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Time Zones Trivia Quizzes

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Ready to embark on a journey that spans the world's clock faces? These quizzes will test your knowledge of the intricate web of time zones, where seconds can make the difference between night and day.
5 Time Zones quizzes and 50 Time Zones trivia questions.
As a New Day Dawns
  As a New Day Dawns   top quiz  
Ordering Quiz
 10 Qns
Dawn breaks at different times depending on where you are. Can you put these countries in order from the first to see the new day to the last? The quiz is based on positions relative to the International Date Line & generally ignores time changes.
Average, 10 Qns, rossian, Nov 23 22
rossian editor
Nov 23 22
509 plays
  Time It Is A Precious Thing   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
According to songwriter Eric Andersen "There's no further distance than time". Here are 10 questions about time and Time Zones worldwide. GMT is used in this quiz and no allowance is given for any seasonal variations.
Average, 10 Qns, darksplash, Oct 05 24
Oct 05 24
1602 plays
  Daylight Saving Time Facts    
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 15 Qns
Since it is the time of year we are changing to Daylight Saving Time around the world, I wanted to do a quiz in honor of this event. How much do you know about DST?
Difficult, 15 Qns, pshelton, Mar 14 11
pshelton gold member
1002 plays
  Top of the Morning (To You)    
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When travelling, Alice loves to have breakfast in the morning. Luckily, she has a matter transporter that enables her to arrive at her next destination between 6:00 am & 12:00 noon. Help her decide where she should or shouldn't go next.
Average, 10 Qns, KatieK54, Aug 05 22
KatieK54 gold member
Aug 05 22
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  Time Zones    
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A brief quiz on time zones.
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Time Zones Trivia Questions

1. If it's noon in London, what time is it in Paris?

From Quiz
Time It Is A Precious Thing

Answer: 1pm

France is one hour ahead of GMT. Time is measured from Greenwich Observatory in London, on the zero degree line of longitude (also known as the Prime Meridian). It took an international conference in 1884 to select Greenwich as the singular world meridian, several had previously existed. The 'Meridian Conference' was called at the behest of the then US President, Chester A. Arthur. Twenty-five nations attended and they voted 22-1 to fix the meridian at Greenwich. San Domingo voted against, Brazil and France abstained.

2. Most people know that Benjamin Franklin was the first to conceive the idea of daylight saving time while he was a delegate in Paris in 1784, but who was the first person to design and propose a practical way to implement it?

From Quiz Daylight Saving Time Facts

Answer: William Willett

William Willett was a London builder who published a pamphlet "Waste of Daylight" in 1907. He lobbied for years to have DST put into action but was still unsuccessful when he died in 1915.

3. When were time zones officially adopted worldwide?

From Quiz Time Zones

Answer: November 1, 1884

They were adopted at the International Meridian Conference held in Washington, DC.

4. Even though they were not on daylight saving yet, which country was the first to adopt one standard time throughout a region?

From Quiz Daylight Saving Time Facts

Answer: Great Britain

Pushed by the railroads, Britain began to change the many different times to a standard one in 1847 and was largely converted by 1855.

5. How many time zones does the United States use (states only, no territories)?

From Quiz Time Zones

Answer: 6

Aleutian Islands and Hawaii: UT-10 hours; Alaska mainland: UT-9 hours; Pacific: UT-8 hours; Mountain: UT-7 hours;} Central: UT-6 hours; Eastern: UT-5 hours.

6. When did the United States go to a standard time?

From Quiz Daylight Saving Time Facts

Answer: 1883

18 November 1883, the United States as well as Canada implemented standard time in their time zones. This was also driven by the railroads and prior to this, each locality was able to determine time in whatever fashion suited them. William Lambert was the first to promote the adoption of time zones in 1809, though he was unsuccessful in this endeavor.

7. How many time zones does mainland China use?

From Quiz Time Zones

Answer: 1

It spans the longitudes of five standard zones, but it has been decreed that the nation as a whole use just one: UT+8 hours.

8. "This is your captain speaking, we've just taken off from LAX on our flight to LGW. The time here is 2:19pm, but I can never work out these GMT things, does anyone know the current time at our destination?"

From Quiz Time It Is A Precious Thing

Answer: 10:19pm

In GMT (or UTC) designation, LAX, Los Angeles International airport, is eight hours behind LGW, London Gatwick (seven hours when Daylight Saving Time is observed).

9. What is the primary reasons that 02:00 in the morning was set as that changeover time in the United States?

From Quiz Daylight Saving Time Facts

Answer: Less disruption and most would be changed over by daybreak

Lawmakers believed that it was very desirable for the entire continental U.S. to have made the change by the start of the normal working day. Many computer and electronic systems now are able to make the adjustment without human intervention.

10. What place on Earth has the greatest offset from Universal Time (UT), at UT+13.75 hours during its Summer Time (Daylight Savings)?

From Quiz Time Zones

Answer: Chatham Islands

A 'region' of New Zealand (a political division), they are located 850 km east of mainland NZ. They are actually in the Western Hemisphere, and their time is offset from NZ by +45 minutes. They are the first local time to 'experience' any new date. Also, since New Year's Day is just after their Summer Solstice, their sunrise on January 1 is the first dawn of any new year.

11. All time zones have a designation in hours 'ahead of' or 'behind' Greenwich Mean Time. Theoretically each of the world's time zones are bounded by meridians the same distance apart. How far apart?

From Quiz Time It Is A Precious Thing

Answer: 15 degrees

The earth's circumference is divided into 24 'lunes' each 15 degrees of longitude between meridians (being 360 degress divided by 24 zones). In practice, some time zones follow political boundaries rather than pure meridians. Each zone is one hour behind its neighbour to the east and one hour ahead of its neighbour to the west.

12. Which country adopted daylight saving time in 1991 with the National Measurement Amendment Bill?

From Quiz Daylight Saving Time Facts

Answer: Australia

When the Federal Parliament in Australia enacted this bill, they also defined a national system of time zones.

13. What are the names of Australia's three standard time zones?

From Quiz Time It Is A Precious Thing

Answer: Eastern Standard Time (AEST), Central Standard Time (ACST) and Western Standard Time. (WAST)

Apologies to our Antipodean quizzers for the crude stereotyping in the question. Australia's time zones were adopted in 1892. There are, though, some anomalies, including an unofficial Central Western Time zone, which is 45 minutes ahead of Western Standard Time.

14. Which country was the first to officially adopt a system of daylight saving time?

From Quiz Daylight Saving Time Facts

Answer: Germany

Germany adopted DST in April 1916, with Great Britain following May 1916. Currently about 70 countries around the world observe daylight saving time in some form.

15. Which state in the continental USA does not observe Daylight Saving Time?

From Quiz Time It Is A Precious Thing

Answer: Arizona

Confusingly, the Navajo Indian Reservation does observe DST. The Navajo Nation uses DST because of its large size and location across three states. DST is also not observed in Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

16. What piece of legislation standardized DST in the United States and when?

From Quiz Daylight Saving Time Facts

Answer: The Uniform Time Act, 1966

Prior to this time, localities set the start and end of DST at will. This Act standardized the starting and ending dates as well as the time the change occurred. It did not require that all areas observe DST.

17. For pilots, flying long distances over changing time zones might be confusing. What name is given to the time referred to by pilots internationally?

From Quiz Time It Is A Precious Thing

Answer: Zulu Time

The world has 24 time zones and each has been given a letter of the alphabet. The time at Greenwich Observatory, London, is the standard for international communications and has the designation Z, or Zulu.

18. What was it called when Britain put their summer clocks two hours ahead of GMT during World War II?

From Quiz Daylight Saving Time Facts

Answer: Double Summer Time

Double Summer Time was deemed a benefit to the war effort. Other countries in the world have altered their standard time when war was waged.

19. Japan went to the use of daylight saving when they were occupied by the U.S. after World War II. Why did they stop using DST in 1952?

From Quiz Daylight Saving Time Facts

Answer: Complaints from the farmers

The farmers found it very disruptive, this complaint being a common one throughout the world. Many farmers find that it is inconvenient to have to work in an extra hour of darkness in the early mornings.

20. When did Mexico adopt DST?

From Quiz Daylight Saving Time Facts

Answer: 1996

The European Union uniformly adopted daylight saving in the same year.

21. Until 2011, how did Russia vary daylight saving time?

From Quiz Daylight Saving Time Facts

Answer: They set the clocks 2 hours ahead of standard in summer

The higher latitude localities in Russia saw a lot of benefit from the two hour difference in summer. With effect from February 2011, Russia decided to stay on Daylight Saving Time permanently.

22. Until 2005, which U.S. state allowed each county to determine whether to observe DST?

From Quiz Daylight Saving Time Facts

Answer: Indiana

Prior to 2005, only around 16% of Indiana counties observed DST and the others did not. Driving through the state, you might encounter a strange change in time as you pass through the various counties.

This is category 18183
Last Updated Oct 26 2024 5:49 AM
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