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Subject: Thank God for Buddy Holly

Posted by: sadwings
Date: May 14 17

This is about everything rock and roll from the 50's to the present, but that's only the beginning. Any poets out there? I have a couple of poems to share before too long. Misunderstood song lyrics are always a lot of fun. Favorite album cover art? Any wild or interesting concert experiences? Prefer Motown to rock? Jazz? Blues? You can share all of these things and much more here. Come one come all to the midnight ball! Let's do this!

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terraorca star

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The current minimum wage here in the States is $7.25 per hour. Most wait staff in restaurants earn less than half that as an hourly wage, to be made up in tips, or so it is thought.

Reply #4641. Nov 20 19, 3:27 PM
sadwings star

player avatar
I had always assumed that minimum wage was the lowest amount anyone could be paid. If workers who earn tips can be paid under minimum wage, then what would be minimum wage for them? Just whatever the employer decides? I never had a job where I made tips, but I did have a job once where I made a pretty decent bonus every month.

Reply #4642. Nov 20 19, 4:42 PM

terraorca star

player avatar
The exception is those that work in the food and service industries.
In other words those that depend on tips, for part of their income.
Waiters, servers, bartenders, barbacks, valets, drivers, and many others depend on tips, because they receive less than minimum wage for their earnings.

Reply #4643. Nov 20 19, 8:29 PM
sadwings star

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Here's something that's just about as rock and roll as it gets. I'm sure a lot of you have known about this particular event for decades, but I honestly had no inkling whatsoever that this happened until just a few days ago when I learned about it from a quiz here.

Evidently there was some record exec or someone involved in the music industry that thought it would be a good idea to match up Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin. Well, this person arranged for them to get together at this swinging Hollywood party. It seemed to start out on the right foot when they both liked what they saw, but then I suppose the demon alcohol began to take its toll and Janis left the party, evidently because of Jim's unwelcome advances.

So then Jim goes after her and they have a little confrontation at her car while Janis is sitting in it. Evidently Mr. Stud Muffin couldn't handle rejection very well or whatever, but he winds up reaching into the car and grabbing Janis's hair. Woops - bad mistake there, Jim. Janis then grabs a bottle of what I believe the quiz info said was Southern Comfort, and she bashes Mr. Mojo Risin right in the head with it and knocks the guy out cold. Maybe he actually learned a lesson from it, like not grabbing a girl's hair just because you can't handle being rejected, or you just might get knocked out the fast way with a bottle of whiskey. Be a man and just walk away, guys.

Anyway, it is a terrible shame that both of them had to leave us at such a young age. Can you imagine what they both would have gone on to contribute to music had they both lived on to this day? Man, a lot more great stuff would be out there, you can bank on that. God bless and keep both of them, and God bless Fun Trivia for providing me with this and so much other knowledge. May this website never come to an end. You guys really rock, FT.

Reply #4644. Dec 03 19, 4:58 AM

Memorycat65 star

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I came along at just the right time to enjoy both Janis J. and the Doors music. Sadly, along with the rest of the world, I just didn't get to enjoy them long enough. I agree with you that they would have made a fantastic duo. Morrison and Joplin both had such distinctive sounds. For me, Morrison had a more restrained and sultry voice, while Joplin was wildly emotional and raw, but both definitely had what it took. I've read the story you related and find it sad that with all their talent, they were both such insecure people. Do you believe that had they lived, they would have had staying power with their listeners, or were they simply just "right for their time?" Wow, such a great era for music! My favorite groups of the time were "Chicago" and "Blood, Sweat, and Tears": I played in a jazz band at the time and we played a lot of their tunes, and went to a lot of their concerts. I was crazy for David Clayton-Thomas, the lead singer for BS & T. The combo of rock and big brass was irresistible!


Reply #4645. Dec 03 19, 6:10 PM
sadwings star

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Hey, Anne, nice to see you again. Haven't talked to you in a while. Hope all is going well for you.

I don't know how things might have gone with Jim and Janis had they both lived. Obviously no one could ever know for sure, but I think it would have yielded positive results for both of them. I think their fan bases would have continued to grow and grow. Rock music will never see another decade like the 70s.

That's really cool that you were in a jazz band. Too bad you guys never hit the big time, ay? Well, I am just assuming you didn't. Was there ever a time when you thought it might be possible for you guys to maybe score some kind of recording contract or something?

Anyway, here's a groovy number from the 70's I bet you remember....

Reply #4646. Dec 03 19, 7:18 PM

Memorycat65 star

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Kev - thanks for the clip "Average White Band" - I do indeed remember the album and song. Brings back memories! Also, thank you for asking about our group. I worked very hard in high school (Flute and piccolo) and tried out for All-State Band and made it for three years. That won me a music scholarship to university, and the school I attended had a kick butt music program. ( I toyed briefly with being a music major, but the pull of history was too strong). Anyway, I tried out for the jazz (lab) band, made it, and spent the next 4 years traveling to competitions, and playing weekend nightclub gigs. That turned out to be an enlightening experience, because I was only 17 when I entered college. One club we went to (now burned down) featured Phyllis Diller and Don Rickles!! There I was, little Miss Innocent, surrounded by booze, blue jokes, illicit drugs, and massive amounts of cigarette smoke. It was a miracle I never got arrested for being a minor!! Back in those days, though, we got away with a lot of stuff that probably wouldn't be possible today.The highlight of those years was when my dream group, BS & T actually played a concert at my school, and our jazz group was asked to sit in with them. Lou Marini, the saxophonist, was in the group at that time and I was blown away by the whole experience. I wanted to teach but I was tempted to go on tour with the group when everyone graduated: I made the right decision by going into teaching, but the people I met and the experiences I had during those years, as they say, are "priceless." Our concert band was pretty hot too - we went on a cross-country tour my senior year and got to play in front of Leonard Bernstein. Gotta say, though, that life on the road was rough - at least it was for me. I don't understand how many musicians do it year after year. I still play, although not at the level I once did. Somehow, the idea of trying to "make it to the big time" never occurred to us, primarily because the thing then was rock. We were more jazz oriented, and the majority of the group were guys that just wanted to hit the road and live day to day. Besides that, my folks would have pitched a fit. I do agree with you Kev, there will never be another time like the 60s-70s for music! Anne

Reply #4647. Dec 07 19, 4:52 PM
terraorca star

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My wife was a flautist back in school.

Reply #4648. Dec 07 19, 10:09 PM
sadwings star

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That is very cool, Mark. I have thought at times - probably like most people - how cool it would be to be able to play an instrument, but I guess it never interested me enough to pursue trying to learn. I have always been one that would much rather sit back and enjoy other people playing them rather than to learn how to do it myself. I do know how to play a Jew's harp, but anyone can play one of those like instantly. Just hold it between your teeth (rather gently) and start twanging on it.

Anne, that must have really been something to be involved with people like Phyllis Diller and Don Rickles. Did you actually get to meet them and hang out with them? I used to love watching both of them on TV when I was a kid.

I bet that also must have really been something to play with BS & T. I have memories of their music that go back just as far as my memories will go pretty much, because my mom had some of their records and they got played quite a bit. There were those cats and Neil Diamond and Bobby Vinton, as well as country artists and all kinds of other stuff I can't remember right now. She even had one record by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs.

Reply #4649. Dec 08 19, 11:47 AM

sadwings star

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Looks like the latest worldwide rock and roll incident for the archives happened yesterday all over my living room LIVE. Right before the last game of the regular season and my beloved Dallas Cowboys get booted out of first place in their division by Philadelphia after being in the #1 spot pretty much all season. Not exactly very rocky and rolly for me, but I bet they are rocking and rolling in Philadelphia right now, and yes, I mean actually right now LIVE.

Reply #4650. Dec 23 19, 4:07 PM

terraorca star

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I couldn't help but notice that Tournament 59 is loaded with talent this week. Tournament 59 has both Mazee1 and sadwings.

Reply #4651. Dec 24 19, 1:36 AM
sadwings star

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Yeah, and did you see what that crazy sadwings cat has as a hobby? That guy must be a raving lunatic! :-(

Reply #4652. Dec 24 19, 2:51 AM

sadwings star

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Mark, I don't know how much beef jerky one could eat before it killed them, but I bet I could probably eat enough of it to eventually kill me or put me in the hospital if I could afford that much of it. What do you think about that stuff, bro?

Reply #4653. Dec 24 19, 3:30 AM

sadwings star

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Beef jerky is my friend! :-)

Reply #4654. Jan 07 20, 11:09 PM

sadwings star

player avatar
Happy Birthday, Elvis. We know you are out there. Probably at some mall or something.

Reply #4655. Jan 08 20, 12:26 AM

terraorca star

player avatar
Elvis, The greatest entertainer of all time.
Beef jerky, I don't have very much experience with it, I can honestly say, that when I have tried it, I didn't mind it, but I can also say, it wasn't something that I would choose to eat.

Reply #4656. Jan 08 20, 6:58 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Man, I could seriously chow down on that stuff, bro. Well, certain brands, at least. I like that Jack Links stuff, but one time the store was completely out of that and I got this other kind and I just absolutely could not stand it. Had to toss out the whole bag. It was that bad. That stuff is also crazy expensive and I can't afford much of it for sure, but if I was very wealthy and money was no object, I'm thinking I could probably easily put away $500 worth of that stuff in a month. It would be somewhere in the hundreds for sure.

Yeah, Elvis was one swinging rock and roll cat, bro. That crazy gyrating maniac was all into peanut butter and banana sandwiches, but I guess you probably already knew that. I might have to try one of those sometime just out of curiosity. I've slapped a little peanut butter on bananas before, but there was no bread involved.

Reply #4657. Jan 08 20, 9:04 AM

terraorca star

player avatar
My wife likes peanut butter and banana sandwiches, I could take em or leave em, I much prefer peanut butter and fruit preserves.

Reply #4658. Jan 08 20, 2:18 PM
nasty_liar star

player avatar
So.... not the post you were expecting folks...

Never tried peanut butter and banana as a combo...

Yoghurt and cheese, I like that though. Nothing like dipping a piece of Red Leicester into a cherry flavoured yoghurt.

Reply #4659. Feb 28 20, 2:45 PM
terraorca star

player avatar
None the less... a nice surprise.
I don't believe I've ever tried Red Leicester. I enjoy yogurt, just not as much as ice cream, more of a more healthy alternative to ice cream.

Reply #4660. Feb 28 20, 5:37 PM

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