Author Biography: FatherSteve
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FatherSteve has been a FunTrivia author since
Jan 19 07 and has written
484 quizzes.
FatherSteve strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
General Knowledge,
Movies, and
Hobbies, and has won
5 Editor's Choice awards on submitted quizzes.
- has earned 17,736 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
- has adopted / renovated 8 quizzes that required editing work to date.
- last seen online Dec 12 24, and most recent quiz went online Dec 09 24.
Bio: I am a retired Episcopal parish priest and a retired municipal court judge. I hold degrees in Mass Communications, Speech, Law, and Theology. And I believe in the Oxford comma. I have taught clergy ethics, prosecutorial ethics, and judicial ethics. I am in the kitchen every day, cooking meals for my sweet bride. I have cooked professionally on and off since I was eleven years old, including a stint as a ship's cook in Alaska. There are over 2000 volumes in my culinary library and I cook from every imaginable cuisine. My specialties are soups, sauces, and candy-making.
Hobbies: Reading: naval history, gastronomy, semiotics, ecclesiastical history, medicine, English murder mysteries, Hawai'i.