billfay has been a FunTrivia author since Jun 17 00 and has written 20 quizzes.
billfay strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Music, and
has earned 4,116 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Weather has always been a popular subject for music. In this quiz, fill in the blank in a song title that hit the top 10 charts in the 1960s. Have fun!
Like Boston, MA on the Charles River, many U.S. state capitals are located on rivers. In this quiz, match the river to the state capital given. All multiple choice!
Lots of great music has come from recording acts that come from Philadelphia. In this quiz, a song title from the 50s, 60s, or 70s is given -- name the recording act that put that song on the Top 10 charts. Have fun!