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Subject: Thank God for Buddy Holly

Posted by: sadwings
Date: May 14 17

This is about everything rock and roll from the 50's to the present, but that's only the beginning. Any poets out there? I have a couple of poems to share before too long. Misunderstood song lyrics are always a lot of fun. Favorite album cover art? Any wild or interesting concert experiences? Prefer Motown to rock? Jazz? Blues? You can share all of these things and much more here. Come one come all to the midnight ball! Let's do this!

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Blackdresss star

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I'm not really here yet. I'm flying around trying to play everything for my team, because I kind of have to.

Happy Irish Day to all things Irish, including me. I'm an Irish Viking. My Mother, God bless her, made us wear ORANGE to school on St. Patrick's Day, because we're not Catholic. You can't imagine how much I got pinched. I came home with bruises. I finally started telling kids, way back in grade school, that my underwear was green (it wasn't, but they'd never know,) and they had best back off, because I would outrun any guy, tackle him even in my sweet little dress and coat and mittens and wool hat and snow boots, and then hold him down, in the snow, and "wash his face" until he let up and gave up and promised to never do that again. I did the same thing with any wonky boy who threw snowballs at the back of my head. I am deathly with my aim and a nicely-formed snowball, even on the fly. And March isn't spring here in the Frozen North. I still have snow out there I don't think is going to melt this year.

It wasn't until years later that I learned kooky boys throw snowballs at the back of your head because they LIKE you. "You picked a fine way to like me, Loose Heel." They probably liked me even more after I chased them down like a Rottweiler.

I'll be back...

Reply #1161. Mar 17 18, 3:47 PM

player avatar
Haha, I guess I was that kind of rottweiler in school, too...

Just done the quiz of the hour, and guess what, Kev? One question was the lyrics to 'Abracadabra'.

Abra, Abra, cadabra! I'm gonna reach out and grab ya!

And then shove you face first in the snow....

Reply #1162. Mar 17 18, 3:52 PM
Blackdresss star

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I had the Abracadabra question, too. It's just gaggable, isn't it?

Reply #1163. Mar 17 18, 6:20 PM
Blackdresss star

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I don't remember that, Kevin, but I'll go find it and look.

I love Mad Max, too, but then I watched the first one before that, the movie that turned him into Mad Max, and it was kind of just awful. I don't think I finished it. And I didn't like any of the ones after Mad Max, either.

I'm trying to think if Kevin Costner has even made a film I didn't like. I thought "Tin Cup" was adorable, but I love Rene` Russo. "Dancing With Wolves" is brilliant. So was "Bull Durham." He should never attempt to do accents, though, and I don't think he does Remember "Robin Hood"?

Robin Williams is brilliant, and they Mork & Mindy made Boulder so believable. But the film I thought I would hate, and then loved, was called "Catch and Release," set in Boulder, about Boulder, and it was SO Boulder, Colorado. It was also hilarious and heartbreaking, all at the same time. Boulder is a fun but whacky town.

I love "The Fisher King," too, but talk about breaking your heart. That's a must-see, if you haven't. And "Dead Poet's Society" was tragic, too. He was great in "Good Will Hunting."

I think the best comedians all suffer from some form of deep depression, and humor is how they release some of that pain. He just couldn't get out from under his, and then was diagnosed with what he thought was a death sentence, so...

Mark, is basketball still on? I forget I even like basketball. It's so much fun when it's live.

Jo, did you receive my response to your note? I swear to God, we are twin sisters from different mothers. I don't know how it happened, but yow.

Reply #1164. Mar 17 18, 6:30 PM
terraorca star

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If you like Kevin Costner movies, may I suggest "Message in a Bottle."
If you like Kevin Costner in a Western, "Open Range," with Robert Duvall.


Reply #1165. Mar 17 18, 6:39 PM
terraorca star

player avatar
Yes, Basketball is still on, CBS, TBS, TNT, TRU.
NCAA Basketball History was made last night, when a #1 seed was defeated by a #16 seed, never happened before.

Reply #1166. Mar 17 18, 6:43 PM
Blackdresss star

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Oh, I love "Message In A Bottle" with Robin Wright. When she broke down and cried because she felt SO BAD about what she had done, I believed her completely and sobbed along with her. I own that film. I have to watch it every once in awhile, because it's just gut-wrenchingly real.

I also love "Open Range" and watched it not long ago again. It's on repeat on one of my networks right now. And wasn't one of the "Sons Of Anarchy" boys in that one? Maybe Tigg? I think I checked out the cast from SOA and saw one of them was in "Open Range," but don't remember who it was, or recognizing him. It might have been Chibs.

Speaking of SOA, I'm into the downhill spiral of the last season, I've got it all downloaded, and I may have to just binge watch the last 7 episodes, after having it doled out to me one at a time for so many months now. I might do that tonight. I think everyone else in here has gone to bed!

Another film I love, but many do not, is the remake of "The Thomas Crown Affair." But I love Rene` Russo. And speaking of Pierce Brosnan, have you seen, oh no, what's the name of it? The film with him and my beautiful vampire boy, Robert Pattison, and Claire from "LOST"? I love that one, too, but we can't talk about it in here, because it has the most shocking surprise ending I've ever seen, ever. "I Remember You" -- that might be the name of it. No, I think it's "Remember Me." I'm sure that's it.

That's another film that just ripped my guts out and left me in a puddle on the floor.

Reply #1167. Mar 17 18, 6:51 PM
Blackdresss star

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Before I go, Note To Self:

Tell the story of Little Timmy Tebow, the plant, and the Roomba. And how I have to start a YouTube Channel for this little 28-pound darling so he can make millions for me. This one, I captured on video.

Reply #1168. Mar 17 18, 6:59 PM
sadwings star

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Just got back from doing a fun load of laundry LIVE. Put quarters in one of the machines and........ka-BLAM! Water started gushing out into the washtub right there LIVE. Not only that, I scored me 12 tax-free cents right there in the laundry room LIVE.

Sabbra, Sabbra cadabra
I wanna reach out and STAB ya! :-)

Yeah, Elle, you should go check those posts out on that Expert game. I think it was February of last year when we made them, so we have been pals for a little over a year now.

In the meantime, I need to rustle me up some grub over here LIVE. Remember when you and me and Mark were out on the dusty trail with our horsies and all our trail gear, Elle? That was a lot of fun! :-) We need to saddle up and do that again, only this time with Jo and Varn and maybe Stephanie if she is around and anyone else who wants to come along. That would be loads of fun!

Reply #1169. Mar 17 18, 7:00 PM

terraorca star

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There's chili and coffee on the fire as we speak Trail Boss.

Reply #1170. Mar 17 18, 10:51 PM
terraorca star

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I enjoyed both of "The Thomas Crown Affair"s. The original had Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway.

Reply #1171. Mar 17 18, 10:55 PM
terraorca star

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Dennis Hopper was in "Hoosiers" with Gene Hackman and Barbara Hershey, and for my money, stole the show as a recovering alcoholic Basketball Coach.

Reply #1172. Mar 17 18, 10:59 PM

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Hopper also shows his funny side in a fabulous little film called 'Flashback', which I admit, I love primarily because I have had a massive crush on the other lead, Kiefer Sutherland, since 'The Lost Boys' came out in 1987. He's pretty funny in 'Flashback' too. And Carol Kane has a role, she's always brilliant, such a sweetheart.
If you're a Twilight fan, Elle, remind me to tell you how I met the Viking. I'm Team Edward, too, (despite my age!) and it's kind of a cute story.

Reply #1173. Mar 18 18, 1:23 AM

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Coincidentally, the intro music from 'Supermassive Black Hole' just blared out on my TV. It was only an ad for some radio show, but it made me smile :-)

Reply #1174. Mar 18 18, 1:27 AM
mpkitty star

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Mark, sorry Ohio State got tromped on by Gonzaga last night, you have my sympathy. Why not sorry? Because Gonzaga is from right here in town! All I can say, is GO ZAGS! On to the Sweet Sixteen! (NCAA Tournament, for furiners).

I have been absent two days, computer breakdown, blasted Dell! Still being fixed so I am using my daughter's computer today.

Reply #1175. Mar 18 18, 8:33 AM
terraorca star

player avatar
I am not Ohio State fan, but thank you for considering me in your thoughts. I am a Cincinnati Bearcat fan, truth be told. I actually have Gonzaga beating Ohio State in all of my 9 brackets. But Virginia destroyed most of those brackets.

Reply #1176. Mar 18 18, 10:03 AM
mpkitty star

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Thanks, Mark, glad Gonzaga didn't step on your toes.

Kev, Want to get back to early (still standing) Rock 'n Roll?
I have just three words for you, JERRY. LEE. LEWIS!
I have loved him from the first time I saw him at a friends house TV. He was young, wild and BAD! I have been to many of his concerts, and have a few million good things to say about to follow..

Reply #1177. Mar 18 18, 10:38 AM
mpkitty star

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Many years later, and ol' Jerry Lee still gives me a thrill!

Reply #1178. Mar 18 18, 10:49 AM
terraorca star

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The Killer, "You Win Again."
I love the little piano flourishes that ol Jerry Lee plays.

Reply #1179. Mar 18 18, 11:32 AM
mpkitty star

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"Not bad for a country boy in the mornin'"

And nor bad for a self-taught Pianist!

Reply #1180. Mar 18 18, 12:03 PM

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