johnnycat777 has been a FunTrivia author since Oct 09 06 and has written 21 quizzes.
johnnycat777 is a generalist author, preferring to author quizzes across all categories, with the most common being
Geography, and
Brain Teasers.
has earned 2,361 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
last seen online Feb 09 25, and most recent quiz went online Jan 21 14.
Test your knowledge and learn more about one of history's most famous and accomplished explorers, Captain James Cook. All questions are multiple choice.
Selections are mostly classic rock with a few pop songs mixed in, spanning four decades. All songs enjoyed some measure of success and most are radio favourites within their respective genres of music.
Start with a 7 letter word related to ancient Greece. Drop a letter and unscramble each time to get a new word down to 2 letters. Go back up each time adding one and finish with a 6 letter word related to ancient Greece. Good luck!
Start with a 7 letter city in the United States. Drop a letter and unscramble each time down to 2 letters. Go back up each time adding one and finish with a 6 letter city in the United States. Good luck!