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Subject: Tale of Two Kitties - and Me

Posted by: bionic4ever
Date: Oct 02 10

Well, this won't be filled with profound insights and I'm not as good at humor as I'd like to be, but I miss my old blog - and the opportunity to chat with YOU! I am. More to follow; just saying hi for now.

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Good grief, Beth! I can't imagine people standing across the street, and ignoring your plight!

I hope you're feeling better, and keeping up with your therapy.

Happy New Year to you and the Boys. :)

Reply #361. Jan 04 12, 8:04 PM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar

Happy New Year Beth.

It's a sad world when people not only don't just stand by but actually turn away from lending a hand.

Hope you're not too bruised and great to hear you've started therapy. This also helped a friend of mine to keep her balance and keep moving.
Need that independence! :)

Reply #362. Jan 04 12, 11:00 PM
Jazmee27 star

player avatar
There are times that I'm ashamed to live in this world.

Happy 2012, and may this year be better than the last one (I'm not holding my breath, but...)

Just so there's no misunderstanding, which is Destructo Kitty and which Demento Cat?

Keep your chin up (((((( ))))))

Reply #363. Jan 07 12, 2:38 PM
bionic4ever star
Remember those falls I took, at the beginning of December? Well, almost right after that, I knew something was wrong - and it kept getting worse. Doctor sent me to physical therapy anyhow...and it nearly crippled me. After 3 visits to the surgeon within 2 weeks, he finally figured out (about 2 weeks ago) what was wrong. The screws that he put in my back to hold the bones together while they fused have come loose. Probably from the falls, but may have just worked loose on their own. That was what was causing severe pain and making me walk nearly doubled over (when I actually tried to walk at all). And the bones had never even begun to fuse!

So....I have to have more surgery. It's scheduled for March 8th, and I am pretty much off my feet until then. It sounds pretty extreme (and it is). They are going to cut open my back and remove the loose hardware then flip me over on the operating table and cut open the front to try and fuse the bones from there. Yes - double incisions. *Shivers*

(Oh yes....Rocky is DestructoKitty and Bubba is DementoCat. Tales of their misadventures coming soon; I promise!)

Reply #364. Feb 17 12, 4:18 PM

Thank goodness you know what's wrong, at last, and something's happening. That sounds remarkably quick, but perhaps it's just quick by NHS standards.

How will you manage till then, and while you're convalescing - have you got carers and volunteers on standby?

Reply #365. Feb 17 12, 5:36 PM
bionic4ever star
I have friends and caseworkers in town, so there is always someone to help me, if I should need it. One of my caseworkers came over the other day and cleaned my whole apartment for me (as right now, I can't do much of anything myself). And the community center arranged for me to get a donated sofa to stretch out on (instead of trying to curl up on my loveseat). Some friends came over and rearranged the living room so that everything fit nicely. Already have volunteers lined up to come in every day (sometimes twice a day) to feed and attend to my furry little men while I'm in the hospital. Planning to stay at my mom's house for several days after release from the hospital, until I'm better able to fend for myself again.

For now, just basically doing the best I can. Bed to sofa and back again is pretty much my day, but Doctor Bubba is keeping a close eye on me while Rocky patrols the house, protecting us from intruders.

Reply #366. Feb 17 12, 6:13 PM

satguru star

player avatar
Like Lesley's heart valve earlier, it's good to learn yours is a mechanical problem and can be fixed, and hope you get a lot of mobility back when it's all healed over. Good to see you back Beth :)

Reply #367. Feb 17 12, 9:43 PM
bionic4ever star
Two years ago today, my only grandson was born to the angels. Readers of my blog will understand when I say that today....the bird came back to see me again! Just like last year on this day (and like happened several times in the days after Carter died), the bird sat on my windowsill looking in at me unflinchingly for several minutes before flying away.

Reply #368. Feb 26 12, 10:27 PM

bionic4ever star
We had a winter storm warning this week. The snow was supposed to start in the early afternoon on Thursday; it did not. Just after dinnertime, Rocky woke from a sound sleep and started yodeling, jumping and prancing through the house. I knew without having to go to the window that - yes - it was snowing.

Reply #369. Feb 26 12, 10:58 PM

Goodness, who'd have thought that the bird would keep coming back? Do you talk to the bird, or just watch?

I'm glad you're getting so much help.

Reply #370. Feb 27 12, 6:54 AM
Jazmee27 star

player avatar
Thank goodness help is on the way, and you have plenty of people looking out for you. Support systems are sooo great!

Reply #371. Feb 27 12, 11:06 AM
bionic4ever star
I mainly just watch the bird (watch him watching me) although in my head I also say "Thank you".

Reply #372. Feb 27 12, 5:25 PM

MarchHare007 star

player avatar

Good to see you here Beth - and with your army of helpers and protectors.

Does Rocky want to play in snow - is that why he gets so excited?

Lovely the bird visited - I hope it's the same feeling I have when my spirit rabbit visits. like a soft hug through my heart. :)

Reply #373. Feb 27 12, 6:19 PM
Talk to the bird. You never know what 'he' may take away from the experience.

Good old Rocky, the meteorologist! How's Bubba?

Nice to see you. Hope you are doing well.

Reply #374. Feb 27 12, 8:24 PM
bionic4ever star
A soft hug to the heart - yes, that's exactly what the bird makes me feel. :)

Rocky is being so funny tonight! About an hour ago, he decided he needed to chew on my computer cords and wires - had his mouth all the way around them. "No" didn't work, tapping his nose didn't I gave him a rap on the butt. Not hard, but enough to make an impact. And ever since, he has been SO funny! He keeps jumping up beside me, pawing at me and head butting, either to say he's sorry or to see if I still love him. Up, down, up, paw a Mama, stick head in her lap, lift paw and look cute...repeat, repeat, repeat....

I've never seen anything like this from him! Ever! And I really hated to spank him at all - even lightly - but I couldn't pick him up and move him away from the cords and since bending over to keep tapping his nose hurt, I needed a solution that would work right away. It really made an impact. I think it shows that he does learn. He's *still* focused on making sure mama loves him. (And yes, he's getting snuggles every time he comes over to ask for them.)

Bubba is doing well these days. His weight...not so wonderful. He's up to 22 pounds; still getting carefully measured food portions (they both are) and absolutely no table scraps. But at 12 years old, he just isn't very active anymore. He's still my 'Doctor Bubba', sleeping with his head against my forehead each night, with his paws 'holding' my hand.

Reply #375. Feb 28 12, 5:54 PM

Jazmee27 star

player avatar
These animals of ours are sooo *adorable*

Reply #376. Feb 28 12, 6:59 PM
Beth's daughter has just posted on Facebook that her mother is out of surgery and doing fine.

Relief all round. :)

Reply #377. Mar 08 12, 6:37 PM
Nice to know, Lesley. Hope the 'boys' are OK, too.

Reply #378. Mar 08 12, 7:13 PM
I hope you have a speedy recovery, Beth.

Reply #379. Mar 08 12, 7:23 PM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar

Great news. Thanks Lesley.

Heal well Beth.

Be good Boys. *smiles*

Reply #380. Mar 08 12, 9:41 PM

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