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Build / Create your own Trivia Quizzes & Crossword Puzzles

With our free online quiz and crossword editing tools you can create your own quizzes and crossword puzzles! Other players can then play them and you can track their results.
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Quiz Creation Guidelines

Welcome! Creating quizzes is a lot of fun and it's easy to do. However, there are a few guidelines that quiz authors must follow. The ultimate goal is to ensure that every quiz online is accurate as possible, enjoyable, and well written.

Rule #1: Have Fun and Be Creative

FunTrivia visitors come here to have fun and authors write quizzes to also have fun. Play with your favorite topic, tackle it from a new angle, think of new, interesting ways to present it. Anyone can whip up a half-baked quiz, but we challenge you to craft a trivia work of art. Take your time, create your questions carefully, and submit only when you are proud of your creation!

Rule #2: Some Categories Have Special Rules

When you create a quiz you will be shown a list of any special notes or requirements about the category you have selected. Please read these notes and pay attention to them. Following the guidelines of the category you are submitting to will greatly increase the chances of your quiz going online quickly.

Rule #3: Be Familiar with Our Quizzes Before Creating Them

A quiz should take some time and effort to create. Don't slap it together in 3 minutes just for the sake of creating a quiz, as it won't be accepted. Please play quizzes in the category in which you intend to submit before you start so that you are familiar with what typical quizzes look like.

Rule #4: Avoid the Most Common Errors!

Some of the common reasons submissions are rejected include:
  1. Obvious poor spelling and grammar. British or American English spelling is acceptable -- please just be consistent. Watch all of those frequent errors: "its vs it's", "your vs you're". Capitalize sentences. End with punctuation! Wield the English language properly and smite thy enemies!
  2. Time-based questions. "Who is the president of the USA?" will be stale and incorrect in a few years time. Make sure that every question you write will be correct years from now.
  3. Questions that don't stand alone. "Who is the father of the person mentioned in question 3?" is meaningless outside the context of this quiz. Keep in mind that questions in quizzes are used in all of our other hourly/daily games, so each question must make sense on its own.
  4. Inadequate interesting information. All new FunTrivia quizzes require that you augment your question and answer with some interesting information, which is displayed when a player finishes your quiz. This information should not simply repeat the answer. Try sharing some related fun fact or bit of interesting info.
  5. Sloppy submissions. Please, please, please READ what you have written before you submit it. We reject an enormous number of sloppy quizzes filled with typos and other obvious errors that a read over would have caught.
Rule #5: Editors and Authors are a Team - Not Enemies!

Depending on how busy our editors are and how long the queues are, the time can vary greatly between when you submit a quiz and when it will be dealt with. Please don't take "rejections" from editors personally. About 80% of all submissions received are returned by editors for corrections and modifications. Please do not ignore notes from editors. You are working together as a team, not against one another! By the way, every single one of our editors is a volunteer player, who started out as an author like yourself. They spend their free time editing your quizzes, so please keep that in mind when you deal with them. They have dedicated a lot of time to better this site and improve everyone's experience. Once a quiz has started the editing process, please do not delete or re-use the template without your editor's permission, as this wastes both your time and that of your editor.

Rule #6: What NOT To Write Quizzes About

Scrambles : We no longer accept scrambles or anagrams in any form, or of any type; unless specifically permitted by the editors of a category.
Opinions : Trivia deals with facts, not opinions.
Simple Quizzes: Quizzes that are purposely designed to be extremely simple are not allowed. This includes quizzes where all of the answers are extremely obvious, quizzes that have been deliberately written as an easy 100 points, and quizzes where all questions have the same answer. This is, not!

Rule #7: Have Fun and Enjoy Yourself!

Let your creativity shine. If you can think of a unique way to present a quiz, do so! We are always on the lookout for unique and special submissions, and our editors occasionally mark outstanding quizzes with our "Editor's Choice" stamp, ensuring that your quiz gains prominence on Let this be your challenge: to create the best quiz you can!
FunTrivia Quiz Creation
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