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If 1 1/2 men can eat 1 1/2 pies in 1 1/2 minutes, how many pies can 3 men eat in half an hour?

Question #24134. Asked by Matt.

Answer has 2 votes
23 year member
19 replies

Answer has 2 votes.
30 / (1 and a half) = 20 (in half an hour there are 20 * minutes and a half)

Therefore if 1 1/2 men can eat 1 1/2 pies in 1 1/2 minutes (multiply by 20)
30 men can eat 30 pies in 30 minutes.

Therefore 3 men can eat 3 pies in 30 minutes (Divide the men by 10)

Nov 10 2002, 9:19 AM
Answer has 6 votes
Currently Best Answer
22 year member
83 replies

Answer has 6 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
1.5 men eat 1.5 pies in 1.5 minutes
1 man eats 1 pie in 1.5 minutes, 2 pies in 3 minutes, 20 pies in 30 minutes.
3 men eat 60 pies in 30 minutes. Yech. Lets hope they're tiny pies.

Nov 10 2002, 2:14 PM
Answer has 4 votes
24 year member
3694 replies avatar

Answer has 4 votes.
Theoretically, if 1.5 men can eat 1.5 pies in 1.5 minutes, 3 men can eat 3 pies in 3 minutes.

If 3 men can eat 3 pies every 3 minutes for half an hour, they will consume a total of 30 pies. There are ten 3-minute segments in half an hour during which 3 pies are eaten. 10 times 3 is 30.

Now, everyone knows I am mathematically challenged, so someone will have to explain to me why this is wrong and the answer is 60, and please come up with something other than there is no such thing as half a man.

Nov 19 2002, 7:48 AM
Answer has 4 votes

Answer has 4 votes.
Okay, I think I've got it now.

If 1.5 men can eat 1.5 pies in 1.5 minutes, 3 men can eat 3 pies in 1.5 minutes. Double the manpower can do double the work in the same amount of time. So doubling the time was my mistake.

There are 20 one-and-a-half minute segments in 30 minutes, so 3 pies times 20 time periods is 60 pies.

Nov 19 2002, 9:08 AM
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