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Subject: Thank God for Buddy Holly

Posted by: sadwings
Date: May 14 17

This is about everything rock and roll from the 50's to the present, but that's only the beginning. Any poets out there? I have a couple of poems to share before too long. Misunderstood song lyrics are always a lot of fun. Favorite album cover art? Any wild or interesting concert experiences? Prefer Motown to rock? Jazz? Blues? You can share all of these things and much more here. Come one come all to the midnight ball! Let's do this!

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sadwings star

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Buddy, please don't go
Buddy, please don't go
Buddy, please don't go down to New Orleans
Ya know I love you so
Buddy, please don't go.....

My Buddy blog has been dying out for the longest time and I'm gonna fire up some rock and roll. Hold on to your hats!

Reply #4581. Jul 31 19, 10:47 AM

sadwings star

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Woo-hoo! You know what I like! See how I started out that last post? This here is the song I got that from. This is not the original, just a silly little live cover version from a crazy cat known as the Motor City Madman. Don't bother trying to hold onto your hats on this one, better just go ahead and nail 'em down. Wang dang, baby! :-)

Reply #4582. Jul 31 19, 11:15 AM

sadwings star

player avatar
Here's the original version of that last tune. Don't worry, I promise this one won't make ya bleed. Some of you swinging groovesters might even like this one. Get dem blues on, baby! Hoo Lawd!

Reply #4583. Jul 31 19, 11:25 AM

Blackdresss star

player avatar
Hey Kevin? I want to ask you, and talk to you, about two things. First, would you be willing to talk to me about your laptop that also has a touch screen? I bought a pretty high-end tablet (the touch screen thingy,) that has a little keyboard that attaches to it magnetically, but I ordered it and it arrived with nothing installed on it, and I can't figure it out to save my life. I may be even more technologically-challenged than I am geographically-challenged, and that's saying something. We can talk about this privately, if you would be willing and would prefer. I just wonder how the dang thing works. This is my first tablet, and I'm honestly kind of afraid of it, so it's sitting on my floor right now and I'm still on my laptop that hurts my back. Thank you in advance... I don't know who else to ask, since I don't know anyone else who has one of these. I could just take it to someone, but I don't have a Computer Guy yet or anymore here. I've got most of the software installed on it, I think, but I can't figure out how to USE it.

Second thing -- you know that "Story From Six Words" or "Six Word Short Stories" or whatever it's called Blog? I always and only post song lyrics in there. I've been assured, by the same person who told everyone else to "just ignore you" that I have "zero imagination." Nice, no? So, I think I wrote a six-word sentence to show my shock and remorse at her intolerance, and then wrote a nice Haiku about all of it. That same person also assured me I have "no sense of humour" over in the Music Game that Jen started. That went over as well as the first jab. So please don't let one cranky poster run you out of that Blog. It's fun to post song lyrics in there! If you come back and post with me, we can riff off each other. That "just ignore that person" thing works both ways, you know.

Reply #4584. Aug 01 19, 12:54 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
I would love to do everything I can to help you, Elle, but I'll tell you right now that I am about the biggest technotard on the website, I'm sure. I got that term from Jo. Hee hee! I just love that, even though it's not exactly a big barrel of laughs being a technotard. I'm sure my computer probably has tons of features that I have no clue about or know how to use. It didn't have any kind of instruction manual when it was brought to me. It wasn't all that long ago that Jen showed me how I could go into two or more different screens, or whatever the terminology is, so that I could listen to music while I'm doing other stuff at the same time. You know, the thing with that plus sign at the top of your screen. Never had the slightest clue what that was for. I have no idea what the F1 through F12 keys do, and even if someone told me, I would still probably find a way to screw something up.

Anyway, just ask me whatever you like and I'll do all I can to help, but i'm sure there are tons of other people who could help you a lot more. No need for us to talk about these things privately, I'm not ashamed about being a technotard or a Buffy tard or a literature tard or an all-things-Asian tard or any other kind of tard. Got nothing to hide, nothing to fear, and no truth about anything will ever shame me.

Sure, I'm all game for posting with you on that Six Word blog. In fact, I just threw something on it right before I started this post. I wanted it to somehow relate to that Eagles tune from your post, but I couldn't think of anything so I just threw that other stuff down because I wanted to get something down and move on to other stuff. Oh, I'm not letting anyone run me off anything, I guess I just kind of lost interest in that thing for a while. You know, one can't please everybody, and there will always be critics and nitpickers and the like in every crowd that has ever assembled since the dawn of civilization. There are a lot of people in this world who see certain characteristics that others have that they would love to have themselves but know they never will, so they attack everything that those others stand for or approve or promote in any way. Been dumped on with that kind of thing my entire life, but that's why they invented whistling, it's why they invented Dixie, and it's why they invented many roads for one to walk down while one is merrily whistling Dixie. Word up, yo! :-p

By the way, I'm glad to see you are back, Elle, I was starting to worry about you again. Got rounds to make but let's do continue chatting here and other places by all means, and I will be frequently checking that Six Word blog and keep it going with you! :-)

Reply #4585. Aug 01 19, 4:07 AM

sadwings star

player avatar
Oh, how awful of me, I should have said "keeping" in that last sentence up there. I'm such a grammar tard. :-p

Reply #4586. Aug 01 19, 4:12 AM

Blackdresss star

player avatar
I'm with you and Jo -- a complete Technonerd. I don't even like my CAR! If it's a tool and it's there to help me and make my life better, and then it stops working, I will abandon it or throw it out the window. I once got out of my car and walked two miles to work, in two feet of snow in a suit and heels, and left my car running right where it was, when I got a flat tire one fun morning.

When I finally stomped into work, covered in snow and wilting with wet hair, the entire office just stopped and held their collective breath, before someone ran to the bathroom and came out with a towel. (Yeah, we had towels and a shower in our office, because we worked long, long hours and one of us got up early enough to go fishing before he came in, so he got ready for work in the office. "I love the law, but it doesn't always love me.")

When Fishing Guy sat me down to ask me what happened, and I told him, he put me into his Land Rover and raced me back to my car, still running, bless its little heart! He couldn't believe I had just left it there, but hey, it betrayed me, so I abandoned it. Seemed fair at the time.

He changed my tire in the middle of a blizzard, and put me back into my car, and followed me back to work to make sure I made it. Well, of course I made it -- it was never about driving in snow, it was about my car letting me down.

I've told Jo, the only appliance I like right now is my toaster.

So to have a tablet I can't use is just maddening. And with my luck, I've probably missed three required updates by now. I hate my cell phone, too, and don't understand people who love them and play games on them. I don't even talk on my cell, unless I have to. I've had it set to "Do Not Disturb" for about 6 months now. I don't have to hear it ring to check voicemail later.

As far as that Blog, I get a song stuck in my head, and that's where I let it all play out, so it will be nice to have company in there. I've got pretty much all of The Eagles songs in my head right now.

Reply #4587. Aug 01 19, 5:02 AM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
I'm here, "Stairway To Kevin," but "Highway To Elle" doesn't see you. Are you writing a 34-minute post?

Reply #4588. Aug 01 19, 6:34 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Speaking of Eagles songs, there is one Eagles tune - so far - that has a line in it that has been forever changed for me as of only moments ago. This relates to the very important scientific discovery I was just mentioning to you on the Six Word blog.

First of all, Jo and Jen and I have been joking around on the Favorite Lyrics thread lately about song titles and lyrics that have words that rhyme with our names. As for mine, the only thing that rhymes with Kevin that would be amusing most of the time is heaven. Of course, there is also "seven" and "eleven" but I can't even think of any examples with those right now. Oh, thank Kevin for 7-11! :-p
I'm sure there are tons more stuff that would rhyme with Jo and Jen.

Anyway, I got to thinking, heaven and hell - as in.....KEVIN and ELLE! Ahyuk! How I could have not thought about that before now is a complete mystery. I'm sure there is a lot more of those in lyrics than in song titles, but I almost immediately thought of an Eagles tune, probably the most popular one they ever did - Hotel California. "I was thinkin' to myself this could be KEVIN or this could be ELLE!" Ahar har! Music can be such a fun and amusing little toy! :-)

Yeah, I have probably missed a jillion updates on my computer since I've had it. When I get any kind of messages like that at all, and I click "ok" or "start" or whatever, one of two things will happen. I will immediately get a message that says something like "Are you sure you want to do that? We show this is coming from an unsecure sight" or an "unreliable source" or whatever it says exactly. They make it sound like if I accept this thing and it screws up my computer, it's my own fault, so I immediately back out of it. That, or I will click "ok" and it does absolutely nothing at all, at least not that I know of, and sometimes I have gotten messages that tell me my system is not suited for that or whatever. I just clear all that crap off my screen and go about my business. Maybe someday I will know what stuff means and know what to do as well as what not to do and know how everything works and what everything is for and all that, but I very seriously doubt it. When the day comes that my current computer needs to be replaced and I give someone money to go get me another one like what I did with this one, maybe I can remember to see if they can bring me back some kind of instruction manual with it, and maybe they will actually remember to do that. Maybe this and maybe that and maybe, maybe, maybe! :-)

Reply #4589. Aug 01 19, 6:46 AM

sadwings star

player avatar
Yeah, sorry about that, Elle, between my slow, one-handed, two-fingered typing and the way I will pause to think about what I want to say and then catch myself daydreaming about all kinds of things, it can sometimes take me quite some time to make a post. :-p

Reply #4590. Aug 01 19, 6:52 AM

Blackdresss star

player avatar
I saw your posts about "Stairway To Kevin" and tossed in my own "Elle, Locked In 'Ell" and added "Highway To Elle." But "Hotel California" is perfect! I would have come up with it eventually, but my brain is so tired right now.

Here is my two cents' worth on those popups telling you you need to update something. Don't do it! Go to the actual site and see if there is a current update, and do it from the source. A lot of us got hosed up with an update, and I learned the hard way.

Dude, I paid $700 for my wonky new tablet/laptop that I don't know how to use, and $40 for the extra special mouse that goes with it, so I really need to figure it out. It has two, count 'em, two instruction booklets. I just hate technology, I really do.

Reply #4591. Aug 01 19, 7:10 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
I'm right there in the same boat with you, Elle. Most of that techno stuff just sails right over my head and leaves me dazed and confused like Led Zeppelin at Madison Square.

Does your internet service provider not have some kind of tech support assistance of some kind?

Reply #4592. Aug 02 19, 2:06 PM

Blackdresss star

player avatar
Jo asked me the same thing, and the answer is a resounding NO. They check the connection coming into the house. They make certain my router is working. They pretend to care, but just barely. If they are from DirecTV, they do make certain my connection to my television isn't horrible, but that's it. They wouldn't dream of looking at anything I actually use to access the internet -- it's not within their scope. I just think they don't care. They don't bother to see if I can get online -- they just assure me all is well, or as well as it's going to be, and then they run away.

Where can I get a job like this? I wonder if they sleep at night? I know I don't.

I am not having fun, in any area of my life. But I need to figure out this goofy tablet. So can you tell me... I don't remember what I even want to know. I just know I can't keep doing what I'm trying to do with this laptop.

Maybe tell me if you use the touchscreen portion of your setup? I HAVE a laptop -- I have a keyboard with my new little monstrosity, too. I just can't figure it out, but I have to get the weight of all of this, literally, off my legs and my actual lap, because of the pressure it is putting on my back, or I can't be online at all, anymore, anywhere.

I think I like the idea of playing, or doing everything, with a touch screen, although I refuse to use the etch-a-sketch mouse on my laptop. That's just barbaric. I can't and won't play on my phone. Just trying to wade through all the typos everyone else makes on this site who does just that gives me a headache.

Do you have an email address you use, Kevin, and would you be willing to talk to me off the site? It's fine if you don't want to, but everyone on my team who wants access to me has mine, so I have stellar references. Maybe we could just speak privately in here, in our FT Mail?

I break apart right now at the smallest thing. The bigger things make me curl up into a ball. It's not good.

I have to try to limp along now and play all that I can for our team before I have to get out of here again. Remember when I used to be fun? Yeah, neither do I.

Reply #4593. Aug 02 19, 10:35 PM
sadwings star

player avatar
I'm sorry you feel so down about things, Elle. It makes me feel bad because you are a really fun friend who I enjoy talking to a lot, even more so because you are one of the relatively very few big time chatterboxes around here like myself. You can take that as a compliment, believe me. I do very much love to chat and play and have laughs with people when I'm not gaming, and there is so much opportunity for that here. It also makes me feel so miserably helpless because I just don't know what to say about all these things that have gotten you down.

I hope with all my heart that you can find a way to stay with us, Elle. You are a very fun person with a lot to offer what I feel is a very wonderful website. You are very intelligent and make for quite a competitor on pretty much every game in the house here. Every game that I'm familiar with at least. You have a lot going for you and I admire you and I look up to you. You can rest assured that those are not just empty words I'm throwing around. There has to be a solution, or at least enough of a solution to these things to get you back on track again, I just wish I could help direct you but I can't.

I can tell you that when the pressures of the everyday world start getting me down, meditation is the thing that has helped me get back on track more than anything else in the world, and it gets the job done in a pretty quick and timely fashion. The kind of meditation where you look deep inside yourself and focus on the things in this world that you care about the most, and then focus on just exactly what it will take for you to preserve those things in your life. The answers will come to you if you open the doors and patiently wait for them, you don't have to go looking for them, at least that is how it has always worked with me. I can't tell you that this is what will work for you because I don't know that, but the good news is that I really believe that most problems have more than one solution. Many of them have a number of different solutions.

I know all of this is no help at all with your computer issues, but those have all just got me stumped to the max. I am just not the person with the answers to things in that area. I do have a touchscreen, yeah. Had no idea it was a touchscreen when I first got it. I had picked this computer out from doing a little shopping and comparing and brief little pieces of research on what must have been my aunt's computer device - something smaller than a laptop, whatever it was - and then I gave her the money to go get it for me. I'd have gone with her, but I just simply cannot put myself in the position of transferring myself from my chair into a vehicle any more. Had to many close calls with what could have been some pretty bad accidents, so I got to the point where I just had to *walk* away from all that. :-p

Anyway, she brought this thing to me and was showing me how to use it and she told me that to scroll up and down I had to put the arrow on that vertical bar on the far right side of the screen and move it up and down like that. I was doing it like that for, I don't know, at least the better part of a week, maybe longer, and then one day I just suddenly discovered I could actually move the screen up and down with my finger. I think I must have been wiping off a speck of dust or dirt or something and the screen moved. Eureka. I guess the salesman didn't tell my aunt it was a touchscreen, and I'm assuming that was possibly because he just assumed she already knew that. These are things I will never know, but I do know that this is pretty much the same kind of computer I will want to get in the future when this one decides to croak.

I'm sorry to say that my email is off the table here. I have issues with that area that I don't even want to talk about. Not even necessary for us anyway, we can manage just fine with the open threads and with our private mailboxes.

I really believe you will somehow find enough of a solution to your computer issues to get you back on track with things and also with getting you back on track with life itself. We've been friends for a little over two years now and even though we have never met in person, I care about you with all my heart and I want you to know that there is nothing that you can't talk to me about. Just do me one little favor and don't even bother trying to get me to talk about my email issues. ;-) I'm trying to let you know that as nicely as I possibly can. Other than that, fire away, whether it's here or our private mail. If you are by some chance worried about Big Brother reading it, well, all I can say there is try not to be because I'm not in the least. People can step up to me and whatever in the world I happen to be talking about, and they can read this and read that up one side and down the other all they want, but they can mostly "read this" if you know what I mean.

Anyway, I have surely spent way more time thinking than writing here, and time has really gotten away from me. There are way more than enough beautiful things in this world to make life a beautiful thing to have here, and I consider friendships with people like you to be way, way up there on the list, Elle. Please try to stop and think about that for a bit and try to remember that, and let's get back to you and me and Jo and Jen and Mark tearing up these threads and blogs and having fun around here along with anyone else who is bold and daring enough to join our rowdy little gang of rootin' tootin' Dusty Trail riders! :-)

Reply #4594. Aug 03 19, 6:01 AM

sadwings star

player avatar
There's something else you might keep in mind, Elle. If there should happen to be times when I am being a jerk or a dweeb or whatever, it doesn't mean that I didn't mean what I said in my last post. I honestly try not to be like that but I'm not perfect and I have my faults like everyone else. In the meantime, there are just way too many funny things going on in the world that people say and do every day for one to be down in the dumps for too long. Stuff that needs to be pointed out and laughed at by cool people like us. :-)

Reply #4595. Aug 03 19, 11:50 AM

sadwings star

player avatar
Hey, Elle, the band and I just played a song for you over at the bar with our special effects equipment and everything, and it got taped and put on the internet. It's one I think you might like. We tried our best to make it sound just like the original studio recording, and the note I had to hit at the end wasn't exactly the easiest thing I've ever done, but I hope you like it. There is an access link to the video over at the bar just waiting for you. :-)

Reply #4596. Aug 03 19, 12:18 PM

Blackdresss star

player avatar
Kevin, I'm sorry. I hope you will accept my apology. I shouldn't have asked about your email address. I just thought, since we were potentially talking about tablets and laptops, and I use a lot of words, we could get it off your Blog.

I'm fine with FT Mail and have no problem at all talking in there, other than the fact that we are limited by how long our notes can be. I don't care if the Mods or Admin read my private mail on this site. Well, I kind of do, because it's private, but I don't talk about anything on the site I wouldn't say in public, and 9 times out of 10, they leap to help me whenever I ask, so it's all good.

And since I think we're probably finished talking about tablets and laptops, it's a moot subject anyway. I think I might just toss mine into the back yard as a pricey little bird bath. It won't make a very good one, but birds are industrious and creative, and I am not where that thing is concerned.

Believe me -- we've all had problems with our private email. I'm sorry you've joined the ranks, and I promise, I won't ask you what happened.

Reply #4597. Aug 06 19, 12:19 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Glad to see you, Elle. I'm sure this place is just crawling with wizards who can Sheldon their way straight through any and every techno problem or concern known to man. Start a thread about it, I mean, people do that whenever it rains or when the wind blows or when their dog craps on the floor, so you might as well.

In the meantime, I'm about to enter the Duel arena in my spiffy new Seals and Crofts loin cloth. I was just telling Jo that I have really been branching out on my loin cloth collection with a much bigger variety than just heavy metal. Amazing variety of loin cloths to be found over there at the Dueler's Accessory Shop right down the street from the arena.

Reply #4598. Aug 06 19, 4:06 AM

terraorca star

player avatar
In our World Religions class, I learned how to meditate, I'm with Kevin on this one, it has helped me in so many ways. I wish that I had know about it years ago.

Reply #4599. Aug 06 19, 5:20 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, man! :-) Yeah, that stuff is pretty effective. One thing I often do when I meditate is visualize certain things deep within my mind. For example, I visualize things like stress and anxiety in the physical sense, and I see these things slowly rising up and out and away from my body, I suppose kind of like steam rising up off of something. One thing is for sure, this is not something one can do and expect it to be effective if one feels like they are pressed for time, or if they feel like they will do it for X number of minutes and get it over with so they can move on to other stuff. Doesn't work like that. One needs to clear their schedules or agendas for the time being as well as their minds.

I've never taken any classes on that, Mark, that sounds pretty interesting. Everything I know about it is just things I have discovered on my own from my own experience. Well, I can't exactly take all the credit, I would like to point out that I did pray for guidance, which is something most people never stop to consider. It's amazing how that very thing can open the doors to what one is seeking and lead them to the right places when one feels like there is just nothing or no one that they can turn to for help. Anyway, I'm all ears if you ever want to pass on any interesting things that you learn from those studies, Mark.

Reply #4600. Aug 06 19, 6:32 AM

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