Author Biography: sad-woman
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sad-woman has been a FunTrivia author since
Aug 20 08 and has written
27 quizzes.
sad-woman strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Movies, and
Video Games.
- has earned 938 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
- last seen online Feb 14 25, and most recent quiz went online Jun 19 14.
Bio: The apples of my eyes are my son Matthew, my daughter-in-law Suzanne their cat Sophie and guinea pigs Ginny and Wendy. As my picture shows I love animals, hedgehogs and sheep are particular favourites. When my son was young if it moved on four legs or swam in the sea he would adopt it! I love quizzing and cerebral pass times and I am enjoying my time on Fun Trivia.
Hobbies: Quizzes, The Theatre, Movies, Jigsaws, Friends and Family.