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Donkey Kong Country Returns Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Donkey Kong Country Returns Trivia Quizzes

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11 quizzes and 110 trivia questions.
  "DKCR" - Forest   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Kongs will emerge into the dark, dense Forest stage in "Donkey Kong Country Returns" (Wii) if they survive into the second half of the game, but what awaits them there? Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 05 14
kyleisalive editor
127 plays
  "DKCR" - Cave   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you're a fan of careening helplessly along mine cart tracks, then maybe you'll want to visit this stage halfway through "Donkey Kong Country Returns" (Wii). Or maybe just some questions about it. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 04 14
kyleisalive editor
130 plays
  "DKCR" - Cliff   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Up, up, up! "Donkey Kong Country Returns" (Wii) keeps advancing to the summit of the island, and the sixth stop is the Cliffs. Keep your balance and your wits about you. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 06 14
kyleisalive editor
116 plays
  "DKCR" - Jungle    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
As did the original "Donkey Kong Country", "Donkey Kong Country Returns" (Wii) begins in the lush, verdant jungles of Kong Island. Begin your adventure to reclaim the banana hoard from the Tikis! Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 01 14
kyleisalive editor
122 plays
  "DKCR" - Beach    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The second of eight worlds in "Donkey Kong Country Returns" (Wii), the Beach brings the Kongs down to the water for another series of levels en route to the top of Kong Island. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Mar 26 16
kyleisalive editor
124 plays
  "Donkey Kong Country Returns" Mixture   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Kongs are back in this nostalgic return to form in "Donkey Kong Country Returns" for the Wii. Sure, King K. Rool may not be the final boss, but the duo have their hands full with the evil Tikis stealing their bananas on Kong Island! Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Jun 28 14
kyleisalive editor
268 plays
  Where in "Donkey Kong Country Returns" Are We?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Lost again. I can tell you one thing-- it's not MY fault we're lost in this Wii platformer. Just for good measure, how about you try to figure out where in the game we are. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 24 14
kyleisalive editor
126 plays
  "DKCR" - Factory    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
As the Kongs near the final world of "Donkey Kong Country Returns" (Wii), they need to make a stop-off in a musty factory region near the summit of the mountain. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 07 14
kyleisalive editor
121 plays
  "DKCR" - Volcano    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is it! You're reaching the end of "Donkey Kong Country Returns" (Wii) by accessing the eighth world-- the Volcano. Let's finish this. Good luck!
Tough, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Sep 08 14
kyleisalive editor
122 plays
  "DKCR" - Ruins    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
One step forward takes the Kongs one step into the past as they navigate the Ruins on the island's shores in "Donkey Kong Country Returns" (Wii). Let's see what you know. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Mar 26 16
kyleisalive editor
133 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Where in the game would we have to be if there's only one level not completed in/on a vehicle of some sort?

From Quiz "Where in "Donkey Kong Country Returns" Are We?"

  Donkey Kong Country Returns    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Wii game, "Donkey Kong Country Returns", is very hard and fun. Now here's your chance to test your knowledge on it!
Tough, 10 Qns, SM64Smashman, Jul 24 11
180 plays

Donkey Kong Country Returns Trivia Questions

1. Until you complete the first level in the Factory stage, you can't see the rest of the map. What is the name of level 7-1?

From Quiz
"DKCR" - Factory

Answer: Foggy Fumes

Foggy Fumes (7-1) is the second level of the game completed entirely in silhouette-- DK and Diddy are actually blocked out by fog throughout the level and are thus only recognizable by their shadows and their accessories (a red tie for DK and Diddy's hat). When the Kongs make it to the end of the level they'll end up triggering some fans which will, subsequently, blow all the smog in the Factory area away, leaving you able to see the rest of the levels before moving along.

2. In Sticky Situation (6-1), how is Donkey Kong able to remove the tar from his fur?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Cliff

Answer: By beating the ground repeatedly

As the Kongs leave the Forest they head up to the Cliffs of the island, immediately immersing themselves in an almost-prehistoric landscape containing nothing more than structures built too long ago and the bones of old dinosaurs. One notable part of this level is the introduction of tar, an oozing substance which Kongs can either sluice through or, in better scenarios, avoid it entirely. Should DK accidentally cover himself head to toe in tar, he can get it off by smashing the ground several times. Until that happens, he can't roll or jump too high.

3. Where are we if we're in the level known as Itty Bitty Biters?

From Quiz Where in "Donkey Kong Country Returns" Are We?

Answer: Ruins

The Ruins, the third world of the game, brings the Kongs through an elaborate series of temples and structures, forcing them to descend into some of the darkest, dustiest spots in the game before emerging into the mines. While some of the levels take place outdoors, most occur inside; Itty Bitty Biters is one of them. In this level we face off against small, bouncing creatures which hurt the Kongs by jumping onto them. Some can be used to our advantage, especially when they appear in later levels, but some can jump higher than others and cause problems in that way. Many of the other levels in the Ruins make use of different devices like switches and barrels.

4. Vine Valley (5-1) actually commences in which environment?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Forest

Answer: Diamond mine

Considering that the fourth world of the game, the Mines, directly preceded this fifth stage, it makes sense to see Donkey Kong and Diddy emerging into the lush, green forest from the cavernous depths below the island. Until they break through the crystalline caverns marking the end of the previous stage, they won't be able to take their turn through Vine Valley, a level seemingly dedicated to swinging to and fro on vines hanging from above. Coincidentally, Vine Valley was also the name of a destination in the original "Donkey Kong Country" game on the SNES.

5. The Cave stage of the game is immediately preceded by which third location?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Cave

Answer: The Ruins

Marking the end of the game's first half (as there are eight main stages of "Donkey Kong Country Returns), the Cave area appears after the Ruins, the third location of the game, forcing the Kongs to descend underground to recollect their banana hoard. With every level taking place underground, the Kongs have numerous surprises in store, especially with some of the levels found therein being...unstable, to say the least.

6. Chronologically, the Ruins are which stage of the game?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Ruins

Answer: Third

The Ruins are the third in line after Donkey Kong and Diddy make their way through their home area-- the Jungle-- and the Beach. While the area contains elements of both previous environments, much of the stage sends the protagonists through the ruins proper. This may seem a bit confusing; there's no real people to build such massive ruins...but here we are.

7. What is the name of the group of villains that steal DK's bananas?

From Quiz Donkey Kong Country Returns

Answer: Tiki Tak Tribe

The Tiki Tak Tribe replaces King K. Rool in this game. Their leader is Tiki Tong.

8. The first world of the game is the Jungle. If you purchase the key from Cranky, you'll unlock which stylized stage?

From Quiz "Donkey Kong Country Returns" Mixture

Answer: Sunset Shore

Level 1-4, Sunset Shore, is a beautifully-designed level in which the entire level is black in front of a glowing sunset. While all enemies and surroundings are in black, DK and Diddy are similarly darkened by the horizon. Diddy's hat and DK's tie both glow red, however, distinguishing their characters onscreen. To purchase a key from any of Cranky's Shops, you only need to pay twenty coins. A key can be bought in every world. Jungle contains six levels and a final boss (named Mugly). This starting area gets you used to the game mechanics and introduces you to the famous cart levels starting in level 1-6, Crazy Cart, which you must complete before the boss battle.

9. What is the name of level 8-2, completed almost entirely on a rocket barrel?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Volcano

Answer: Hot Rocket

One of the final rocket barrel levels of the game, Hot Rocket brings the Kongs through the most dangerous environment yet. Instead of taking a route steering clear of narrow passages or lava, they instead opt to make their way through a quickly crumbling volcanic passage. Rock plates crash apart and together while, soon, snakes of fire begin circling in the path ahead. Towards the very end, a wave of lava trails from behind. It's a rough trail, but apparently it needs to be taken.

10. Slammin' Steel (7-2) contains Buckbots, mechanized versions of what animals?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Factory

Answer: Chickens

If Foggy Fumes (7-1) was an introduction to the Factory area, Slammin' Steel (7-2) is the first level in the area to give a true taste of what's to come. Donkey Kong and Diddy end up diving headlong into a level filled with grimy machinery and robotics in this level devoted to crushing the Kongs by any means. Aside from different electrically-charged obstacles found throughout, the level also has pillars which come smashing down...or up...or to the right and left. All you need to know is that getting squashed is bad news. You know...common sense things.

11. Prehistoric Path (6-2) is primarily completed via which means?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Cliff

Answer: In a mine cart

Prehistoric Path is the only level in the Cliffs area to require a vehicle of some sort, and it's probably for the best considering the precarious location. Although Donkey Kong starts on foot, the rest of the stage is completed in a mine cart (not on top, as happens in some levels). Throughout, DK has to maneuver different shoddy structures, riding along them from one end to the other, but the catch is that they'll be sinking the entire time. They will, however, rise from the tar below if you jump, removing the weight from the track.

12. Where in the game would we be apt to face off against the Munchers?

From Quiz Where in "Donkey Kong Country Returns" Are We?

Answer: Forest

Muncher Marathon is one of the later levels in the Forest stage, the fifth world of the game, and it can be quite frustrating if you're not used to finding yourself powerless to fight the enemies at hand. The entire level is a race through a large tree, always attempting to stay ahead of some very hungry, angry termites making their way through behind us. This level is unavoidable; we can't make our way by it with a key. Instead we simply need to use our reflexes to make the proper jumps and reach the barrel at the very end...or else be eaten.

13. In Clingy Swingy (5-2), Donkey Kong and Diddy can only cling onto what colour of turf?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Forest

Answer: Green

Clingy Swingy, the second level of the forest, sends the Kongs deeper into the woods to a stage of the game seemingly suspended high above the forest floor. In this particular area, much of the environment is hung above almost endless pits and they need to cling onto green turf attached to the sides of swinging platforms and constructs to make it across. The Kongs can, of course, climb around larger objects by moving along the turf, but timing will be key as they move like a pendulum. And they may not be alone on the turf either; some obstacles are guarded by snakes.

14. What is the name of the first level in the Ruins stage?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Ruins

Answer: Wonky Waterway

Emerging from the Beach, the first stage of the Ruins, Wonky Waterway (3-1) takes Donkey Kong and Diddy directly into the ruins proper by sending them along the course of an aqueduct. The level forces the Kongs to gain access to the temple by pulling vines and pressing buttons. This mentality of gaining access should stick in your mind; a fair number of the later levels in this stage involve solving little puzzles and finding access to sealed-off compartments of the Ruins.

15. Where are we if we're just beginning the game?

From Quiz Where in "Donkey Kong Country Returns" Are We?

Answer: Jungle

As was the case in the very first "Donkey Kong Country" game back on the SNES in the 1990s, we begin our adventure in the Jungle DK and Diddy call home-- we even get to start by bursting out of the front door (and can head back inside for goodies if we're so inclined. Like in the original game, the first level is known as Jungle Japes and it takes us on an introductory look at the mechanics of the game, even going so far as to point out controls. While these may be the easiest levels of the game, some, like Sunset Shore, also show a certain stylistic flair.

16. After completing the second level of the game, players can access a shop. Who runs the shop in this game?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Jungle

Answer: Cranky

While Cranky's shops are often sparse in terms of content, the provided items make up for the lack of selection in their quality. Players can purchase one-up balloons in sets of one, three, or seven. They can also get a Heart boost, adding an extra heart to the health bar or Banana Juice to gain invincibility for a short time. The sixth and final item is Squawks the Parrot, one of only a couple of animal buddies to reappear for the game. Squawks helps by indicating the locations of puzzle pieces in the different levels.

17. How many hits does the first boss, Mugly, take?

From Quiz Donkey Kong Country Returns

Answer: 9 & Nine

After three hits, Mugly (who was previously yellow), turns orange. After laying three hits, he turns red. After three more hits, he is defeated.

18. The third world of the game is the Ruins. In Level 3-6, Temple Topple, you can ride atop which animal buddy?

From Quiz "Donkey Kong Country Returns" Mixture

Answer: Rambi

In level 3-6, Temple Topple, you'll make your way toward the end of the Ruins stages by hopping on top of Rambi the Rhinoceros, and charging through the breakable obstacles as fast and as precisely as you can. Because this section of the ruins is quite fragile, you'll be moving constantly for the most part or else you'll fall through the crumbling floors. Rambi also appears in earlier levels if you can find him. Along with Squawks, he is the only bdudy from the original series of games to help DK and Diddy through their quest. At the end of World 3, you'll find the Ruined Roost, home to a bird creature whose bombs will spell your doom if you don't act smartly in battle.

19. With what/who do you perform the titular getaway in Gear Getaway (7-4)?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Factory

Answer: Rocket barrel

The fourth rocket barrel level of the game, Gear Getaway is only tricky if you haven't yet mastered the tricky maneuverability of the vehicle. In this one, the Kongs need to duck and rise above spinning, metal gears, all of which will spell instant doom if they're hit. On top of this, a few enemies will show up to cause a bit of havoc. The level also features a number of crushing obstacles, much like Slammin' Steel (7-2), so the issues are ceaseless.

20. Where are we in "Donkey Kong Country Returns" if we're completing the Five Monkey Trial?

From Quiz Where in "Donkey Kong Country Returns" Are We?

Answer: Volcano

The last of the Kong Banana Temple levels in the game, Five monkey Trial puts us to the test with timing and battle-savviness, and if we're not at the top of our game we'll end up falling to one of the (obviously) five chambers between the starting point and the Rare Orb at the end of the level. This is the only Kong level in which we move through the stage from front to back instead of left-to-right or upward; this is done by shooting back through chambers as they're completed. There are eight Kong Temples in all, each resulting in an orb needed to access the final level of the game.

21. How many ships will Donkey Kong destroy in Mast Blast (3-3)?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Ruins

Answer: Three

In this level of the game, the Kongs begin in the Ruins and make their way back to the sandy beaches on the edge of the island, taking the fight back out into the sunshine to destroy an armada. To complete the level, Donkey Kong and Diddy have to shoot out onto the ships, one at a time, to climb through their holds and up along the masts to destroy them. There are three ships in total, each with their own secrets, before you can reach the end barrel and the crow's nest of the third ship.

22. What animal companion appears in Tree Top Bop (1-3)?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Jungle

Answer: Rambi

While the game doesn't fit too many animal companions into the mix across eight worlds, Rambi the Rhino does make a reappearance (his first since "Donkey Kong Country 2", having not been included in the third game on the SNES). In this level, the Kongs need to make their way into the tree canopies while dodging enemies all around. Rambi the Rhino, when located, can, of course, barrel right through crowds of foes with his horn leading the charge. Bulkier to handle than just DK on his own, he also can't fly with Diddy' jetpack.

23. What is the name of the giant octopus in 2-6?

From Quiz Donkey Kong Country Returns

Answer: Squiddicus

Squiddicus (despite being an octopus), cannot be defeated in any way. He attacks the Kongs as they make their way through the level.

24. Cog Jog (7-5) is the first of how many levels to contain a red switch?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Factory

Answer: Three & 3

Cog Jog is a tricky jaunt in the Factory area, mainly because the basis of the level involves navigating tilting platforms as they spin and move through the level on gears in behind the foreground. The other objective of the level is one that also involves the proceeding two. To reach the boss, Donkey Kong and Diddy have to find a red switch indicated via a sign at the start of the level. Once they hit the switch here, they'll have started the activation process for the vehicle appearing in another level.

25. Where in the game would we have to be if there's only one level not completed in/on a vehicle of some sort?

From Quiz Where in "Donkey Kong Country Returns" Are We?

Answer: Cave

The Cave area, the fourth in the game, brings us underground to jump into a rather extensive swath of vehicles; only the Kong Temple area (Jagged Jewels) is completed on foot while all five regular levels-- and the boss-- are played either on/in a mine cart or on a rocket barrel. These levels also dot the landscape of the game throughout the other stages, of course, but the Cave marks the first time in any "Donkey Kong Country" game where there's no real choice but to hunker down and hope for the best. Three levels (and the boss level) are done on mine carts (and one train full of bananas) while two are done on the rocket barrel.

26. What seems to be the main mode of transportation in Longshot Launch (5-5)?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Forest

Answer: Barrel

This fifth stage of the Forest is, once again, held high above the forest floor as the Kongs shoot their way to victory in blast barrels placed strategically between large totems, trees, and other impenetrable obstacles. Some of the barrels will catapult Kongs across great distances while others will need to be shot very precisely to cover a small stretch, usually through the mouth of a tiki totem propped open by nothing more than a stick, or, in some cases, through the opening and closing mouth of a tiki totem looking for a snack.

27. What symbol appears on the bombs shot in Cannon Cluster (2-4)?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Beach

Answer: Skull

While this level, like many of the others before it, simply takes place on a beach, DK and Diddy end up spending a lot of their time dodging bombs shot toward them on the sands from a slew of distant pirate ships. Fortunately, most of these can be dodged with clever timing and jumps or, else, wood barriers. The further into the level you get, the more tasks which need to be completed to escape the explosions. Breaking down barriers comes to mind. Almost jeeringly, the bombs have skulls on them.

28. In Switcheroo (7-6), buttons and platforms are red and what other colour?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Factory

Answer: Blue

Switcheroo is a level that requires a great deal of input from the Kongs, mainly because access to the different parts of the level is generated when red/blue switches are hit, enabling new platforms of that colour to emerge and form a path or clear a route. Fortunately, this level also contains an alternate red switch, a necessary thing to come across, especially if you have plans of reaching the boss battle at the end of the Factory area.

29. Where in the game are we if we've just caused an avalanche?

From Quiz Where in "Donkey Kong Country Returns" Are We?

Answer: Cliff

The avalanche itself occurs when we make our way through the precarious level known as Crumble Canyon (6-6) and as a result of the lack of grace (as it were) we're stuck completing two extra levels on the way to the boss battle against Thugly. The Cliff area is fairly unique. Closer to the summit than most, the area is actually a well-preserved spot home to dinosaur skeletons, tar pits, and ingenious pulley and platform systems...which occasionally break under strain, but no one's perfect.

30. In Bombs Away (4-3), how many mine carts can be found?

From Quiz "DKCR" - Cave

Answer: One

Unlike in level 4-1, Rickety Rails, the Kongs actually spend this level inside of the cart instead of on top of it. As such, the entire thing is spent on the tracks. At the same time, the Kongs need to avoid getting hit by bombs fired off by the local mole community. Oh, and on top of that, certain stretches of sharp, crystal ceilings will start crashing down from above, narrowing the space to navigate on the track. The closer Donkey Kong and Diddy get to the end, the sooner they'll be facing blown out tracks and, at one point, a rolling, circular track that'll take them to the end barrel.

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