Author Biography: bigsouthern
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bigsouthern has been a FunTrivia author since
Oct 02 02 and has written
27 quizzes.
bigsouthern strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Entertainment, and
- has earned 1,462 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
- last seen online Oct 04 24, and most recent quiz went online Dec 15 10.
Bio: "I'm just a singer in a rock and roll band".
A lead vocalist/rhythm guitarist/percussionist/lyricist, I've been gigging on the Northeast club and concert scene for over 50 years. Currently the lead vocalist JUNKYARD DAWGS (Jammin' Classic Rock and Southern Rock Classics). Past Master of Ceremonies, Membership Committee Chairman, and Chaplain for Tryggve Lodge #88; Vasa Order Of America, a Society dedicated to Scandanavian heritage.
"I'm just a player, YOU are the show!".
Hobbies: music, trivia, pro wrestling, photography, comics, football, basketball, history, cooking