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1650 History for Kids Trivia Questions, Answers, and Fun Facts

How much do you know about History for Kids? This category is for trivia questions and answers related to History for Kids (For Children). Each one is filled with fun facts and interesting information.
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1 "Felipe Calderon, a priest, was pivotal in the fight for Mexican independence in the 19th century". What part of the sentence is the "giant mistake" that should be fixed?
Answer: Felipe Calderon

The Mexican Independence movement occurred in the 19th century, mainly between 1810 and 1821. Starting in the 1520s, Mexican territory was ruled by Spain. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla is often recognized as one of the heroes of Mexican independence, since he was one of the leaders of the movement. Notably, he supposedly rang a bell inside a church in 1810 to declare the start of the revolution. Hidalgo was not exactly seeking independence from Spain; rather, Napoleon's invasion of Spain led to many expressing their grievances and eventually declaring independence.

Felipe Calderon was the president of Mexico between 2006 and 2012.
  From Quiz: Giant Mistake
2 Which was the first dynasty to unite China in 221 BC and completed the Great Wall?
Answer: Qin

The state of Qin was created in 897 BC during the Zhou dynasty. The state was situated in the western part of China. It became the most powerful state during the Warring States period from 476 to 221 BC.

Qin took 9 years to unite all the other 6 states (Wei, Han, Chu, Qi, Zhao, Yan) in 221 BC. Qin Shihuang became the first Emperor to rule China. The capital was established at Xianyang in present-day Shaanxi Province.

The Great Wall of China was extended to prevent attacks from the barbarians in the north. The greatest achievement by the Qin dynasty was the creation of a common language and writing for China. However the harsh rule by Qin Shihuang lasted only 15 years before it fell in 206 BC.
    Your options: [ Wei ] [ Qin ] [ Chu ] [ Zhao ]
  From Quiz: Chinese History for Kids
3 Which country, home of Buckingham Palace, first sent out convicts to Australia?
Answer: England

In the 1700s in England, its jails were packed full of criminals. These were known as convicts or prisoners. Prior to this period in history, most criminals were hanged for their crimes, but, by the 1700s, lesser crimes such as stealing meant going to jail for 7 to 14 years instead. The problem with that, was that England's jails and prisons became very crowded. For a time the government there used old rotten ships on the Thames river in which to keep excess prisoners, but the people of London complained so much about these eyesores that it was decided to send convicts overseas to other countries instead.
    Your options: [ England ] [ Greece ] [ France ] [ Scotland ]
  From Quiz: Convict History in Australia for Kids
4 Who was caught red-handed trying to blow up the British Parliament in 1605?
Answer: Guy Fawkes

Guy Fawkes' name is linked with the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. The aim of the conspirators of the plot was to kill King James I and, in so doing, open the way to return a Catholic king to the throne. Fawkes was discovered in a cellar under the houses of parliament on the evening of November 4-5 guarding a large pile of wood. The pile of wood was hiding 36 barrels of gunpowder that would be set off the next day when parliament re-opened.
  From Quiz: From Fireworks to British Smokestacks
5 At the start of every day, when it was time to cook breakfast, how did grandma usually achieve this without any electricity?
Answer: On a wood fired stove

Grandma rose early every day to start breakfast in time to have everyone fed and organised, and grandpa sent off to work with a full belly. To light her stove, she needed small logs of wood to keep it going for as long as she needed the heating. Wood was chopped in advance, usually by the men of the family, and stacked in neat piles for grandma to access. The iron stove, for such it was, was peculiarly called a wood stove, but that was because it was wood-fired. To get this going, one of its many small doors was opened, the wood was stacked in - not too much, mind - a few smaller chips of wood were placed on top and this was topped off with some paper for kindling.

The paper was then lit, which in turn ignited the smaller pieces of wood, and they in turn set the larger pieces ablaze. In no time at all, the stove would be hot enough to cook upon, and heat water to make a welcome cup of tea. The fire was kept going during daylight hours to provide heating and hot water, and maintain the heat in the oven part of the stove for cooking cakes, baked dinners and other goodies. The heat to the various parts of the stove was controlled by opening and closing vents built into the stove.
  From Quiz: Hey, It Works Better If You Plug It In!
6 In which year was the Great Fire of London?
Answer: 1666

The Great Fire of London started on 2nd September 1666, shortly after midnight.
The nursery rhyme 'London's Burning' is about the fire, the tune is also used for the rhyme 'Campfire's Burning'.
    Your options: [ 1666 ] [ 1777 ] [ 1555 ] [ 1888 ]
  From Quiz: London's Burning!
7 Thousands of years ago our ancestors roamed the world in search of food until they discovered something that allowed them to stay in the same place. What had they discovered?
Answer: Agriculture

Once our ancestors knew how to work the land they had a permanent source of food. From then on they didn't have to follow the animals they were hunting any more. Soon villages and cities emerged on the spots that had the most arable land. It's no coincidence that the first civilizations emerged along the banks of great rivers, such as the Nile, where the land is very fertile.
  From Quiz: Discoveries That Changed Our World
8 What ancient boat, usually measured in cubits, was said to contain two of each living creature?
Answer: Noah's Ark

Mentioned in both the Bible and the Qur'an, Noah's Ark was said to carry his family and two of each living creature when the Earth was flooded. It was 300 cubits long, which we would now call either 450 feet or 137 meters, certainly the largest boat of its time.
  From Quiz: The Big Boat Quiz
9 Who should we invite to the medieval tournament? Medieval soldiers. What are they called?
Answer: Knights

I am training to become a knight, but at seven years old, I am still a page. When I am about thirteen, I will become a squire, and will be knighted after I prove myself in battle.
  From Quiz: Henry's Tournament Adventure
10 One of the meats King Henry VIII could have eaten is called venison, which comes from which animal?
Answer: Deer

Rich people in Tudor times would have eaten meat from all of these animals, which they hunted. Hunting deer was a favourite occupation of the monarch and the nobility of the time. Some forests were called 'Royal' forests where only the aristocrats were allowed to chase and kill deer.
    Your options: [ Deer ] [ Boar ] [ Badger ] [ Hare ]
  From Quiz: A Meal Fit for a King!
11 During the Baroque period, art changed from the simpler style of the previous era, and became very ornamental and dramatic. A famous European painter from this period was Peter Paul Rubens. What nationality was he?
Answer: Flemish

Flemish people came from an area that we know today as Belgium. Rubens was born in 1577 and died in 1640. His paintings that we have today are very good examples of the Baroque period. They are filled with tiny details and depict many dramatic or religious subjects. He was particularly fond of painting rather tubby women and solid men. Quite a few of these were not wearing clothes. Goodness me!

One of his famous paintings which included all these styles is called "The Fall of Man". Rubens painted this in 1628-29. It tells the dramatic story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, just as they disobey God and eat the forbidden fruit. It is filled with many details in the background, but features a naked Adam and Eve in the foreground. Adam is painted as muscular and a bit overweight. Eve, on the other hand, is shown as more than a bit overweight.

Sculpture of this period was as detailed as paintings were. I'm sure you'll agree that having to sculpt a huge chunk of marble would be much more difficult than painting on a piece of canvas. One amazing feature of Baroque sculpture is the incredible detail of the clothing or material any statues wear. Intricate folds in the material have been sculptured everywhere. It's quite beautiful and breathtaking. One statue that captures this, more than any other, is that of Saint Theresa being visited by an angel. The great Gian Lorenzo Bernini made this. He was an Italian sculptor who lived from 1598 to 1680.
  From Quiz: Baroque History For Kids!
12 In the 1500s, fur hats became very popular in Europe. This created a huge demand for imported pelts from which hard-working and industrious animal from Canada?
Answer: beaver

The under fur or wool (duvet) from Canadian beavers, consisted of barbed hairs that formed a durable, luxurious felt, and was of prime importance to the European hat industry until the 1830s, when silk hats became more fashionable. The beaver wool could easily be removed from the skins, which yielded a useful leather.
    Your options: [ muskrat ] [ beaver ] [ polar bear ] [ arctic fox ]
  From Quiz: Canadian History for Kids
13 This is one of the outer rings of defense around the earl's castle. We throw all sorts of nasty refuse here, and the garderobe empties here as well. Where am I?
Answer: moat

Most people don't know this, but the main purpose of the moat is to prevent enemies from tunneling under the castle. The water from the moat will cause any tunnel to collapse.
  From Quiz: Henry's Castle Tour
14 The first writing was invented millennia ago in ancient Mesopotamia, or what is now modern-day Iraq. What squishy, muddy material did these first scribes write on?
Answer: Clay

Clay was an ideal writing material. Characters could be written in it easily with a sharp stick called a stylus. When the clay dried, it became very hard and durable. Some clay tablets have survived for more than 4,500 years!
  From Quiz: What do YOU write on?
15 Which person's name is the word "America" derived from?
Answer: Amerigo Vespucci

He was an explorer, navigator, and cartographer. He was from the country of Italy.
    Your options: [ Christopher Columbus ] [ Amerigo Vespucci ] [ Amerik Calerdoni ] [ Vasco Americus ]
  From Quiz: I Went to the Americas
16 What is Pompeii?
Answer: an Italian city

Pompeii was an Italian city. The Roman volcano god is Vulcan, and the Roman name Vulcano actually is derived from Vulcan's name. More about volcanoes in question two!
    Your options: [ an Italian city ] [ a volcano ] [ a famous Roman man ] [ The Roman volcano god ]
  From Quiz: What do YOU know about Pompeii?
17 Which Queen of England reigned from 1837 to 1901 and was also the Empress of India from the mid 1870s?
Answer: Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria was often seen in black and is well known for her extensive mourning of her late husband, Prince Albert, for many years. She reigned for sixty-three and a half years...a very long time indeed!
    Your options: [ Queen Anne ] [ Queen Elizabeth I ] [ Queen Victoria ] [ Queen Elizabeth II ]
  From Quiz: European History for Kids!
18 Which European city was divided by a wall by which capitalism was to the west and Communism was to the east?
Answer: Berlin

Berlin, the capital of Germany, was split in two by a wall which was a constant reminder of the struggles of World War II (1939-1945). East Berlin was controlled by the Communist leaders of the USSR (now Russia).
    Your options: [ Berlin ] [ London ] [ Paris ] [ Madrid ]
  From Quiz: Modern History for Kids!
19 In which country did Joan of Arc lead an army?
Answer: France

Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc in French) was commonly known as la Pucelle (the Maid).

She was born at Domremy in Champagne, France, probably on 6 January 1412. After leading an army against the British, she was betrayed and died at Rouen, on 30 May 1431. The Roman Catholic church, by whom she was betrayed, eventually made her a saint, and to this day she is honoured as being France's greatest heroine.
    Your options: [ Germany ] [ France ] [ Switzerland ] [ Poland ]
  From Quiz: World History for Kids
20 How many men were on Canada's Paris Crew rowing team?
Answer: 4

The Paris Crew, Canada's first rowing team, from Saint John, New Brunswick, and at the start of their career rowing were considered a joke by mostly all the other countries' rowing teams. The four men of the Paris Crew (George Price, Elijah Ross, Robert Fulton and Samuel Hutton) along with their spare oarsman (James Price) rowed their way to winning the World Rowing Championship in 1867. After that win they went on to win several more races, proving that Canada could be a strong contender in the sport of professional rowing. In 1956 the team was placed in Canada's Sports Hall of Fame, honouring the members of the rowing team after their deaths.
  From Quiz: My Canadian Child's Agenda Tidbits
21 Who was the president of the Confederate states during the US Civil War?
Answer: Jefferson Davis

Abraham Lincoln was the president of the Union. He later became the 16th president of the US, and Ulysses Grant was the 18th president.
  From Quiz: 5th Grade History
22 In what year did William the Conqueror become King of England?
Answer: 1066

William the Conqueror was William I and he came to England in 1066 (he won the Battle of Hastings). Henry VIII was made King in 1509, James I (he was also the King of Scotland) became King of England in 1603 and Queen Victoria was crowned Queen in 1837.
  From Quiz: A History Quiz
23 "The Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes successfully defeated the Olmecs in Tenochtitlan in 1521". What part of the sentence is the "giant mistake" that should be fixed?
Answer: The Olmecs

The Aztec Empire was one of the major pre-Hispanic cultures in Mexican territory before "the Conquest", when Spain took over. In 1521, the Spanish explorers led by Hernan Cortes took the city of Tenochtitlan and the Aztec people. Before the Aztecs, however, there were several other cultures in Mexico. One of the oldest ones were the Olmecs, who inhabited Mexico between approximately 1600 BCE and 400 BCE.
  From Quiz: Giant Mistake
24 What imperial dynasty ruled China for the 400 years from 206 BC to 200 AD?
Answer: Han

The Han Dynasty was founded by Liu Bang who was a lowly officer during the Qin dynasty. The Han Dynasty lasted from 206 BC to 200 AD. They learnt from the mistakes of Qin by adopting a moderate rule.

The Han dynasty can be divided into two periods: Western Han from 202 BC to 9 AD when Chang-an (present-day Xian) in Shaanxi Province was made the capital, and Eastern Han from 9 to 220 AD when Luoyang at Henan Province took over as the capital. The Silk Route was created during the Han dynasty to trade with the west.

The fall of Han dynasty was followed by the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280 AD), Jin dynasty (265-420 AD), the Northern and Southern dynasties (420-589 AD).
  From Quiz: Chinese History for Kids
25 During World War II what was a Spitfire?
Answer: Plane

The Spitfire was a short-range, high-performance interceptor aircraft that first flew in 1936 and enhanced its reputation during World War II, in particular, during the Battle of Britain. As a result there is a strong belief that this was the RAF's (Royal Air Force) main fighter during the Battle of Britain but the truth is that the Hawker Hurricane did the majority of the work. The Spitfire was, arguably, the better plane as it was a close rival to the German Messerschmitt aircraft and had a better victory/loss ratio than the Hurricane.
  From Quiz: From Fireworks to British Smokestacks
26 Their main city was in Italy but they conquered a large part of the world. They built the Colosseum, they built roads and aqueducts, they had control of most of the known world when Christ was born. Who were they?
Answer: The Romans

Jesus was born during the life of Augustus, the first emperor of Rome. The man who judged him was Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor under Emperor Tiberius, as Rome was in control of Judea, the province where Christ lived. The Romans brought their language, Latin, to many European countries, creating new languages which are called Romance languages, like Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and French.
  From Quiz: Civilizations From the Past
27 After grandma had finished the washing up from breakfast, it was time to do the laundry perhaps. But wait, no electric washing machines! How, then, was the household laundry done?
Answer: By hand and in wood-fired boilers

Laundry was done by hand if the load was a small one. However, if several loads were waiting to be washed, an outside boiler was filled up with water, a fire lit underneath it, and the laundry placed inside with finely cut up pieces of soap. Loads were separated strictly into whites and coloured materials, and the whites came out of that boiler so white it almost hurt your eyes. A large stick was used to stir them round and round to make sure all the dirt was removed. The coloured clothing was done next. The next step on laundry days involved rinsing the clothes out in crystal clear rain water. This was piped in from the large external tanks which stored this every time it rained.

White clothing was given an extra rinse with a product called Blue added to the water. This made them whiter still. Laundry was then wrung out by hand, or put through a hand wringer once grandpa bought grandma one of those new-fangled contraptions, and then hung out on the line to dry, pegged there with wooden pegs. The smell of that dry laundry, when eventually carried inside, was pure delight. It had a scent of sunlight, fresh air and utter cleanliness. Sometimes, just for added perfume, sheets were thrown over lavender or other scented bushes to dry.
  From Quiz: Hey, It Works Better If You Plug It In!
28 What was the name of the road where the fire started?
Answer: Pudding Lane

The fire started downstairs; luckily the family were upstairs and managed to escape out of a window before trying to put the fire out. Unfortunately, their maid was too scared to leave and she was the first casualty of the fire. The official reports say only 6 people died due to the fire.
  From Quiz: London's Burning!
29 In what year did the Titanic sink?
Answer: 1912

The Titanic was declared unsinkable prior to her maiden voyage from Southampton (UK) to New York (USA).

The ship struck an iceberg in the Atlantic ocean and sank on 15 April 1912. Of the 2224 passengers and crew on board, 1502 died.
  From Quiz: Black Days in History
30 6,000 years ago a civilization called the Sumerians discovered a very useful purpose for clay tablets. What did they use those tablets for?
Answer: To write on

When early civilizations started trading with each other they needed something to keep track of what and how much they were trading. The Sumerians (who lived in present day Iraq) did this by making wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets. This developed into an early form of writing. Later other forms of writing emerged, such as hieroglyphs and the alphabet we still use today.
  From Quiz: Discoveries That Changed Our World
31 Huge freight ships ply the waters of the Great Lakes, on the border of the United States and Canada. One, with a man's name, was sunk by a storm in 1975. What was the name of that ship?
Answer: Edmund Fitzgerald

The SS Edmund Fitzgerald, at 729 ft/222 m, was one of the biggest ships on the Great Lakes. On November 10, 1975, while carrying 26,000 U.S. tons of iron ore, it sank during a storm on Lake Superior; all 29 crew members were lost. Canadian singer Gordon Lightfoot wrote a memorable song about it in 1976.
  From Quiz: The Big Boat Quiz
32 There are other people who can participate in the tournament, other than medieval soldiers. What are these participants called?
Answer: Squires

Squires may participate in the tournament because they help the knights with their armour, horses, and weapons. As a page, I can be in the gallery, but that is all. (Heavy sigh)
  From Quiz: Henry's Tournament Adventure
33 William I became king in 1066 after defeating King Harold II at which battle?
Answer: Hastings

Harold II had already fought a battle at Stamford Bridge, where he defeated the invaders from Norway earlier in 1066. William invaded from Normandy, which is now France, and won the Battle of Hastings. He became known as William the Conqueror and was king until he died in 1087. The other battles were all fought in the UK, but much later in history.
    Your options: [ Bosworth Field ] [ Hastings ] [ Marston Moor ] [ Bannockburn ]
  From Quiz: British History for Kids
34 Jeanne Sauve was the first Canadian female to hold what important position?
Answer: Canada's Governor General

In 1984, Jeanne Sauve became the first female Governor General, as appointed by Queen Elizabeth II on the recommendation of Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. She was the 23rd governor general since Canadian Confederation. One of the governor general's most important responsibilities is to ensure that Canada always has a prime minister and a government in place that has the confidence of Parliament. In addition, the governor general holds certain reserve powers, which are exercised at his or her own discretion.
  From Quiz: Canadian History for Kids
35 In which year was the Battle of Stamford Bridge?
Answer: 1066

1066 is famous as the year of the Battle of Hastings which resulted in the Norman conquest. However, less than 3 weeks before, King Harold Godwinson repelled a Norwegian army led by Harald Hardrada in the Battle of Stamford Bridge.
    Your options: [ 1215 ] [ 1066 ] [ 1509 ] [ 1605 ]
  From Quiz: Grrreat British History!
36 Papyrus is a paper-like material. It is made from the stems of the papyrus reed, which grows along the banks of the Nile river. Which ancient civilization wrote on papyrus?
Answer: Egypt

Ancient Egypt was one of the first civilizations to invent writing. Their writing system is known as Egyptian Hieroglyphs. An ancient letter says that Egyptian children did not like to go to school to learn to read and write. But, their parents still made them go, because scribes would not lead a life of hard manual labor.
    Your options: [ Egypt ] [ India ] [ China ] [ Babylon ]
  From Quiz: What do YOU write on?
37 Explorers from which country wiped out the Mayan civilization?
Answer: Spain

It took the Spanish over 170 years to take control of the Maya. The Maya lived in what is now Mexico.
    Your options: [ France ] [ Spain ] [ Britain ] [ Portugal ]
  From Quiz: I Went to the Americas
38 What destroyed Pompeii?
Answer: A volcanic eruption

Volcanoes are openings in the earth that magma, ash, and gases will come up through. Vesuvius (the volcano near Pompeii) mainly erupted ash.
    Your options: [ A volcanic eruption ] [ A hurricane ] [ An earthquake ] [ A giant ]
  From Quiz: What do YOU know about Pompeii?
39 What was the name of the dictator that was in charge of the Third Reich? This man is infamous for his treatment of European Jews.
Answer: Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 and President of Germany in 1934. He combined both of these roles and declared himself "der Führer" or "the Leader". The effects of his racial policies, mainly discriminating against the Jews, are still felt and remembered even today.
  From Quiz: European History for Kids!
40 The Cold War was a war of words and hostility mainly between the USSR and which country?
Answer: USA

The Cold War included the Cuban Missile Crisis whereby US spy planes discovered Soviet missiles on the Caribbean island of Cuba. Due to this, there was a great political duel between US president of the time, John F. Kennedy and the then Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev.
    Your options: [ USA ] [ France ] [ Spain ] [ Brazil ]
  From Quiz: Modern History for Kids!
The rest of the questions and answers can be found in our quizzes here:
History for Kids Quizzes