Author Biography: MCBRIDES1.
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MCBRIDES1. has been a FunTrivia author since
Jul 03 02 and has written
18 quizzes.
MCBRIDES1. strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Movies, and
- has earned 1,013 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Bio: I am female. I live and work in Chicago. I also love Chicago in the springtime, summer and fall. Walking along Lake Michigan, going to Cubs games and hanging out with friends in a bar's beer garden are just some of my favorite things to do here during that time.
I am a big University of Kansas fan. Mainly KU sports. I like to travel to the games. Recently traveled to the Orange Bowl.
I love television and movies. (If that is not obvious by my quizes that I've taken)
***My Avatar is set to the Aon Center, reminding me that I need to be working instead of taking quizes. Thats me...way up there on the 71st floor.
Hobbies: Wine Tastings, Real Estate, Golf, Painting, TV, Photography