21. During her procedure, Anna believes that who is in the room with her?
From Quiz "Multiply Thy Pain"
Ms. Preecher
Anna arrived at the gallery opening to find the paparazzi calling for her. She smiled for the cameras, but amongst the flashes, she spotted the woman from outside her building.
Inside, Anna wandered through the gallery rooms, finally gazing at the art her husband had booked for the show. While staring at one of the more unnerving pieces, its creator, Sonia Shawcross, stepped up to meet her, complimenting her on the lipstick choice. "You never wear red," she claimed, admitting to being a big fan of her work-- and her husband's, of course. The conversation ended when Dexter grabbed her shoulder, scaring her into a scream.
The next morning, on the big day, Anna nervously awaited Dr. Hill who, coming into the room, showed her a photo of her successful embryo. She could bring it with her after. Soon, she would be brought into the operating room and anesthetized, but before she could go under, she watched as Ms. Preecher, or at least a vision of her, loomed overtop of her, performing an odd ritual ending in a bloody embrace.
Anna would awaken with Dexter by her bedside, having brought her home after the procedure. He would leave her to get some rest, placing the picture of the embryo by the bed to watch over her. That night, however, she would grab for the hand in bed with her, and it wouldn't be Dexter. It would be the figure in the cloak who would escape down the fire stairs.
After calling 911, Anna finds Talia's lipstick next to the bed, worn down to the nub. Her phone goes off, indicating that a new appointment has been added to her calendar-- one telling her to look in the mirror. When she does, it bears a concerning message: DON'T DO IT, ANNA.