onunodnumiar has been a FunTrivia author since May 08 13 and has written 11 quizzes.
onunodnumiar writes for many different categories, but is most active in
Sci / Tech,
For Children, and
has earned 358 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
last seen online Nov 30 24, and most recent quiz went online Dec 21 15.
Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are by far the two best players in the world and their rivalry is fast becaming one of the most heated ever. But how to choose between them? Is your choice between them based on fact or heart?
You start with a cake and by changing one letter at a time you and up with a tart. As you prefer cake, you go on and get your cake back. I'll give a clue to every new word.
This quiz is about something important. Answer the first question and show me you know what it is. Answer the others and show me how much you know about it.
Are you ready to be a Discworld god? How many believers do you have? What is your attitude towards lightning? And maidens? What about job description? Are you omnipotent? Omniscient? If the answer to the last question is yes, take this quiz.