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Subject: Tale of Two Kitties - and Me

Posted by: bionic4ever
Date: Oct 02 10

Well, this won't be filled with profound insights and I'm not as good at humor as I'd like to be, but I miss my old blog - and the opportunity to chat with YOU! I am. More to follow; just saying hi for now.

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bionic4ever star
It wasn't really a recipe (although there are many versions on the internet with half a dozen or more ingredients). All I did was scoop come Nutella into a tub and then add heavy cream and stir until it was a creamy consistency. Put it into the freezer and then stirred every hour or so (mixing the frozen parts from the sides into the rest of it) so it stayed smooth. Mine turned out a little thick, so will add more cream or possibly a bit of Half n Half next time. You can also mix it in a bowl and then pour it into molds for fudgesicles. And...the original 'recipe' calls for milk, not heavy cream.

Reply #441. Mar 06 13, 8:05 PM

Is there any greater joy than swapping light, healthy recipes. :)

Good luck tomorrow, Beth - let us know how you get on, please.

Reply #442. Mar 06 13, 8:48 PM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar

Dairy and hazelnut based, Lesley.
Can't be any healthier! *grin*

Reply #443. Mar 06 13, 9:21 PM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar

I hope your car ride isn't too rugged tomorrow Beth. (((())))

Reply #444. Mar 06 13, 9:23 PM
bionic4ever star
(And chocolate is good for the soul!)

Thank you for the good wishes; will let everyone know how it goes.

Reply #445. Mar 07 13, 2:19 AM

bionic4ever star
Well, I met my new surgeon yesterday. No date for surgery yet though. He is going to try some 'non-invasive' methods to help me first. I am going to go to a pain clinic for (hopefully) better pain control - and for steroid shots in my back. I had them before my 1st surgery...and they made things a LOT worse. But this is a different situation now, and I'll try anything he thinks might help. Also going to be having Water Therapy. I'd had Physical Therapy after 1st surgery and was one day away from starting the water therapy portion when I had the bad fall...and loosened the hardware in my back. So I'm looking forward to that.

New surgeon and his entire staff were very, VERY nice! The car ride (40 minutes each way) was quite rough on me though. We took a pillow for my back, and the actual ride was not bad, but when I got out of the car, was in really rough shape. Long story short, when we went home...I had t go to the ER. Yes...AGAIN. To get back on top of the pain. Doing a little better this morning. My muse is chomping at the bit to write, so will probably do that, after I lie down for a little bit.

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts, prayers and good wishes!

Reply #446. Mar 08 13, 9:21 AM

bionic4ever star
GOOD NEWS to share tonight! I got another eviction notice from the sheriff...but this one is dated April 11th! Legal Action came through for me! Not the 30 day stay we were hoping for, but plenty of time! I will get to see the new place some time this coming week. All I know is that is has a larger living room (with not such ratty old stained carpet) and a YARD! And - of course - the boys are coming with me! New moving date is scheduled for either the 2nd or the 8th.

Had a bit of an incident again this last Thursday. Bent down to sweep up a bit of (messy) spilled garbage...and when I stood up again, I could barely move at all! Couldn't catch my breath. I really thought it would pass in a few minutes; it did not. A couple of hours later, finally called my doctor and (even though I had an appt with him the next morning), he sent me to the ER. Again. My caseworker was a true angel; stayed with me the entire time. (Four hour wait in the waiting room!) After an hour or two, a nurse came out and apologized for the wait...and then gave me some pills to take. My nominated-for-sainthood caseworker got to listen to me alternate between babbling and crying for the next few hours, even after we'd finally been taken into the back - onto a gurney in the hallway. But everyone was very nice. And now I know why I am forbidden to pack or do anything in preparation for the upcoming move. The doctor said it was a fluke - could happen to anyone - but was far more likely with my MS and back surgery/scar tissue issues. So, sit, I must. And sit, I will. SO boring, though! My boss on the page I volunteer for has even placed me on medical leave. Not sure I understand that, as I can certainly still post links on a Facebook page (which is my job for her). She said it's more important for me to focus on myself right now. on resting and trying to get as healthy as this body will allow me to be. With the meds I'm on now, rest comes pretty easily!

Doctor Bubba still keeping a VERY close watch, and Rocky the Court Jester makes sure we are entertained.

Love and (((hugs))) to all!

Reply #447. Mar 17 13, 11:58 PM

MarchHare007 star

player avatar

Boring actually sounds very good for you for a while, Beth.

I hope you love your new place when you see it - so exciting it has a yard!

Here's hoping all is going well, therapy has started and you're writing while you're on hold so to speak.

A huge relief to know you have Angel the Caseworker and Dr Bubba and Rocky the Fool on alert.

Reply #448. Mar 18 13, 1:40 AM
bionic4ever star
Have seen a photo of my new house on Google Maps. It's so much more than I'd expected (or dared to hope for)! HUGE yard with lots of trees, a river running behind it, windows I can open for fresh air (something I'm unable to do here) and - the very BEST of all - a PILLARED porch...with no steps! Haven't seen the inside yet because current tenant hasn't quite moved out, but just looking at that photo of the looks like HOME. Please don't get me wrong; I am so, SO grateful for this place and even for the Bat House - but they have been places to stay. It brings happy tears to my eyes, the feeling that I am finally going ****HOME****!!!

Reply #449. Mar 24 13, 3:02 PM

Jazmee27 star

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Here's hoping that the inside's as nice as the outside (I wanted to post this sooner, but my stupid computer decided to act up).

Reply #450. Mar 24 13, 4:29 PM
Sounds so nice, Beth. I hope you and your boys love it in your new home! ;) Take it easy moving your stuff...No injuries. :)

Reply #451. Mar 24 13, 7:03 PM
Beth, doesn't it sound like everything is falling into place?

You've got a doctor who's on your side, a saint for a caseworker, both your cats with you, and now a house with a yard and windows. Could it be any better? Without chocolate?

Do Burger King still do gold cardboard crowns? Stick one of those on your head as you sit (and sit), and allow everyone to pamper you.

I hope the move goes smoothly, and look forward to hearing all about it. (((((())))))

Reply #452. Mar 24 13, 7:49 PM
bionic4ever star
So...I got to drive past my new home today. My caseworker pulled through the driveway and around the back and showed me my door (it's on the side of the house; only one step - very manageable). The outside needs a coat of paint - badly - but the house is beautiful! And the yard! Oh, the yard! There's even a swingset and slide - LOL! And a picnic table, down by the river!

Still haven't seen the inside, as the previous tenant has not yet moved out...but I got teary-eyed just pulling into the driveway. It is SO much more than I'd expected. And it already feels like ****HOME****!

Reply #453. Mar 25 13, 12:43 PM

I saw a picture of your new home on your Facebook page. It looks very much like a southern mansion with those big pillars.

Reply #454. Mar 25 13, 1:28 PM
satguru star

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Sounds great, there are many times when what seems like an ending is a better beginning. I still think many are guided, who knows how though.

Reply #455. Mar 25 13, 8:38 PM
And I've just seen a picture of your living room, with all the boxes waiting to go. Just like home!

Reply #456. Apr 03 13, 7:35 PM
bionic4ever star
New living room is more than twice the size of the old one - and with decent carpet that isn't all ratty, burned and stained! Those who know me on Facebook might have noticed very few pics of the boys actually on the floor, and that was why. I was embarrassed by what passed for carpet. Sills on every window, so the boys can look out (once they figure out they're there) and windows I can actually OPEN (which I couldn't in the old place) and even a cross-breeze in both living room and bedroom! Kitchen is very small, but it's a real kitchen and not a tiny strip tacked onto the edge of the living room. No bathtub, but I've known about that for weeks and truth be told, it's almost too dangerous for me to use a bathtub anymore right now anyway. So bathroom miniscule...but the toilet doesn't run continuously. Oh...and it flushes! (Strange, the things we might not mention when we're going through them!) There's a small pantry, which I love and a closet by the entryway and everything truly needed has been unpacked. We are HOME.

On the medical is mixed. Had my first steroid epidural shot a week ago - and it didn't hurt in the least. (When I had one in 2011, it hurt so badly that I left in tears, feeling they'd rammed a steel girder into my back!) BUT this time, the next day I was in the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. Worse than childbirth or the 2nd surgery where they cut me front and back. You guessed it; another ER visit. And yet, several days later, the shot seems to have done what it was supposed to. It helped. Still, cannot run to the ER every time I have one of those epidurals. Something to discuss at the consult visit next week.

Had my 1st water therapy appointment today. Feeling mixed about that. I know I was doing things in the water that my muscles just cannot do on land anymore...and came home feeling 'good' exhausted. But tonight, really feeling it. Still hoping it was worth it.

Anyhow, we are HOME...and loving it here!

Reply #457. Apr 10 13, 11:42 PM

bionic4ever star
Hurts a lot today and the meds aren't touching it. The doctor won't adjust the meds without seeing me and there's no one available to take me it's going to be a very long weekend.

Reply #458. Apr 12 13, 1:56 PM

Sometimes, in rare rare spare moments, I read blogs. Just sort of trawling along.
If someone wishing you well helps in any way at all - I wish you all the best and a lot less pain and discomfort.
You manage to keep your head up in a most remarkable way. :)

Reply #459. Apr 12 13, 2:33 PM
bionic4ever star
trojan - thank you very much. I saw this on an especially bad day and it really made me smile.

Tomorrow, I have my 4th water therapy session and now that the therapist is certain the humidity isn't triggering an MS relapse (maybe because I'm already in one), she is letting me use the whirlpool for a few minutes at the end of the sessions. We tried it for the 1st time last Friday and it seemed to help...and felt SO good!

Thursday, my caseworker and I have an appointment with my surgeon. We both agree that things are getting worse instead of better - and it is *time*. I'll keep you posted.

Reply #460. Apr 24 13, 2:03 AM

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