mayjay64 has been a FunTrivia author since Oct 10 06 and has written 14 quizzes.
mayjay64 strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Brain Teasers, and
has earned 905 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Philippine cuisine is a mixture of international influences, and they vary from region to region. See if you can name the dish based on its description or ingredients.
There have been many twins on TV over the years. Some were portrayed by actual twins, some weren't even related in real life. I will name the twin characters and write a little something about them and you name the show they were part of.
Hugh Jackman is one of the more versatile actors around, having conquered stage, movies and television. He can sing, dance, act, host ... what more can we ask for? Let's see how much you know about this talented guy.
Barbra Streisand is a big name in both the music and movie industries. Since there are many "10-degree" quizzes about artists and their movies, here is one for music, featuring Barbra to Barbra via duets.