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2 Henry VII quizzes and 20 Henry VII trivia questions.
  Henry VII   popular trivia quiz  
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This tests your knowledge of the first monarch of the House of Tudor. The information comes from Brittanica and numerous history books.
Average, 10 Qns, mnbates, Aug 22 14
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  The Life and Times of Henry VII    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I feel that Henry VII has been cast into the shadows by his famous son, so here's a quiz that asks you to know something about the father of the king!
Tough, 10 Qns, Bhaalspawn, Jan 15 05
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Henry VII Trivia Questions

1. In what month of what year was Henry born?

From Quiz
The Life and Times of Henry VII

Answer: January 1457

Henry was born on the 28th of January, 1457 at Pembroke Castle. His father, Edmund Tudor, the Earl of Richmond had died less than three months before, leaving his young widow, Margaret Beaufort, alone and pregnant.

2. Which king did Henry VII defeat in order to gain the throne?

From Quiz Henry VII

Answer: Richard III

Richard III was probably not the hunch-back murderer that Tudor historians made him out to be, or the notable characterisation of Shakespeare's 'Richard III' by Olivier or Pacino.

3. What was the name of Henry's uncle, his most trusted ally and friend?

From Quiz The Life and Times of Henry VII

Answer: Jasper Tudor

Jasper swept in and took Henry's mother under his protection when Henry's father died. Jasper stayed with him and championed his cause to become the King of England, even going so far as to join him on the battlefield at Bosworth. He remained utterly loyal to Henry until his death in 1495.

4. At which battle did Henry VII gain the throne?

From Quiz Henry VII

Answer: Bosworth Field

Bosworth Field is near the town of Market Bosworth in Leicestershire, England. The other battles all took place in English Civil War.

5. What was Henry's greatest anxiety at the beginning of his reign?

From Quiz The Life and Times of Henry VII

Answer: That there were too many Yorkist males who might lead a rebellion against him

There were just too many Yorkist cousins of his for him to be comfortable. There was the young Earl of Warwick, son of Edward IV's brother, there were the de la Pole brothers, sons of Edward's sister Elizabeth, and there was the also-young Duke of Buckingham, a distant relative of Edward III. All this however, was effectively neutralised when he married Elizabeth of York. Henry was never particularly worried about popularity, but money vexed him greatly. He needed money to secure his (and his family's) dynasty, but was never granted much by Parliament who generally didn't like this unpopular new king. So he decided to take money from whoever he could easily deprive it of (See Q7). However, I feel that a direct threat to his sovereignty would have been more important to him than his financial future. He would eventually come to worry about foreign powers, but domestic issues dominated his early reign.

6. What year was the battle in which Henry VII won the throne?

From Quiz Henry VII

Answer: 1485

1483 was the year Richard III made himself king, 1491 was the date Henry VIII was born, 1509 was the date Henry VII died.

7. What were the names of two young men who claimed to be the Earl of Warwick and Richard, Duke of York, respectively?

From Quiz The Life and Times of Henry VII

Answer: Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck

Lambert Simnel claimed to have conveniently 'escaped' from the Tower as the Earl, reappearing in Ireland. Henry produced the real Earl, but it did not dissuade the Irish chieftains. There was a battle at Stoke on the 16th of June 1487 where Simnel was captured. He was pardoned and given a job in the royal kitchens. Perkin Warbeck was not so lucky. He originally posed as the Earl of Warwick also, but failed to find support in Ireland as Simnel had done. He was welcomed in King Charles VIII of France's court, however, as the Duke of York, escaped from his evil uncle, Richard III! Unfortunately for him, Charles soon tired of Warbeck and sent him away. He failed to find reasonable support in either France or Scotland and was eventually executed, along with the real Earl of Warwick, in November 1499.

8. Who did Henry VII marry, uniting two warring Houses with a claim on the throne?

From Quiz Henry VII

Answer: Elizabeth of York

Margaret Beaufort was his mother, Mary and Margaret were his daughters.

9. How many children surviving their first five years did Henry have with his wife, Elizabeth of York?

From Quiz The Life and Times of Henry VII

Answer: 4

Henry and Elizabeth had eight children, in total, but only four made it through their first years. Their eldest, Arthur Prince of Wales; a daughter, Margaret; a son, Henry and another daughter, Mary.

10. Which two warring Houses did Henry unite with his marriage?

From Quiz Henry VII

Answer: Lancaster and York

Henry represented the heirs of John of Gaunt of the House of Lancaster, Elizabeth represented the House of York. This ended the so-called "Wars of the Roses." The other Houses mentioned are all English/British Royal Houses.

11. In what year was Henry's son Arthur married to Catherine of Aragon?

From Quiz The Life and Times of Henry VII

Answer: 1501

Arthur and Catherine were married on the 14th of November, 1501. They were married in St. Paul's Cathedral by the Archbishop of Canterbury in a ceremony that lasted more than three hours. The celebrations lasted over a fortnight. Finally, at the end of November, the couple and the Spanish household left for Ludlow Castle near the English/Welsh border. Arthur suddenly died of what was believed to be consumption (pulmonary tuberculosis) on the 2nd of April, 1502, leaving his father heartbroken.

12. In what year did Henry VII marry?

From Quiz Henry VII

Answer: 1486

1489 was the birth date of Margaret, 1491 the birth date of Henry VIII, 1496 the birth date of Mary. Arthur his first son was born 20 September 1486 and died 2 April 1502.

13. In 1497, the ancient royal palace of Sheen was destroyed by fire. In its place a handsome new palace was built in the latest styles. What was the name of the new palace?

From Quiz The Life and Times of Henry VII

Answer: Richmond Palace

Henry decided that he needed a new state-of-the-art palace, and the destruction of the antique palace of Sheen provided just that opportunity. He rebuilt the palace, and renamed it Richmond, in honour of the earldom that both he and his father had used. Unfortunately, it has not survived to the present. Hampton Court was a 'gift' from Cardinal Wolsey to Henry's son, Henry VIII, who acquired it in 1526. Buckingham Palace was originally Buckingham House, the residence of the Duke of Buckingham. In 1762, George III bought the house and it was furbished by his son George IV. Not until Queen Victoria did it become the main residence for the royal family. Whitehall was also acquired by Henry VIII, in 1512. He created an extension by building a tennis court and a bowling alley. Charles I commissioned the building of a Banqueting House; ironically this is where he was executed in 1649. The Banqueting House is the only part of the palace to survive today.

14. What was the name of the court Henry created to control the administration of justice - as he saw it?

From Quiz Henry VII

Answer: The Court of the Star Chamber

The Cabal was a group of ministers who governed for Charles II, the Directory was one of the governments immediately post revolution in France, and the Politburo was the governing body of the Soviet Union.

15. Henry conceived many political devices to outwit the nobility and deprive them of their cash. One of the most famous is the Court of the Star Chamber. What was the Court's purpose under Henry's reign?

From Quiz The Life and Times of Henry VII

Answer: A Court of Appeal and a supervisory body

The Court of the Star Chamber was originally an advisory council to the king in medieval times, which evolved into a court of law. It only became a separate judicial body under Henry's reign in 1487. The court was meant to be a place where the nobility could be tried with "dignity" and not have to suffer the shame of being openly paraded in the lower courts, where they could use their power and money to easily bribe their way to freedom. The court wouuld also surpervise the day-to-day activity of the lower courts. It was made up of privy councillors as well as common-law judges to give it flexibilty and variety of opinion.

16. What significant change did Henry VII make to the English monarchy's financial arrangements?

From Quiz Henry VII

Answer: He paid all his revenue into a central treasury

The 'poll' tax was instituted at the time of Richard II, his son Henry VIII confiscated Catholic church land, income tax - as we know it today - was instituted by William Pitt the Younger to finance the Napoleonic wars.

17. To whom did Henry VII contract his son, Arthur, in marriage?

From Quiz Henry VII

Answer: Catherine of Aragon

The others are wives of his brother Henry VIII as was Catherine of Aragon (daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain).

18. In what month of what year did Henry die?

From Quiz The Life and Times of Henry VII

Answer: April 1509

Henry died on the 21st of April, 1509, of a 'consuming' sickness. He was 52 years old and had ruled for 23 years and 8 months. He was an extremely able speaker and ruler, who cemented the Tudor dynasty with alacrity. He took from the rich, and gave to himself, therefore earning the reputation as a Tudor Scrooge and miser. It is probably fair to say this is not true. While popularity was never one of his chief concerns, he enjoyed a good party like anyone else. His son would become one of the most famous kings in history. He was overall, a great leader, statesman, king and human.

19. What year did Henry VII die?

From Quiz Henry VII

Answer: 1509

1536 was the year Anne Boleyn was executed. Jane Seymour) died in 1537; Catherine Howard was executed in 1542, and in 1547 Henry VIII died.

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