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Vampire Diaries Trivia Questions and Answers
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1. What year did Katherine turn Stefan and Damon Salvatore?
Answer: 1864
Interesting Information:After arriving in Mystic Falls in 1864, Katherine moved into the Salvatore house as an orphan. After falling in love with Stefan and beginning to sleep with Damon under the ruse that she loved him, she began feeding them her blood. After the founding families planned the massacre of the vampires in town and the brothers' father learning of their involvement with the Katherine, he had them killed as they attempted to help free Katherine, causing them to begin their transition into vampires.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Katherine Pierce- A "Vampire Diaries" Quiz
Some incorrect choices:
1964, 1854, 1863
2. Who says this quote; "I've been in love. It's painful, pointless and overrated"?
Answer: Damon Salvatore
Interesting Information:Damon told Vicki Donovan this when they were dancing in episode 6 of season 1.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: The Vampire Diaries
Some incorrect choices:
Matt Donovan, Tyler Lockwood, Jeremy Gilbert
3. Who is Lexi to Stefan?
Answer: His best friend
Interesting Information:We first meet Lexi, the 350 year old vampire, in 1x08: "'162 Candles'. We find out she is one of Stefan's eldest friends.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: The Vampire Diaries
Some incorrect choices:
His sister, His aunt, The love of his life
4. Who did Elena Gilbert meet first?
Answer: Damon
Interesting Information:For three seasons, we thought Elena met Stefan first. But in the season finale of season three, while Elena was turning into a vampire, all of her compelled away memories came back to her; including the one where Damon, Stefan's brother, compelled her to forget their conversation just before she met Stefan.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: "The Vampire Diaries" Seasons 1-5
Some incorrect choices:
Stefan, Lexi, Klaus
5. Who was the witch who cast the spell sealing the vampires in the tomb under the church?
Answer: Emily Bennett
Interesting Information:We found this out from Damon, when he told Stefan he was going to bring Katherine back. Grahms and Bonnie did a spell to open it and might have closed it back up, but Emily was the original caster. Jonathon Gilbert was one of the people hunting for the vampires to kill them in the church
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: "Vampire Diaries" 101
Some incorrect choices:
Grahms Bennett, Bonnie Bennett, Jonathon Gilbert
6. Who died in the ritual for the sun and moon curse to be lifted to make Klaus a hybrid?
Answer: Jenna and Jules
Interesting Information:Klaus used Jenna and Jules as the vampire and werewolf in the ritual.
Difficulty: Average.
From Quiz: "The Vampire Diaries" Ultimate Quiz
Some incorrect choices:
Bonnie and Tyler, Caroline and Mason, Matt and Jeremy
7. What was the name of the curse that Klaus broke to become a hybrid?
Answer: Sun and the moon
Interesting Information:Klaus needed Elena and the moon stone to break the curse.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: 'The Vampire Diaries' II
Some incorrect choices:
Star and the moon, Sun and the water , Water and the star
8. Who was not an original vampire?
Answer: Alaric
Interesting Information:The members of the family were Mikael, Esther, Mikael and Esther's firstborn, Elijah, Finn, Niklaus, Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: The Vampire Diaries
Some incorrect choices:
Finn, Mikael, Kol
9. In the pilot episode when we first meet Damon Salvatore, he gets hit by a car in order to lure the people inside out for him to feed on. Afterwards their pictures are shown on a TV. What are their ages?
Answer: 22 and 24.
Interesting Information:On the TV in the background, the names and ages of the victims are listed.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: "The Vampire Diaries" Seasons 1-4
Some incorrect choices:
23 and 25., 20 and 21., It is never shown!
10. In the pilot episode of "The Vampire Diaries", a man named Darren and a woman named Brooke are driving home from a concert. Who does Darren say the person they just got back from seeing sounded like?
Answer: James Blunt
Interesting Information:During the pilot episode, after you hear Stefan say "and this is my story" you see an SUV driving down the road and then you hear Brooke and Darren speaking: [Darren]"An hours drive to hear that crap. You know it wasn't even a band, it was a guy with a guitar. An hour each way!" [Brooke] "He wasn't that bad". [Darren] "He sounded like James Blunt".
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: "The Vampire Diaries" Seasons 1-4
Some incorrect choices:
Carson Daily, Pete Wentz, Chris Carrabba
11. Who are the two vampires we meet in season 1 episode "Pilot"?
Answer: Stefan & Damon
Interesting Information:The first vampire we see is Stefan Salvatore then later we meet his brother Damon. Elijah and Klaus are the two original vamps brothers which we meet in Season 2 while Tyler and Matt are humans and friends of Elena but later in the show, we witness Tyler becoming a werewolf. The Count Dracula and Edward Cullen are vampires but not characters of Vampire Diaries.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: Lady And The Vamp
Some incorrect choices:
Elijah & Klaus, Tyler & Matt, Dracula & Edward
12. What was Elena's first reaction when she found out Stefan was a vampire?
Answer: She was horrified and frightened of him.
Interesting Information:In "Lost Girls," Elena found out that Stefan was a vampire. She was very frightened and horrified and tried to run away from him.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: "The Vampire Diaries" Season 1
Some incorrect choices:
She immediately told her best friend Bonnie what she had discovered., She laughed and didn't believe him., She thought it was cool, and it made her like him even more.
13. At the beginning of season 1, Elena Gilbert returned to school following her parents' tragic death. During her time away from school, she broke up with her boyfriend. What is his name?
Answer: Matt Donovan
Interesting Information:Matt Donovan, the captain of the high school football team, played by Zach Roerig, was Elena's long-term boyfriend, whom she dumped after her parents died in a car accident. She met Stefan Salvatore on her first day back and it was clear there was a spark between the pair.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: Quit Doppelganging Up On Me!
Some incorrect choices:
Tyler Lockwood, Stefan Salvatore, Simon Forbes
14. Klaus has five other siblings whose names we know. What are their names?
Answer: Rebekah, Kol, Elijah, Finn, Henrik
Interesting Information:Klaus and his siblings are the children of Esther and Mikael, who settled in Mystic Falls before the Founders whom the Council believe were the first settlers in the town. Esther is the Original Witch and she created the first vampire family. Mikael is the biological father of all of Esther's children with the exception of Klaus.
Difficulty: Average.
From Quiz: Vampires Do Not Sparkle!
Some incorrect choices:
Rebekah, Kol, Elijah, Finn, Kris, Rebekah, Benjen, Elijah, Finn, Henrik, Sage, Kol, Elijah, Finn, Mikkel
15. Tyler is a jock in high school and is an incredibly sporty person. He uses his sportsmanship to try and embarrass somebody at school, but who is the target of his "attack"?
Answer: Stefan Salvatore
Interesting Information:When Stefan first arrives at Mystic Falls High School, he gets acquainted with Elena Gilbert, who has just broken up with Tyler's friend, Matt. After noticing the two talking, Tyler throws his football at Stefan, intending to hit him hard, however, Stefan's vampire-heightened senses enable him to catch the ball before impact and toss it back to Matt and Tyler.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Big Bad Wolfsbane
Some incorrect choices:
Matt Donovan, Jeremy Gilbert, Damon Salvatore
16. Where do we first see Stefan?
Answer: On the roof of the boarding house
Interesting Information:After the opening scene, we see Stefan standing on the roof of the Salvatore boarding house. Stefan says: "I shouldn't have come home. I know the risks, but I had no choice. I have to know her." Then we see Stefan jump off the boarding house roof.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: "The Vampire Diaries": Season 1 Episode 1
Some incorrect choices:
At the school, The hospital, At Elena's house
17. In what episode does Tyler become a hybrid?
Answer: The Reckoning
Interesting Information:Tyler is Klaus's first successful hybrid. A hybrid is a half vampire and half werewolf.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Vampire Diaries
Some incorrect choices:
The End of the Affair, Disturbing Behavior, Ghost World
18. In "The New Deal", whose idea was it for Jeremy to be compelled to go and live in Colorado?
Answer: Elena's
Interesting Information:Klaus wanted to send Elena a message, so he'd compelled Jeremy to attempt suicide. He stood out in the street and one of Klaus' hybrids drove at him. Alaric ran out to save Jeremy, and took the impact himself. It killed him, but his magical ring brought him back to life. In an odd twist, the ring did not fully heal him this time and he needed Damon's blood to survive. Afterward, Jeremy was extremely mad at Tyler, who'd tricked him for Klaus. I think it finally began to sink into Tyler's mind that blindly following Klaus was not a good idea.
Elena was crushed that Jeremy had to go through any of this stuff, including killing the hybrid that tried to kill him. So, Elena and Damon sent Jeremy away. She wanted him to have a clean break from Mystic Falls, and Damon compelled him to do so. Afterward, Damon told Elena how lucky Jeremy was to have a sister like her, and at the end of the episode, he kissed her.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: "Vampire Diaries" Season 3 Pt. 2
Some incorrect choices:
Alaric's, Damon's, Klaus'
19. 'I've been in love. It's painful, pointless and overrated.'
Answer: Damon Salvatore
Interesting Information:Episode 6, "Lost Girls". Damon said this to Vicki in the Salvatore boarding house, just moments before he turned her from human to vampire. In previous episodes, Damon had tried to kill and/or feed off of Vicki on several occasions, only to then give up, take her back to his and turn her.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: "The Vampire Diaries" Quotes - Who Said What?
Some incorrect choices:
Stefan Salvatore, Tyler Lockwood, Matt Donovan
20. Who manipulates Caroline?
Answer: Damon Salvatore
Interesting Information:Damon Salvatore manipulates Caroline. He feeds on her and compelled her not to tell anybody.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Think you know "Vampire Diaries"?
Some incorrect choices:
Stefan Salvatore, Matt Donovan, Katherine Pierce
21. Who turned Caroline Forbes over to her father to be tortured?
Answer: Carol Lockwood
Interesting Information:After a steamy night between her and Tyler Lockwood, Caroline was shot with Vervain by Carol, Tyler's mom. Carol called Caroline's dad, one of the town's original descendants and trained to believe all vampires were bad. He isolated his daughter in a dungeon like setting, and tried to use negative reinforcement to rid her of her urge to drink blood. Tyler got the truth out of his mother, and then got Caroline's mom to help rescue her in episode three, "The End of the Affair". Jack Coleman played Caroline's father, Bill Forbes.
Difficulty: Average.
From Quiz: "Vampire Diaries" Season 3 pt. 1
Some incorrect choices:
Liz Forbes, Damon, Katherine
22. Who is Elena Gilbert's birth mother?
Answer: Isobel Flemming
Interesting Information:John Gilbert and Isobel Flemming had a fling during high school and soon broke up after Isobel became pregnant with Elena. Isobel ran away to give birth, and used her best friend's name and became Isobel Peterson.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: The Vampire Diaries
Some incorrect choices:
Jenna Sommers, Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett
23. Stefan Salvatore was born in which century?
Answer: 1800s
Interesting Information:In the book series, the Salvatores were said to have been born way back in the 1500s. This was changed to 1800s in the TV series.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: "Vampire Diaries" The Characters
Some incorrect choices:
1700s, 1900s, 1600s
24. What was the name of Elena's ancestor that looks exactly like her?
Answer: Katherine
Interesting Information:Katherine was Elena's ancestor. On the outside Katherine was described to be sweet and seductive, but on the inside she was described to be selfish and not very nice.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: Vampire Diaries
Some incorrect choices:
Karen, Kaitlyn, Kelly
25. Who is the mysterious new student at Mystic Falls High?
Answer: Stefan Salvatore
Interesting Information:Stefan arrives in Mystic Falls to get to know Elena. She fascinates him because she looks just like a girl he once loved.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: "The Vampire Diaries": Season 1 - Episode 1
Some incorrect choices:
Matt Donovan, Alaric Saltzman, Tyler Lockwood
26. Who killed Caroline with the intention of sending Stefan and Damon a message?
Answer: Katherine
Interesting Information:Caroline had been badly injured in the car accident that happened at the end of season one. Matt and Tyler were not as badly injured, but Caroline's life was hanging in the balance. Damon offered to heal her with his blood, but he was met with several objections. It was when Bonnie agreed to it that Elena consented as well. Damon fed Caroline his blood and she healed. At the end of the season two premier, Katherine came along and smothered Caroline in the hospital. She told Caroline to give the Salvatores a message- "game on". Caroline, now a vampire, delivered the message and began to recall everything Damon had done to her before the accident.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: "The Vampire Diaries"- Season 2
Some incorrect choices:
Bonnie, Jeremy, Mason
27. What's the name of the vampire who looked just like Elena Gilbert?
Answer: Katherine
Interesting Information:Katherine and Elena are portrayed by actress Nina Dobrev. Nina may be best known, prior to this role, as Mia on "Degrassi: The Next Generation". Katherine Pearce was believed to have been entombed with over 20 other vamps underneath a church in 1864. That turned out to be false.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: "The Vampire Diaries" - Season 1
Some incorrect choices:
Darla, Rosalie, Betsy
28. In what year did Stefan Salvatore become a vampire?
Answer: 1864
Interesting Information:Stefan admitted to Elena in the episode "Lost Girls" that he had been a vampire since 1864. He revealed this as they visited what used to be his home, the Salvatore boarding house.
Difficulty: Average.
From Quiz: "The Vampire Diaries" Mega Quiz!
Some incorrect choices:
1865, 1868, 1863
29. In "The Return", who did Damon Salvatore attempt to kill in a fit of rage?
Answer: Jeremy Gilbert
Interesting Information:Damon was a mess throughout this episode with the unexpected return of his lover, Katherine Pierce. After mistakenly believing that Elena Gilbert kissed him, Damon demanded to know if Elena loved him. When Elena said that she would always love Stefan, much like what Katherine just said, Damon was so mad that when Jeremy came to check what was going on, Damon snapped Jeremy's neck. Fortunately, Jeremy was wearing his uncle's ring that kept him from dying from anything supernatural so he regained life.
Katherine was thought to be dead for most of Season 1. Caroline died after Katherine suffocated her with a pillow. John was on the brink of death as Katherine cut off his arm and stabbed him on his own kitchen floor.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: The Second Season of "Vampire Diaries"
Some incorrect choices:
Katherine Pierce, Caroline Forbes, John Gilbert
30. What is Katherine Pierce's real name?
Answer: Katerina Petrova
Interesting Information:Katerina Petrova was born into a noble and wealthy Bulgarian family on June 5, 1473. In 1490, she gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock and her family disowned her for the shame it brought the family.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Katherine Pierce- A "Vampire Diaries" Quiz
Some incorrect choices:
That is her real name, Katherine Petrova, Katerina Pierce
31. Caroline is what to Josie and Lizzie?
Answer: Surrogate mother
Interesting Information:Valerie had informed Caroline and Alaric that during the final moments of the Gemini Coven, the spell that they were chanting was to protect the future Gemini coven members.
Difficulty: Average.
From Quiz: The Vampire Diaries
Some incorrect choices:
Biological mother , Older sister , Aunt
32. How is the Werewolf Curse triggered?
Answer: When a person with the werewolf gene kills another person
Interesting Information:Tyler Lockwood was one was of the many victims of the Werewolf Curse. Once becoming a werewolf, every full moon you turn from a human to a wolf.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: The Vampire Diaries
Some incorrect choices:
When a person with the werewolf gene turns 18, When you are bitten by another werewolf, When a person with the werewolf gene is killed by a supernatural being
33. What type of supernatural being is Jeremy Gilbert?
Answer: Vampire hunter
Interesting Information:"One of the five" is one of the 5 people in The Brotherhood of the Five, they are a group of highly skilled vampire hunters, though not by choice.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: "The Vampire Diaries" Seasons 1-5
Some incorrect choices:
Vampire, Werewolf, Witch
34. Which vampire was Elena's sire (whose blood was in her system when she died)?
Answer: Damon Salvatore
Interesting Information:Doctor Fell used Damon's blood to heal her when Jeremy brought her to the hospital after she fainted. Rebekah was the one who caused the accident which led to her death. Stefan was there when she woke up and who she was on her way to say good-bye to when she was in the accident. Elena's blood made Alaric into the vampire and hunter, tying her life to his because of a spell.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: "Vampire Diaries" 101
Some incorrect choices:
Rebekah Mikaelson, Stefan Salvatore, Alaric Saltzman
35. Who killed Caroline with intention of sending Stefan and Damon a message?
Answer: Katherine
Interesting Information:Caroline had been badly injured in the car accident that happened at the end of season one. Matt and Tyler were not as badly injured, but Caroline's life was hanging in the balance. Damon offered to heal her with his blood, but he was met with several objections.
It was when Bonnie agreed to it, that Elena consented as well. Damon fed Caroline his blood and she healed. At end of the season two premier, Katherine came along and smothered Caroline in the hospital She told Caroline to give the Salvatores a message- "game on". Caroline, now a vampire, delivered the message and began to recall everything Damon had done before the accident.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: "The Vampire Diaries" Ultimate Quiz
Some incorrect choices:
Mason, Jenna, Elijah
36. Who said, "I'm supposed to be running three different prom committees right now and you keep phone stalking me!"?
Answer: Caroline
Interesting Information:Caroline said it to Klaus after Silas stabbed him with the white oak stake.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: 'The Vampire Diaries' II
Some incorrect choices:
Elena, Damon, Stefan
37. Who said "I never thought I'd be saying this, but I can't stop thinking about blood"?
Answer: Elena Gilbert
Interesting Information:Elena Gilbert said it after she was turned into a vampire.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: The Vampire Diaries
Some incorrect choices:
Jenna Sommers, Bonnie Bennett, Caroline Forbes
38. What do you see on Caroline Forbes' wrist in almost all episodes?
Answer: A tattoo.
Interesting Information:Candice Accola, the actress who plays Caroline, has a small tattoo on her wrist. I didn't notice it for quite a few episodes.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: "The Vampire Diaries" Seasons 1-4
Some incorrect choices:
The bracelet from Tyler., There isn't anything!, Damon's hand.
39. While Vicki is in the hospital recovering from Damon attacking her, what does she throw at Matt to wake him?
Answer: Jello Cup
Interesting Information:While in the hospital, Vicki has a freak-out moment when she believes she sees Damon behind her. She starts screaming "noooo!" and Matt runs away to get the nurse. When Matt is away, Stefan goes into Vicki's hospital room to compel her to remember an "animal attacked her", not a vampire. When Matt returns with the nurse, she is sleeping. Matt falls asleep next to her in the chair and when Vicki wakes up she looks at her food, throws a jello cup at Matt and says "finally, you're awake" when he awakes.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: "The Vampire Diaries" Seasons 1-4
Some incorrect choices:
Pudding Cup, Banana, Apple
40. While holy water does not have any effect on the vampires, what do we learn can protect humans from vampires?
Answer: Vervain
Interesting Information:Vervain is a deadly herb for vampires. Vervain can be drank mixed with water or even tea. In the episode "Family Ties", we can see that the Salvatores grow vervain in their basement.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: Lady And The Vamp
Some incorrect choices:
Sage, Lavender, Coriander
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