krzys44 has been a FunTrivia author since Feb 18 03 and has written 24 quizzes.
krzys44 strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Television, and
has earned 2,369 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Bio: "I have travelled across the Universe, through the years to find her. Sometimes going all the way is just a start..."
Hurray! I just got a time machine for my birthday. I invited Marilyn Monroe to sing "Happy Birthday" for me and ten other well-known guests, who happen to be born on the same day, December 18th. Can you guess their names?
"Men wish to be like him and women wish to be with him". "Connery is like great Scotch, this Scotsman seems to improve with age". These are my favourite quotes about one of the bests actors ever - Sir Sean Connery.
I give you well-known event from 20th century and you'll have to place it in proper decade. Good luck! All this interesting info's and of course much, much more you can find on
Do you think you know anything about Polish people in Hollywood? Please, take this quiz and learn a thing or two about my natives in the Dream Factory.