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American Horror Story NYC Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
American Horror Story NYC Quizzes, Trivia

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AHS: NYC Trivia Quizzes

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Fun Trivia
Something is happening in New York City. It's the 1980s, and the gay community is in danger in this eleventh season of American Horror Story.
American Horror Story: NYC premiered in 2022 on FX.

10 AHS: NYC quizzes and 100 AHS: NYC trivia questions.
  "Something's Coming"   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"NYC" - Episode 1
It's 1981 and a string of murders in New York City's gay community starts to emerge from the darkness.
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 22 23
kyleisalive editor
Sep 22 23
70 plays
  "Bad Fortune"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"NYC" - Episode 5
Fate and death loom for those facing struggles in New York City. While some are stalked by a foreboding figure, others sense something sinister under the surface.
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 22 23
kyleisalive editor
Sep 22 23
42 plays
  "The Sentinel"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"NYC" - Episode 7
The walls start closing in as trapped people fight for understanding and freedom from oppressors, both human and otherwise, while danger still lurks.
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 22 23
kyleisalive editor
Sep 22 23
41 plays
  "Fire Island"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"NYC" - Episode 8
A relaxing weekend off the coast proves to be otherwise as threats continue to loom over the gay community.
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 22 23
kyleisalive editor
Sep 22 23
41 plays
  "Black Out"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"NYC" - Episode 4
A heat wave leads to power outages in New York City as the body count, both for victims of a serial killer and a mysterious new illness, continues to mount.
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 22 23
kyleisalive editor
Sep 22 23
45 plays
  "The Body"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"NYC" - Episode 6
A discovery sends Patrick to Fire Island to come face to face with his dark past, but he soon realizes that it'll expose more than one truth about recent events.
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 22 23
kyleisalive editor
Sep 22 23
42 plays
  "Requiem 1981/1987 Part Two"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"NYC" - Episode 10
Those who remain behind must face the epidemic first-hand. As something awful spreads in the community, there's little to do but await the end.
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 22 23
kyleisalive editor
Sep 22 23
37 plays
  "Thank You For Your Service"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"NYC" - Episode 2
Gino is freed from captivity and renews his eagerness to ensure justice while new leads develop and new information comes to light.
Tough, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 22 23
kyleisalive editor
Sep 22 23
49 plays
  "Requiem 1981/1987 Part One"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"NYC" - Episode 9
Something terrible has finally exposed itself. A lurking evil comes to full bloom, leaving many devastated and others to come to new understandings.
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 22 23
kyleisalive editor
Sep 22 23
32 plays
  "Smoke Signals"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"NYC" - Episode 3
Where there's smoke, there's fire. The hunt for a killer intensifies while Detective Read embraces his hidden past and Dr. Wells realizes that a conspiracy might not be far from the truth.
Tough, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 22 23
kyleisalive editor
Sep 22 23
45 plays

AHS: NYC Trivia Questions

1. Who appears to be sick on the boat to Fire Island?

From Quiz
"Fire Island"

Answer: Theo

As the Traveler ferry carries its passengers over the water to Fire Island, Theo throws up over the side of the boat. Adam reassures him that he's not the first person to be seasick on a boat, but Theo complains he's been ill every morning as of recently. Weirdly, Adam notes that Hannah's been afflicted with the same bug; she's been sick the past few days per the message she left him. The disease that's been going around might be of concern, but there's not too much to know about it. It's just Theo's luck-- he always seems to be getting sick, coming down with STDs. Adam's not worried; they're monogamous from here on out. As the boat docks, everyone disembarks. Sam, waiting on the pier, spots Theo and Adam arriving. Gino and Patrick get off the boat as well with Fran and her friends close behind. A Fire Island getaway awaits.

2. Who finds Gino in the cadaver drawers in the hospital morgue?

From Quiz "Black Out"

Answer: Detective Read

Gino pounds on the inside of the morgue drawer he's trapped inside, screaming to get out, while Read searches the hospital. Read manages to spot Whitely, the man from Gino's sketch, as he departs the building, but he loses him in the crowd on the way to the entrance. Heading back in the direction Whitely came from, Read makes his way down the stairwell and into the morgue, finding his way to the cadaver storage drawers and hearing the kicking inside. Sure enough, it's where he finds his boyfriend, bound but still alive.

3. What was Captain Ross' profession?

From Quiz "Something's Coming"

Answer: Airline pilot

The year is 1981. A cab pulls up to a trash-lined street in New York City as a group of airline workers arrive at their hotel for the night. After a nightcap, Captain Ross heads upstairs to find one of his stewardesses, Tawny, heading out for ice. Both of them are married, and while the pilot chooses not to give in to the invitation, Tawny persists. Captain Ross heads to his room and removes his wedding ring before opening his luggage. Inside is his leather outfit. He heads out to a warehouse, a popular cruising spot on the water's edge, and heads into the dark building for the evening. The police arrive at the riverside the next morning to find that Captain Ross' body has been found by a local man fishing in the Hudson with his son. The body, presumably dead before it hit the river, appears to be missing its head. The head is found later on by a city worker who, clearing out a blocked sewer drain, comes across it as the source of the blockage. In the autopsy room, a mortician finds a coloured handkerchief stuffed down its mouth.

4. As a favour from Patrick, Adam is able to consult the police mortician regarding Hannah's death. Based only on the tapes he finds, she's believed to have died by what means?

From Quiz "Requiem 1981/1987 Part Two"

Answer: Heart failure

Bringing the tape deck home Adam starts taking thorough notes on Hannah's findings. What he finds, however, is most alarming. As the tape continues on, Hannah starts to have trouble breathing, coughing uncontrollably. During one such recording, she appears to cough in a strangled way until she collapses. The tapes, however, ultimately lead Adam to the police mortician who, after hearing the tapes, believes that Hannah likely died of heart failure. It was sudden, likely, but she won't be able to complete an autopsy until the following day. Adam insists it might be homicide, but he's told not to go down that route or he will likely be subject to questioning. This is, after all, a favour for Patrick.

5. Amongst the hospital rooms in his dream, Sam comes across which of his past lovers?

From Quiz "Requiem 1981/1987 Part One"

Answer: Stewart

Sam emerges from his hospital room back on his feet and Theo walks him through the corridors of the building answering questions for his confused patient. It's hard to say whether or not Sam intended to kill him; he doesn't think he did. The others, however, are question marks. There are others whose lives Sam managed to devour. Theo reminds Sam that, at one time, he said something was coming. That something is finally upon them. Theo brings Sam into one of the other rooms in the hospital to find a body in the bed. The man there was admitted a month earlier with the same infection that Sam has. Sam barely remembers this patient-- Danny, the first man he and Theo opened their relationship up to. As Danny begins to leak bodily fluids and Sam cowers away, they move on. In the next room, they find Stewart, the last man Sam had in his cellar cage. He was unwell before he met Sam, but doctors didn't know it yet. Now he wastes away. Theo encourages Sam to give him a kiss; he needs compassion. Sam reluctantly complies.

6. Whitely plans to take which body part from Patrick to place inside his sentinel?

From Quiz "The Sentinel"

Answer: Heart

Patrick wakes up strapped to a worktable, bound and gagged next to Whitely's most recent victim while in another room, Gino struggles to free himself next to Henry. Gino screams for help while Gino urges him to stop; it'll only make things worse. Henry reveals that he's missing an ear-- part of himself that Whitely claimed for his project. Whitely apologizes to Patrick for using a meat tenderizer to knock him out, but he needed to do something. With the two of them alone, they can finally talk. Whitely tells Patrick that he's a fan-- he admires him for what he goes through on a daily basis at the precinct. Though they're working at cross purposes, he's made a change of plans to his sentinel. He obtained a heart from another body, but Patrick's heart would have a much better place in his beacon of hope for the gay community. It's an honour to him.

7. Dr. Wells claims that Sam would have gotten his cryptosporidium by which means?

From Quiz "Thank You For Your Service"

Answer: Sexual transmission

Dr. Wells continues her research in the lab, determining that her patients are starting to get sick. Sam stops by her office for the latest diagnosis and she explains that he has cryptosporidium, a sexually-transmitted amoeba that is, for all intents, incredibly rare. The catch is that she's seen four cases of it in the past month. Hopefully, she says, the immune system keeps it down. She gives Sam a prescription and tells him to get three days of bedrest and it should deal with itself. As Sam leaves Dr. Wells' office, the other patients in the waiting room talk about their recent illnesses and ailments. One girl says that no one appears able to diagnose her recent skin rash. She asks another patient, Mr. Whitely, what he's in for and he claims he's there for a cat scratch on his wrist. When he enters Dr. Wells' office, however, he too has the rash and it won't go away.

8. While at Fire Island, Patrick has visions of which person?

From Quiz "Fire Island"

Answer: Barbara

Adam remarks that Theo doesn't look all too well as they prepare to go out for the day, but Theo acknowledges that all it'll take is a few drinks. As Patrick returns to the cabin, Adam invites him to the Blue Whale as well, but it's clear that not everything is okay. Patrick starts asking about the way Gino is at work, but Adam doesn't say anything unbecoming of his boss. The boys head out while Patrick stays in, instead taking a shower. Believing he hears Gino outside he dresses and walks to the back patio to find Barbara standing by the railing's edge. As she teleports behind him and descends upon him, she bears the face of a decrepit monster. He awakens from the nightmare by the pool, the situation inexplicable.

9. Detective Read is called directly in regards to the body out on Fire Island. Who does he contact immediately after?

From Quiz "The Body"

Answer: Sam

At the station, Det. Read returns to his desk to find that the rest of the squad is turning against him in subtle ways. He brushes it aside when the phone rings and he picks it up to receive the call of a concerned man living out on Fire Island. The man, Frankie, avoided calling local police after having heard of Read through a mutual friend, and the reason for the call is the body found out on the beach near his place. The body, he says, has been there quite a while and it's wearing a leather mask. At his apartment, Sam has a crate delivered when he receives a call. It turns out to be from Patrick, calling to let him know about the body. Out by the riverside, Henry Grant meets with a local mobster concerned with Gino's reporting in 'The Native' and its affect on people's perception of the police. Henry's happy to oblige. All he needs to do is make sure Gino has written his last article.

10. Hannah and Adam both receive a tarot reading, but they each manage to draw which card?

From Quiz "Bad Fortune"

Answer: Death

Dr. Wells and Adam walk through New York enjoying a light dinner and celebrating Hannah's healthy pregnancy, contemplating the possible gender of their child as they come across the psychic shop. They curiously head inside to find Fran, who both of them have worked with, at the table there. Despite the fact that Adam knows her from 'The Native' and Hannah bounced her theories off her, Fran manages to convince the pair to take a seat-- one card, one chance to tell them something about the baby. After Fran shuffles the deck she has Hannah cut it and she begins the reading. The first card is the Queen of Pentacles while the second is the Ten of Swords; she doesn't have much to say about either. The third card, however, is the Empress, which is connected to feminine energy. Perhaps, she says, she'll have a daughter. Fran convinces Adam to draw cut the deck as well and he asks after his missing friend. His three cards are more dire, starting with the Death card. Fran performs one last reading for Hannah, but she somehow manages to draw three Death cards in a row. It's of immense concern. There should be only one in the deck to begin.

11. Gino works for 'The Downtown Native', a newspaper with which target audience?

From Quiz "Something's Coming"

Answer: Gay men

At the offices of 'The Downtown Native', Gino Barelli receives a formal complaint from local lesbians, angry with him for not providing coverage for their issues. As a gay man promoting a queer newspaper, however, he asserts that he's more focused on problems plaguing gay men, most important of which, lately, is the string murders targeting homosexuals in New York. Gino returns to his apartment to find that his boyfriend, Detective Patrick Read, has already made dinner. The two quickly talk about the most recent murder and while Gino wants to publish something in the paper, Read tells him he can't; no one's supposed to know. The disagreement leads to a full-blown argument and Gino, frustrated that they can't make a difference with Read tiptoeing around and remaining in the closet, suggests their relationship is a sham. Gino leaves instead of sitting for dinner.

12. As part of his dream, Sam is locked away in his cage from his cellar. Who helps him come to the realization of the pain that he's caused others?

From Quiz "Requiem 1981/1987 Part One"

Answer: Henry

Sam awakens locked inside his cellar cage in a sparsely-lit, black room. Though he screams for help, Henry, clad all in leather, emerges from the shadows and grabs some of the grotesque devices from the nearby table. Henry remarks that they're despicable devices, made to make outsiders hate men like him; Sam says that Henry was a hitman and a murderer and likely brought it on himself. The catch with both of them, Henry admits, is that they're misunderstood. As Big Daddy emerges from the dark, he grabs a whip and approaches a man chained to a nearby table. Henry tells Sam to understand the difference between pain and pleasure and forces him to watch as his father is attacked by the hulking figure, much to his distress. Henry has to ask-- was this where all the violence began? Another man is illuminated in the dark-- Sam's first boss when he worked on Wall Street. This man, chained to a chair, is deprived of his dignity while Sam watches on in shock. Sam always strived for power, but at the expense of others. The final figure to be shown is Sam himself, and as Big Daddy removes his hood and stares at him, Henry says that it's time to stare at that which brings chaos to his life. Fortunately, Sam is able to break his chains and fall out of his imprisonment...but he finds himself falling into the sands of Fire Island.

13. Who kills the Mai Tai Killer?

From Quiz "The Sentinel"

Answer: Patrick

Patrick argues that a pile of dead meat doesn't help Whitely's cause, but Whitely has other ideas. Once Patrick's heart is inside the sentinel's body, he'll drain the embalming fluid and perform a full blood transfusion to bring the sentinel back to life. An injection of adrenaline should do it. The only thing that stops Whitely is the revving of a chainsaw as Gino and Henry emerge from captivity, holding the murderer at bay while he tries to explain himself further. Gino unlocks Patrick's cuffs, freeing him from the table as the detective picks up his gun. Though Whitely begs to see his plan through for the sake of the community, Patrick doesn't listen. Seeing the ghosts of Whitely's victims standing behind, he shoots and kills the Mai Tai Killer, finishing out his case once and for all.

14. Where is Barbara when she collapses?

From Quiz "Bad Fortune"

Answer: At her lawyer's

Heading to the lawyers' office, Barbara and Patrick reunite with the moderation of their divorce attorneys. Barbara admits to not feeling well; she comes back from the washroom stating that she hasn't been able to keep food down for a fair bit of time possibly due to food poisoning. As Patrick signs his side of the paperwork, Barbara asks their lawyers to leave for a moment so the two of them can talk, and it's then that she admits she feels like they're making a terrible mistake. She acknowledges that they may not do the normal thing husband and wives do, but they may be throwing everything away. Patrick, however, knows they don't have a marriage anymore. He can't keep that up. Barbara signs on the dotted line. As she admits, she still wants him to be happy. Moments later, however, she collapses on the floor.

15. The body of Hans Henkes is found, dead, in which location?

From Quiz "Black Out"

Answer: His bed

Read is called to a crime scene in the 9th Precinct and heads up to the fifth floor in the awful heat to find a man being escorted out in handcuffs. They enter the apartment to the awful smell of death and there, in the bed, is the body of Hans Henkes, one of the performers of the city's recent underground parties. Hans' body is covered in awful sores; he's been dead for a few days. The forensic analyst onsite says that she'll need to perform a full autopsy to identify what's happening with the victim's skin as it may be hiding the true cause of death, currently assumed to be blunt force trauma. In the meantime, Read tells Marzara that the man they've taken into custody, Daniel, is unlikely to be the perpetrator as he knows the guy. As Marzara departs, Read picks up the phone on the nearby table and makes a call.

16. Detective Read is told to follow the killer's directions, ending up where?

From Quiz "Smoke Signals"

Answer: At a party

Read positions himself next to the payphone out in front of The Ditch and it doesn't take long before it rings...a lot. Though he expects that the person on the other line will be who he's looking for, the phone ends up receiving all manner of calls throughout the night, so much so that he stands out on the wall for hours screening them. The call he needs, however, comes just as he's about to leave; he picks up the phone to hear the killer's voice on the other end. Read asks the killer what comes next and on the other end he's told they can go as far as he's willing. Read receives an address and is told to be there in twenty minutes. What he finds there is an artsy warehouse party. He grabs a beer, scopes it out, and spots someone watching him-- someone who looks like the man in Gino's sketch.

17. Gino allows lesbian writers on his staff in advance of what upcoming event?

From Quiz "Thank You For Your Service"

Answer: Pride

At his desk, Gino receives another visit from the trio of lesbians who stop by to decry his lack of women in the paper. He assures them that he understands their concern, but with a real-life killer on the loose, he can't afford to humour their ask. This said, he has an issue coming up for pride in the near future-- a double issue-- and if they want to do it, they can take a desk in the corner and write whatever they want as long as they leave him alone. Adam, meanwhile, is brought into the precinct for questioning under Detective Read and his colleagues. Read reminds him that he followed up on his missing persons concern, but Adam couldn't keep quiet, and now it seems as though he's out to oppose the NYPD. Unfortunately for the police, his chief says, they're bound by the limitations of the law. That's why they bring in someone from outside the force to harass him. Adam is placed into a cell and Read brings him a soda as a peace offering. Adam asks if anyone knows about him, but Read denies whatever he's implying. He tells Adam that if he hears anything new, he can call him directly, but otherwise he should lay low.

18. Adam's roommate, Sully, is attacked by a man in what New York City location?

From Quiz "Something's Coming"

Answer: Central Park

Roommates Adam and Sully argue in their living room. Adam, getting over a tough break-up, lays on the couch for his sixth day in a row while Sully, needing to get out to sell drugs, urges him to come out and get fresh air. He concedes and the two head out to what turns out to be a cruising spot in Central Park, much to Adam's confusion. While Sully heads off with a guy, he tells Adam to hang around and have fun. Adam sits alone by the tunnel where Sully splits off from him as the other men in the area depart, but Sully doesn't return. He shouts for his friend, but he doesn't come back. Instead, he's found by a man in leather bondage gear and a mask who approaches him with a whip in-hand. Sully eventually hears Adam's yells for help and rushes through the woods to return to him, but he gets lost in the darkness on the way. The man with the whip finds him instead. Adam arrives where he hears Sully's screams, but doesn't find him there.

19. Sam is pursued by Big Daddy on the beach at Fire Island but he's captured. All that's left to do, he is told, is what?

From Quiz "Requiem 1981/1987 Part One"

Answer: Transcend

Collapsing onto the Fire Island beach in front of his beach house, Sam gets to his feet not a moment before Big Daddy starts to pursue him across the sand. Henry, watching from the side of the beach, tells him that he can't outrun him; he's too slow and the darkness always wins. Sure enough, Big Daddy is able to reach Sam and grab him in a bearhug, squeezing tightly as Sam cries in terror. Looking down the beach, Sam realizes, as the other men who've fallen victim to the crisis at hand, all donning antlers, await his arrival. All that Sam has left to do, Henry says, is transcend. Sam turns around and slowly removes Big Daddy's mask, coming to terms with his fate and embracing him while the others, Theo amongst them, close in. Henry congratulates Sam with a well done before they vanish. On the beach, Henry takes a white urn in his hands and dumps the ashes into the ocean.

20. Following the closing of the Mai Tai Killer case, what happens to Detective Read?

From Quiz "The Sentinel"

Answer: He quits

As a new dawn breaks in New York City, the newspapers are sent out and Gino's story about the death of the Mai Tai Killer, told from Patrick's point of view, is disseminated through New York. Patrick is pursued by journalists as he heads to the precinct but he finds that his fellow detectives aren't all too impressed with his closing of the case or his comments on their attitude towards the gay community. When Patrick speaks to Chief Marzara, he hands in his badge and gun. Marzara says that he's not firing Detective Read. In fact, he wants him to help make things right by heading outreach programs and fixing the department. Read won't have it though-- he wants to reopen all the cases swept under the rug in the gay community over the years, and since Marzara won't consider doing that, he's quitting. He leaves without further discussion.

21. Why does Patrick need to visit Barbara's apartment?

From Quiz "Bad Fortune"

Answer: To take out her new puppy

Barbara awakens in a hospital bed with Patrick by her side and she apologizes, not necessarily because she collapsed but because she needs a favour. After Patrick left, she finally committed and bought a new dog-- a papillon-- and it probably needs to be taken out for a walk since she's been away from the house all day. Patrick graciously decides to help out. When he arrives at Barbara's he finds the dog waiting in the dark; the lights don't seem to turn on. The dog appears to be barking, but not at Patrick as he comes in the door. Instead, it's paying close attention to a closet. Patrick draws his gun as he approaches and, to his surprise, Big Daddy is inside. The hulking man knocks him back, gets the upper hand, and pins him to the ground.

22. Theo heads to Sam's apartment when he leaves the hospital. What ends up happening when he does?

From Quiz "Black Out"

Answer: He leaves his keys behind

Theo heads back to Sam's apartment after his long night at the hospital and tensions quickly run high with Sam trying to be controlling the minute he steps in. Theo complains that there's a lot of dark and weird stuff happening in the city and Sam's name keeps getting linked to it all. He's not only getting more controlling, but his needs keep getting darker and darker. Theo explains that he wants something more simple and he finally has a chance at that with someone else. Sam is scaring him, and he worries that it could lead to something dangerous. Sam threatens that it'll mean the studio will go, the work will disappear too, but Theo tosses his keys to the apartment aside and leaves. At the paper, Gino prepares another issue, this one featuring an obituary for Hans Henkes, while Adam comments on the heatwave and the likelihood of the power grid giving up. The heat and the circumstances seem to be getting to Gino who, realizing the severity of the situation, yells that every gay man in New York should be afraid because when they're dead, it'll be too late. The power flickers in the office as Adam departs.

23. Barbara finds a case containing Patrick's hidden items and shows it to Gino. Where did she find it?

From Quiz "Thank You For Your Service"

Answer: In their basement

As Gino leaves his apartment he's intercepted by Barbara who says that she needs to let him know of something important. Considering the events in the village as of late, she was caught off-guard when she was cleaning out the basement and found a case containing a number of bandanas and leather bondage gear, something Read once claimed not to know anything about. Barbara realizes that Gino didn't know anything about this. Adam is picked up from prison and his friend lets him know that it's a good thing he's able to walk free. There's a party being held in the seediest part of the city at an old warehouse bought by a rich queen looking to combine decadence with squalor. He'll have to dress up, but it'll be a good time since all the hippest artists will be there. As Adam heads home on the subway he has a hallucination, believing that a crazy woman speaking nonsense gives him one clear message: "something is coming."

24. In 1987, Patrick is told that his AIDS diagnosis has progressed, leaving him with which affliction?

From Quiz "Requiem 1981/1987 Part One"

Answer: Blindness

Gino arrives at the hospital to find a building almost vacant of staff. As he passes by rooms of men sealed away by hermetic plastic sheeting, he proceeds into Patrick's room with a bouquet of flowers. The year is 1987. As Gino cleans up, Patrick awakens. Gino finds that the IV bag on the stand is empty and brings Patrick a glass of water though Patrick is almost too weak to take it. When the doctor finally arrives, he comes with bad news. Unfortunately, the disease has progressed to the point where his retinas have detached; Patrick is permanently blind and, unfortunately, AIDS patients are not eligible for the complicated surgery to reattach them. Patrick simply asks Gino to just be there with him. He's scared.

25. It's estimated that how many different men had their body parts built into Whitely's sentinel?

From Quiz "The Sentinel"

Answer: Seven & 7

Before Read leaves his job entirely, he finds Adam waiting near the precinct's morgue, there on the off-chance that he might be able to identify any of his missing friends' remains. Read is forced to explain Whitely's modus operandi, that he took gay men apart to create the perfect being of his own devising. When the pair enter the room and see the sentinel on the slab, Adam can't believe the truth behind it. Unfortunately, he's not able to identify any part of the body; he can't tell, considering the state of it. Read tells him that there's likely seven bodies amongst those pieced together. Adam reminds him that much more than seven gay men have died in New York City as of recently.

26. Patrick first visited Fire Island in 1979, and it was there that he met a young man by what name?

From Quiz "The Body"

Answer: Billy

It was 1979 when Patrick first visited Fire Island, and as soon as he got off the ferry he was scooped up by Sam, brought to the party at his place, and met Billy. At the time, Patrick was married to Barbara but he went to the island in secret with the intention of being himself. Meeting Billy, though, allowed him to let himself go. Sam gave both of them cocaine; it was a first for both of them. Before long, all three of them split off from the party and headed into the basement to partake in rougher fare. Reaching the cellar, Sam revealed the stocks hanging from the ceiling and Billy, eager to please, volunteered to be placed inside. What resulted was a dangerous night that led to Billy's death; he would suffocate in the leather mask he was placed into, and no one would notice until it was too late.

27. Getting a test from her doctor, Hannah discovers she suffers from which odd health concern?

From Quiz "Bad Fortune"

Answer: Low red blood cell count

Adam stops by the doctor's office to be present for Hannah's appointment, checking in on the health of the baby and the progress of the pregnancy. It's mostly good news, but there's also a blood panel to look into. The doctor is a bit concerned with a low red cell count; it's nothing to get alarmed about, but it could be a slight case of anemia. Hannah later explains to Adam that after the fire at the barn, all of the samples she took from the victims also had low red blood cell counts. It's hard to understand the meaning behind it. Patrick is eventually able to contact his colleagues and bring in backup, explaining that the man (who he earlier shot in Central Park) managed to break into Barbara's place and wait for him to show up out of sheer luck. The reporting detective asks if it was a lover's tryst and Patrick is caught off-guard-- after all, the man attacked him. Later, when Patrick brings Barbara home, they survey the damage and Barbara commits to staying home instead of heading to a motel or, worse, her sister's. Since she has police stationed outside, she feels safer in her own space than anywhere else.

28. Gino speaks to Alana about the Mai Tai Killer and she claims that she knows him. Of note, he may have fought in what war?

From Quiz "Smoke Signals"

Answer: Vietnam War

Gino visits Alana at her bar and finds her cleaning blood off the floor. When he shows her the police sketch she recognizes the man almost instantly; he's been in the club as of late and she always feels a dark energy coming off him, likely because he served in Vietnam. She allows him to put up his posters just in case someone knows more. Adam, meanwhile, arrives at the Ascension Bar and gets stopped at the door by the doorwoman who insists that anyone who enters the exclusive club be out, employed, and not boring. Since Adam knows Theo Graves, however, it's all a moot point. He's led into the lavish bar and, before he's seated, he asks for (but is refused) a chance to put up the Mai Tai Killer's poster. Theo arrives shortly after, not noticing he's being followed by Big Daddy outside.

29. Who beckons Patrick into the light?

From Quiz "Requiem 1981/1987 Part One"

Answer: Barbara

Gino remains with Patrick, feeding him apple sauce, before Patrick tells him to sell his life insurance policy. If he does, it'll pay for his funeral, otherwise it'll just go to his parents. Gino doesn't want to think about it, but he promises. That evening, Patrick listens to his IV drip before reaching for his call button, accidentally dropping it on the floor. He yells for help but, when no one comes, he gets out of bed to reach for it, slipping on the floor and tearing the IV from his arm. He struggles as he tries to find his way but he hears a voice calling his name from the hall. Feeling around on the floor, Patrick finds a wheelchair, pulls himself into it, and wheels into the corridor. Though he doesn't see the lights flickering on and off around him, he does manage to lead himself towards the light. Barbara tells him to open his eyes and look at her, and when he does he finds that he can see his ex-wife standing before him in her wedding gown. He cries, asking if she's there to punish him. She isn't. There's nothing left of him to punish, she says. She's there, instead, to help him see. As Patrick takes Barbara's hand he rises from his wheelchair and they proceed into the light together.

30. Gino invites Adam out for a stay at a rental house, but where is it?

From Quiz "The Sentinel"

Answer: Fire Island

Adam visits Hannah at the hospital and she tells him the truth about her findings. Aside from the obvious medical side-- that there's an issue with all of her patients' platelet levels-- a number of her patients have disappeared, and clearly not because of the Mai Tai Killer. Those missing include Sully, who sparked Adam's awareness that something was amiss; he was one of Dr. Wells' first patients. Hannah doesn't have the resources to find more information. When Hannah and Adam talk to Fran and her friends, she expresses that there's nowhere to go to get more funding to continue her research. She explains that there's no real rhyme or reason to it all; she and Adam have a viral version of the illness while KK, one of Fran's friends, has a bacterial form similar to the deer on Fire Island. Fran continues to believe it's the government. They all agree they should put an article in the paper. At the offices of 'The Native', Adam tries to convince Gino to publish something, but with the end of the Mai Tai Killer's stranglehold on New York, Gino's not into the idea. In fact, he and Patrick are planning on heading out for the weekend, bound for a stay at a Fire Island house rental. He invites Adam out; it'll be good for him to get away from the insanity for a bit. He can bring Hannah and Fran as well. There's plenty of room.

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Last Updated Feb 08 2025 5:53 AM
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