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Quiz about Books Within the Good Book
Quiz about Books Within the Good Book

Books Within the Good Book Trivia Quiz

There are 15 Old Testament books that are categorised as one of Major Prophets, Wisdom, or Law. Your job is to work out where each one fits!

A classification quiz by VegemiteKid. Estimated time: 3 mins.
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3 mins
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May 29 23
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Major Prophets

Proverbs Ecclesiastes Leviticus Isaiah Deuteronomy Jeremiah Song of Solomon Ezekiel Job Genesis Psalms Daniel Numbers Exodus Lamentations

* Drag / drop or click on the choices above to move them to the correct categories.

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. Isaiah

Answer: Major Prophets

God gave Isaiah, the son of Amoz, a vision about Judah and Jerusalem during the reigns of the four kings who ruled between 767 and 686 B.C. His name means 'the salvation of the Lord', a fitting appellation for one whose prophecy was about the one to come who would save the people from their sins. The prophecy of Isaiah speaks about the virgin birth, and the dual nature of the Messiah (wholly God and wholly man); he addresses the earthly life, suffering and resurrection of the promised Messiah, and also touches on the end times.

In chapter 9:6 Isaiah tells us some of the names of God (Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (ESV)). It also points to the coming Messiah as a 'descendant of David' (9:7), which Christians believe was fulfilled in Jesus. Of the Old Testament books, Isaiah is the most-often quoted in the New Testament.
2. Song of Solomon

Answer: Wisdom

Written by Solomon, a son of David and King of Israel, the book of Songs is a lyric ode that talks about the matchless beauty of love. The book tells a story on two levels, one being that of the ruler of a kingdom who falls in love with a maiden from another kingdom, woos and wins her.

But the book is also an allegory and makes reference to a higher love - the mystery and beauty of God's love for mankind and the lengths he takes to rescue and protect his bride. For example, chapter 1:9 has an allusion to Pharaoh's chariots; this is not as it appears at first glance the love between Solomon and Pharaoh's daughter, but rather a reference to the deliverance from the army and chariots of Pharaoh at the Red Sea.

The book at a spiritual level speaks of the restoration of what has been lost through sin.
3. Psalms

Answer: Wisdom

The name of the book of Psalms can be translated 'the Book of Praises' or 'Hymns' as in the Hebrew it is called 'Tehillim', or 'Psalms of Praise'; but it also has the more general meaning of a collection of metrical compositions able to be sung. There are various themes amongst the psalms; some are historical, some doctrinal, some supplicatory or glorifying. The author of many of them was David, the son of Jesse, but Moses is credited as having penned Psalm 90; there are some by Solomon, Asaph wrote twelve; the Ezrahites, Ethan and Heman were responsible for two. The remainder do not contain information about their authors.

The book can be divided into five sections; Book 1 (1-41), Book 2 (42-72), Book 3 (73-89), Book 4 (90-106) and Book 5 (107-150), a structural reflection of the five books of the Law. Christians believe that Christ was foretold, portrayed, and prophesied about in various places in the Psalms, using such characterisations as the coming king, the redeemer, the loving shepherd, and the righteous sufferer.
4. Deuteronomy

Answer: Law

While it might sound as though the Greek name of the book of Deuteronomy might mean a second law is being given, in fact the book is a restating and expansion of the law previously given. The people of Israel had taken the long way round wandering in the desert (40 years long!) but now entry into their homeland is within sight. Moses, who knows he will not be permitted to enter the land, spends his last days reinforcing the laws, explaining them, reproving the people, pointing out that their happiness depended on obedience to God's law.

The last eight verses of the book, which describe Moses' death, were most likely written by his successor, Joshua, though it has been postulated that it could have been Eleazar the priest, Samuel the prophet, or even Ezra who wrote these verses.
5. Leviticus

Answer: Law

Leviticus is one of the most important books of the law in the Bible, as it deals with the requirements of the priesthood. Its Jewish name, Vajikra, means 'the law of the priests' who traditionally came from the tribe of the Levi. The Levites were descended from Levi, son of Jacob, and were in turn descendants of Moses' brother Aaron, the first high priest of Israel.

The book also details the required sacrifices and offerings, food and drink and other ordinances that set the Jewish nation apart from others.
6. Lamentations

Answer: Major Prophets

The book of Lamentations follows the prophecy of Jeremiah. The book is in two halves. In the first half the prophet laments over Jerusalem, while the second half shows the prophet putting himself in the place of a distressed woman (the Jewish nation).

It describes how the Jewish nation became captive because of her great sin; and illustrates the nation's great need to repent and turn to God for help.
7. Ecclesiastes

Answer: Wisdom

The title of the book signifies a person who assembles the people, or the person who addresses the assembled people, in this case "the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem" (1:1, ESV). This suggests that Solomon was the author of the book, and therefore it was written sometime before 931 B.C. The theme of the book is the naturalistic or humanistic life, but it ultimately recognises the hope we have in the constancy of the presence and reign of God in the world, if we but open our eyes to it.

The writer searches desperately for meaning and can only see the meaningless and futility of life, understanding that all our work and pleasure can't satisfy the longing of the soul. He concludes that happiness does not lie in the knowledge, wealth, power, stature or toil, but in the awe and worship of God, which brings freedom to enjoy the blessings given by God.
8. Daniel

Answer: Major Prophets

Daniel was of the royal line of Judah though Hezekiah, and the book he wrote takes place during the time of the judgement. As a young man he and some friends were taken into captivity in Babylon. These young men feared God and refused to give in to the demands of their captors to worship false gods. One message of the book is that God faithfully watches over his children despite their sin and for this reason we should not lose hope even in the midst of trials.

As with many books of the Old Testament, there is an historical plane as well as a prophetical one.

In chapters 9:24-27 we are provided with a meticulous and accurate timeline of things that would happen from his time to the end of the world, including when the promised Messiah would come.
9. Exodus

Answer: Law

The second book of Moses is called Exodus. The name of Exodus signifies 'a going out' referring to the exodus of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. It also describes the institution of the Passover meal, which God required in order to set apart his people and spare the firstborn sons of the Israelites.

The book also gives a body of moral, ceremonial, and judicial laws to the Jews. Throughout the book the leadership of God is seen, and it also provides a type (example) of the promised Messiah in the willingness of Abram to sacrifice his son Isaac.
10. Job

Answer: Wisdom

Job is the first of the Wisdom books. The author is unknown and there has been much speculation about this. It could have been Job or his friend Elihu, but scholars agree that it was an eyewitness of the events contained in the book. It is likely that Job lived during the time of the patriarchs, approximately 2100 to 1900 B.C. We know that he lived in the land of Uz, which was probably outside Canaan.

The book speaks of suffering and asks why God allows it. Job questions God and he and his friends try to work out why Job, a good man, was afflicted. Though God doesn't reveal his reasons for allowing Job to suffer, ultimately, Job concludes that God is God: "I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know." (Job 42:2,3 ESV). He realises that regardless of everything that is going on in his life, God is worthy of praise. God restores Job's fortunes and comforts him.

Christians believe that Job is a type of Christ, who suffers (though not for his own sins) but without giving up; he returns to heaven to enjoy the blessing of being in the presence of God the Father.
11. Genesis

Answer: Law

Genesis is the first book of Moses and the first and longest of five books of the Law. Its name in Hebrew is 'Beresit' meaning 'In [the] beginning'. Together the five books of Moses are also called the Pentateuch. 'Genesis' is a Greek word meaning 'original' or 'generation' and it provides us with an understanding of how the world was created and its first faltering steps; it also contains the laws given to Adam, to Noah, and to Abraham.

The book also furnishes us with the genealogies of the early fathers.
12. Jeremiah

Answer: Major Prophets

Jeremiah lived in the town of Anathoth in Judah, and it was to the unheeding people of Judah that his prophecies were directed. His ministry started at about the age of 20, and his message was that people who have been given work by and for the Lord shouldn't rely on their own strength, which is arrogant and insufficient, but should humbly rely on the leading and strength of God. Jeremiah is all too aware of his own frailties; his distress over his personal failings as well the intransigence of the people of Judah earned him the name 'the weeping prophet'.

He reminds the people of the grace and patience of God and his mercy in giving them opportunities to turn from their sins.
13. Proverbs

Answer: Wisdom

It is generally thought that the book of Proverbs was compiled in Solomon's old age and the majority of the book is attributed to his authorship, though Agur is identified as the author of chapter 30 and Lemuel as the author of chapter 31. The book is not a narrative as many of the other books of the Bible are, but rather a collection of instructions and principles for living a successful life.

The first principle it teaches is that the fear of the Lord, or devotion to God, is the beginning of knowledge, and that foolish men despise wisdom and instruction.

The book provides a practical guide to life and is less concerned with the big things (war, judgment, and other calamities).
14. Numbers

Answer: Law

The name of the book of Numbers alludes to its contents: it provides the details of musters or surveys on the numbers of the Israelites. God had promised Abraham in Genesis 22:17 that he would bless Abraham: "I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the seashore" (KJV) and the beginning of the evidence of this blessing is found in the book of Numbers.

It documents the history of the activities of the Israelites, and their travel in the wilderness while also giving several particular ceremonial and judicial laws to be observed by the children of Israel.
15. Ezekiel

Answer: Major Prophets

At the time he prophesied, Ezekiel son of Buzi was among the captives in Chaldea and was probably about 30 years old when he began his ministry. The book has an immediate fulfilment as it pronounces judgment on both Israel and surrounding nations, but also has a future fulfilment when it talks about the end times in Chapter 37.

This well-known portion of scripture depicts the resurrection and restoration of his people by putting flesh on and breathing life into the dry bones in the valley. The book reminds us that God's punishment is always to draw people back to himself and that in his mercy he gives us opportunity to repent.
Source: Author VegemiteKid

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