here since the very first day, due to all the effort and love that so many of my friends (and my caseworkers) put in to getting me here. And...I've already gone through a big gallon jug of BUBBLE BATH!

Reply #279. Jun 11 11, 6:28 AM

Beth, this is about YOU. If you can't post here about how you are feeling, where can you? I know very well that constant pain makes you want to give up and not bother, but you have had some positives lately. I've suffered pain for the last 16 months or so as you know, but I try not to let it get me down. Not always successful. My blog is full of gaps because
I didn't feel up to posting anything because it would seem like I'm whining. I've realised just lately though that that is what I need. It helps to get things off your chest. It doesn't matter if no-one replies, just typing it helps.

Reply #280. Jun 11 11, 7:26 AM

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