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Subject: Tale of Two Kitties - and Me

Posted by: bionic4ever
Date: Oct 02 10

Well, this won't be filled with profound insights and I'm not as good at humor as I'd like to be, but I miss my old blog - and the opportunity to chat with YOU! I am. More to follow; just saying hi for now.

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bionic4ever star
You're right, RMG. I didn't want to post about the "same old, same old" - but sometimes that's exactly the right way to let it go.

Reply #281. Jun 11 11, 2:23 PM

Of course he is - isn't he always? :-D

A grumble is better than silence.

Reply #282. Jun 11 11, 4:48 PM
vogon star
Hi glad I found you again! Hope all is stable with you...I know you are still having trials & tribulations. I often think of you...

B1 (Beth)

Reply #283. Jun 12 11, 10:06 PM
I do miss your posts.

Reply #284. Jun 13 11, 1:14 PM
"Of course he is - isn't he always? :-D"

Lesley, I'm not sure how to take that. I'll take it as a compliment, for now. If I've been in a similar position all I do is tell how I dealt with it. If I know people that have been there, and I haven't, I tell how they coped. I've experienced all sorts of things in my life and I hope I can help a little by passing on my way of coping. It isn't for everyone, but it works for me.

Reply #285. Jun 14 11, 1:15 AM
bionic4ever star
Hi everybody! Wow - been having some MAJOR computer problems. It kept shutting itself off...sometimes as often as 5 or 6 times in 10 minutes! System restore did not help, so finally ended up doing a complete wipe of the hard drive. That worked...for a day or two, then I had to wipe the hard drive again. SO frustrating! My firewall is up, my virus and malware scans come up clean. It might just be time for this computer to be replaced. (And my mom has offered to help me with the cost.) But it's only 2 years old! And my daughter tells me it has plenty of memory, etc. So will likely get the same model again as it's affordable and I really love it. This appears to be a Windows problem.

Anyhow, long story short, if I suddenly disappear, I will be back ASAP.

Reply #286. Jun 29 11, 7:05 PM

Jazmee27 star

player avatar
What a mess!

Reply #287. Jun 29 11, 7:27 PM
bionic4ever star
Great news! Getting new computer tomorrow! Ironically, today this computer is doing the best it's done in the last 2 weeks. But it has had enough meltdowns in those 2 weeks that I know the time has come. And tomorrow is the only day my mom can come for at least another week. So tomorrow it shall be.

Getting the same model I have now, as it's excellent for my needs, according to my daughter.

Reply #288. Jun 29 11, 9:39 PM

Jazmee27 star

player avatar
Glad to hear :)

Reply #289. Jun 30 11, 9:56 AM
bionic4ever star
A very rough day today. Had been off my meds for almost 2 days due to lack of a ride to pick of the refill. Didn't think a day or two would make a lot of difference, but boy was I wrong! Between that, the weather and two power outages (that left me without a/c for a couple of hours), I spent 4 and a half hours in the ER today. The med I take is not a narcotic; not even a pain killer in the normal sense of the word. It works on the GABA neurocenters of the body (whatever that means) and turns out it will take several days before it builds back up in my body and starts helping me again. On alternative meds for the next few days until that can happen. Not crazy about the loopy feeling, but much prefer it to the pain and tremors that had me awake all night last night. Hoping for some good, solid rest tonight.

Will check in again tomorrow, but in the meantime, Doctor Bubba is keeping a very close watch. :)

Reply #290. Jul 13 11, 10:10 PM

cydonia325 star
Hi Beth,

Glad to see you are back and blogging again! Sorry about all those visits you have made to the ER, and let's hope that there will be no more time spent there. :)

I really hope that your new medication works out; you deserve a break with your health issues.

Reply #291. Jul 14 11, 1:04 AM
satguru star

player avatar
Wow, good thing you caught it fast enough and proved those tablets certainly do their job. Anyone who needs it here can often get a free delivery from the pharmacists to save them getting caught like that, my grandma often had it and my mother has as well recently, maybe worth checking it out.

Reply #292. Jul 14 11, 8:59 AM
Verbonica star

player avatar
I get my regular prescription medications delivered in the mail. You have to keep on top of it and reorder 10 days or so in advance, but it is very convienient. I have been handling it this way for several years with no problems.

Reply #293. Jul 14 11, 12:19 PM
Bob #285
Belated response - take it as it is written, please. No sarcasm or twists and stings. I spent at least a year charting my quest for health, felt better for getting it "down on paper" (up on the screen), and was grateful for the unending support.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

All the pharmacists/chemists here do the rounds of the doctors' practices picking up prescriptions to take back and make up. You can go in and pick it up: some will deliver, but only to the housebound; and I've found an independent pharmacy which requests the repeat prescriptions, picks them up, makes them up and delivers to my door. They have been lifesavers and I am lucky to have found them.

I don't know how American chemists work but I would hope that they have systems at least as good as ours.

And Beth, I hope your pain is controlled again quickly.

Reply #294. Jul 14 11, 1:22 PM
bionic4ever star
The pharmacies here do deliveries, yes - but they cost $5. One of my caseworkers told me to never do that. She said I can text her on her personal phone and she will be happy to pick up meds for me, especially in an emergency like that. Trouble was, I didn't realize how much of a problem being off the meds for just 2 days would cause. Will take 2 - 3 times that long to build back up in my system again.

Very shaky today, and moving rather slowly (even for me). But at least I am moving. This is good. Slept 7 hours last night...and just got up from a 3 hour nap! (And Bubba was by my side every minute!)

Reply #295. Jul 14 11, 4:21 PM

That sounds a bit mean, charging $5. Don't they make enough profit from dispensing to cover delivery?

I'm glad you've got the meds you need now, and [;eased to see your progress. Sleep is a joy, isn't it?

Reply #296. Jul 14 11, 6:14 PM
[;eased? That's a pretty good typo. Pleased to see your progress!

Reply #297. Jul 14 11, 6:16 PM
Jazmee27 star

player avatar
Glad to hear you're feeling better, and hope you're on the path to more good days than bad ones.

Reply #298. Jul 14 11, 9:39 PM
bionic4ever star
Sorry it's been so long with no update on this blog! And....I will be out of touch for awhile again, as first thing tomorrow morning I will be having back surgery. Lower spinal fusion. I'll be in the hospital anywhere from 3 - 7 days and then in bed at home for about another week. (Wishing right now that this computer was a laptop!) Bag is packed and I am trying my very best not to be nervous....

Reply #299. Sep 11 11, 2:31 PM

Professer star
hope everything gopes well beth hugs

Reply #300. Sep 11 11, 2:58 PM

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