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Subject: The Dusty Trail

Posted by: sadwings
Date: Jul 18 19

Any of you cowboys and cowgirls ever seen a dusty, unshaven bronco-buster nail the inside of a spittoon from 20 feet? Probably not all that impressive with all the tobacco-chewin' range bums we've got around these parts, but check this out - pppt….pppt….pppt….Ting! Tang! Ting! Three for three! :-)

Anyway, that's just a small part of the rip-roaring, wild west adventure just waiting for those of you who would like to saddle up and ride with us out on the Dusty Trail. We've got plenty of horses and trail gear for all comers, and we've even got a friendly, loyal, dependable dog named Happy who will take good care of us as we sleep beneath the stars and experience exciting wild west adventures every day. So whenever you'd like to take a little break from quizzing, just saddle up and ride along with us for a spell, partners! We'd love to have you along one and all! :-)

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sadwings star

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Wow, I have quite a list of responses I need to get to here, partners.

Yeah, Jo, Kiefer is a pretty classy guy for sure. Very down to earth, mild mannered approachable guy who also seems to be quite intelligent. If I was a professional in his field, I would definitely want to work with people like him.

That is indeed pretty ironic about Kiefer's sister and the Lost Girl/Lost Boy thing. Irony is something that has fascinated me my whole life. Any and every form of it. If I was involved with producing movies or TV shows, you can bet my stuff would have its fair share of it going on.

Yeah, Jen that's exactly who that was on the Gunsmoke clip. She really busted everybody up pretty good with her parting comment to Matt! I had never seen that before until I just kind of stumbled onto it the other day while surfing for cool western clips, and I've watched that show pretty faithfully when it has been available ever since I was a little kid.

Looks like we both feel exactly the same way about karma and about animals being mistreated, Jen. There are so many incidents of animal abuse that would have resulted in me getting slammed with murder in the first if I had happened to walk up on the scene as it was taking place. Of course, I'm talking about things much more graphic and violent than an animal being locked in a car, even though I do take that issue just as seriously as you do. Sometimes the ignorance of people can be laughed at, and sometimes it is just downright sickening.

I was a huge Wild West addict when I was in my teens, Brian. Jim was one sly, studly character who got the job done for ol' Uncle Sam. Yeah, that beginning cartoon sequence was pretty cool. They changed that thing somewhere along the line. In one of them, Jim belts that lady square in the grill just like she was a man and knocks her right on her butt, but there was another sequence where he doesn't hit her at all. I think he just kisses her and walks away or something but he leaves her still standing. I don't remember that one as well, I like the one where he knocks that lady on her butt! :-) Not that I think it's cool and manly to punch a woman in the face or anywhere else, but we are talking about a woman who was getting ready to plunge a knife into the guy. Ever watch any of those Black Sheep shows that Robert Conrad did after the Wild West? I saw a few of them, not many. I can't remember anything that guy ever did after that.

Sounds like you've got some experience in the western department as well, C-30. My favorites when I was growing up were The Big Valley, Bonanza, Gunsmoke and the Rifleman. Lots of smokin' lead flyin' around in those shows! :-) Pow! Pow! Bang! Bang! I got youuu! Can you imagine a grown man saying something like that to Matt Dillon or Hoss Cartwright or Nick Barkley or any of those studly gun-slingin' heroes? Ha! Well, folks would have been gettin' a nice face full of it if I had lived back in those days. Whoever the lawmen happened to be in my town, wouldn't have made any difference at all to me. Long as I had the same heart with the same intentions and had the same physical attributes that the Lord gave me in this life, yeah, I reckon folks could bank on seeing stuff like that from me now and then. When a man has nothing but good intentions in his heart toward others and has nothing but love and respect toward others until those others decide they think it's best to cross that line, some fellers can get away with doing things like that, and I reckon I'm just one o' them fellers. When it's the right time and place for things like that, it can surely be a lot of fun with plenty of laughs to go around for everybody. That's just the way I like it. Plenty of laughs to go around for everybody.

This has been a lot of fun chattin' with all you cowpokes, but it's about time for me to rustle up some grub! Y'all stick around by all means!

Reply #81. Jul 26 19, 7:00 PM

C30 star

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Continuing all our yesterdays.....When I was a kid, way back in "Dark Ages" of late 1940's/early 1950's in post war austere UK....few of the poorer families had TV, the "steam radio" still ruled. One programme that I avidly listened to was called "Riders of the Range".......a sort of audio only "Western Soap" wasn't until I was mid-teens that we got us a TV which sort of confirmed the "Western Bug" I had become bitten with.

Reply #82. Jul 27 19, 7:42 AM
sadwings star

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Guess I don't go back quite that far. We've always had a TV as far back as I can remember.

Ever get to meet any of your western heroes, C30? I got to shake hands with Ken Curtis from Gunsmoke when I was 8 or 9 years old. It was at a rodeo and he had gone around the arena on his horse and shook hands with all the kids, so I didn't get to talk to him, but it was still pretty exciting for me.

Reply #83. Jul 28 19, 9:37 PM

terraorca star

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I have met Leonard Slye, aka, Roy Rogers, when he came home to visit his hometown and mine. (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Reply #84. Jul 28 19, 10:41 PM
sadwings star

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That's pretty cool. Tell me more about that, like how much time did you get to spend with him and what did you guys talk about?

Reply #85. Jul 29 19, 12:52 AM

C30 star

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Ever get to meet any of your western heroes, C30?

I presume you mean stars of the silver screen and not actual characters? I mean, I freely admit to being an old man, but not THAT old! Lol Though I did used to correspond with an old guy in 1960 (or there abouts) who claimed to have met General Joseph E Johnston.
Nearest I have come, is DeForest Kelley, who though better known for Star Trek, did featured in a few Westerns.

Reply #86. Jul 29 19, 1:12 AM
terraorca star

player avatar
Ole Roy Rogers was acting as a paid guest at a Racquetball Tournament that I was playing in. He seemed very pleasant, till I asked him where Dale was, then not so much.

Reply #87. Jul 29 19, 8:56 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Yeah, I vaguely remember Kelley in other things besides Star Trek.

That's kind of odd about rootin' tootin' Roy, Mark. I don't know much of anything about Roy and Dale as a couple, I would have just assumed they were together until they died, but maybe they split up before you asked him that or something.

Reply #88. Jul 29 19, 9:55 AM

UmberWunFayun star

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Can you guys believe there was an Old West Duel today? Did we all win? (I did)

Reply #89. Jul 29 19, 2:06 PM
C30 star

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Did we heck! Got beat 912 - 824..................won at Civil War Figures though, which is related.

Reply #90. Jul 29 19, 2:48 PM
sadwings star

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I lost Civil War but won Old West 938 - 600 like a rootin', tootin' six-gun shootin' cowboy. :-) Got 5 wins on my five highest scores and the rest were losses. Lost a good horse in a poker game on top of that. That's okay, I think I know where I can get me another good horse.....

Reply #91. Jul 29 19, 8:32 PM

sadwings star

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Looks like I wound up gittin' us some horses fer free.....

Reply #92. Jul 29 19, 8:43 PM

C30 star

player avatar
My favourite old "war horse"

BSA A50 Royal Star - Wikipedia

Reply #93. Jul 30 19, 12:49 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Here's my favorite war horse...

Reply #94. Jul 30 19, 2:06 AM

UmberWunFayun star

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This is what we ride, but with a few personal modifications (different pipes, mirrors and handlebars, a short visor and a wild boar mascot mounted on the front wheel arch. Also no rider backrest)

Reply #95. Jul 30 19, 2:47 AM
terraorca star

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Wrong century cowpokes.

Reply #96. Jul 30 19, 3:27 AM
sadwings star

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We are rootin' tootin' time traveler cowpokes. :-)

That's a nice looking machine, Jo. Do you guys call those Japanese bikes "rice burners" over there? I've always thought that was a pretty amusing term. I'm sure I wouldn't think it was so amusing if I had to do the maintenance work on an American made bike. A Harley owner once told me to never own a Harley unless you are a good mechanic, which I'm really not. I've never owned a bike but I know exactly what that guy meant. That's American-made vehicles for ya. :-p

Reply #97. Jul 30 19, 3:54 AM

sadwings star

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How are the British-made bikes on maintenance, Jo?

Reply #98. Jul 30 19, 3:58 AM

UmberWunFayun star

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I've never heard the term 'rice-burners'. People here say the same about Harleys, they ride like boneshakers and rattle all the parts until they fall off. Maintenance is even worse here, because the parts have to be shipped and are crazy expensive. It's like some weird, bass-ackwards status symbol - "Look, everyone, I can afford to ride a bike that's a ridiculous money-pit because it falls apart every two weeks!" The weirdest thing is, the name is so well known, anyone who's not an actual biker assumes that any biggish cruiser is a Harley Davidson. They say it like how people say Hoover when they mean vacuum cleaner, but hardly any 'proper' bikers in the UK ride Harleys (absolutely no offense meant to anyone who does, one of our oldest friends rides a purple softtail).
Triumph (British) are supposed to be great workhorses, well built and sturdy with a much longer life. Same with Norton.

Reply #99. Jul 30 19, 5:22 AM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
I'm not even a poor mechanic, I leave all that to The Man. I'm more of an 'animal mechanic's, I can fix dogs and horses and stuff pretty good, wouldn't know where to start with a machine.

Reply #100. Jul 30 19, 5:26 AM

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