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151 Name the TV Shows and Characters 13
A topic on a wide range of TV shows from all parts of the world.
Television Harder Medium Puzzle
2123 plays
Jun 07 24
sw11 gold member star
152 Oz Riffs (4)
A look at Australian artists and songs over the decades. Best of luck.
Music Harder Small Puzzle
247 plays
Jun 07 24
pollucci19 gold member star
153 Cryptex (4)
Here's a small crossword with devious clues for you to puzzle over.
Brain Teasers Harder Small Puzzle
471 plays
Jun 07 24
leith90 gold member star
154 Salmagundi Smorgasbord (49)
A series of experimental crosswords, with a variety of puzzle sizes, grid designs and clue types. This is an American style (fully crossed) one. Enjoy!
General Harder Small Puzzle
539 plays
May 31 24
psnz gold member star
155 Keeping it Simple
A simple puzzle for you to solve. Hopefully made it easy. US English.
General Harder Small Puzzle
952 plays
May 31 24
bigwoo gold member star
156 Cities of the World
A tour of cities, municipalities and towns around the world.
Geography Harder Medium Puzzle
2455 plays
May 31 24
sw11 gold member star
157 Lexicon Lattice (11)
A large puzzle with a mix of random words.
General Harder Large Puzzle
541 plays
May 29 24
leith90 gold member star
158 Teens' Triple Treat (25)
[I] His and hers; [II] Belonging to others; [III] "A League of ____ Own." Targetted towards high school students, each answer in this crossword has three separate clues. In this series, the words and phrases are carefully chosen for THEIR accessibility. Enjoy!
For Children Harder Medium Puzzle
785 plays
May 29 24
psnz gold member star
159 Oz Riffs (3)
A look at Australian artists and songs over the decades. Best of luck.
Music Harder Small Puzzle
319 plays
May 29 24
pollucci19 gold member star
160 The Phoenix Returns to the Nest
At the end of the Global Tour, one of Phoenix Rising's challenges was a crossword puzzle. It had to be a pangram containing eight countries and eight capital cities that had been part of the tour. Seven team members produced these 40 clues in record time. Enjoy!
Geography Harder Large Puzzle
618 plays
May 22 24
psnz gold member star
161 Entertainment Mix #4
A mixed entertainment topic on movies, TV shows, celebrities, comics and fictional characters.
Entertainment Harder Medium Puzzle
1468 plays
May 22 24
sw11 gold member star
162 Bits and Pieces 23
Take a smattering of general knowledge, and a dash of this and that, mix them up, solve - and enjoy
General Harder Small Puzzle
846 plays
May 22 24
Creedy gold member star
163 Simply General Knowledge! (525)
Another wide range of general knowledge clues have been rounded up for my next crossword in this series. Have fun and Good Luck!
General Harder Medium Puzzle
916 plays
May 22 24
moonraker2 gold member star
164 Alphabet Soup (39)
Another double pangram squeezed into a small grid.
General Harder Small Puzzle
650 plays
May 22 24
leith90 gold member star
165 How Many Years Can a Mountain Exist
In Due Time, over millions of years, mountains will slowly shrink until they disappear. See if you can solve these mountain-related clues. Enjoy!
Geography Harder Medium Puzzle
410 plays
May 22 24
BigTriviaDawg gold member star
166 Flash in the Pan (43)
General knowledge questions that come at you from all directions, though a number of these were inspired by words in the titles of movies from 2003. Best of luck.
General Harder Medium Puzzle
562 plays
May 18 24
pollucci19 gold member star
167 Who's the Famous Woman #3?
A global list of famous women from all walks of life including some notable historical figures.
People Harder Medium Puzzle
765 plays
May 18 24
sw11 gold member star
168 What a Piece of Work is Man!
Enjoy this crossword of some of the many occupations at which people spend their working hours. It was created for Shakespearean Crosswords challenge.
People Harder Medium Puzzle
422 plays
May 18 24
VegemiteKid gold member star
169 Add and Scramble (5)
Add a letter to the first part of each clue, then anagram to find the answer to the second part. Enjoy!
Brain Teasers Harder Medium Puzzle
876 plays
May 15 24
psnz gold member star
170 Bits and Pieces 22
A little bit of everything for you to puzzle out. Have fun.
General Harder Small Puzzle
834 plays
May 15 24
Creedy gold member star
171 More Movies Released in the 21st Century
Answers in this small grid all lead to movies released in the 21st Century. Six eleven letter answers are also included. Why not take a seat and relax whilst you try to find them all!
Movies Harder Small Puzzle
2645 plays
May 15 24
moonraker2 gold member star
172 Lexicon Lattice (10)
Another general mix of words in a medium grid.
General Harder Medium Puzzle
479 plays
May 15 24
leith90 gold member star
173 Heavy Metal
Hope you enjoy this quiz that has a few references to anything associated with metal. US English
General Harder Medium Puzzle
530 plays
May 15 24
bigwoo gold member star
174 Artworks & Artists
A topic on artists and artworks produced by prominent artists.
Humanities Harder Small Puzzle
594 plays
May 10 24
sw11 gold member star
175 Puzzle Words (1)
The British TV game show "Lingo" has a component involving puzzle words. Given an obscure clue, contestants attempt to identify the puzzle word as quickly as possible while its letters are revealed one-by-one. Example: 11 letters beginning with "F" "Can be made stylish" [FASHIONABLE]. There is no time pressure with this crossword, just lots of strange and mysterious clues. Enjoy!
General Harder Small Puzzle
614 plays
May 10 24
psnz gold member star
176 Bits and Pieces 21
A pinch of everything, a smidgin of this and that, mix them up and enjoy.
General Harder Small Puzzle
891 plays
May 06 24
Creedy gold member star
177 Lexicon Lattice (9)
A medium-sized general knowledge puzzle for all FunTrivia crossword connoisseurs!
General Harder Medium Puzzle
598 plays
May 06 24
leith90 gold member star
178 World Sites #3
A selection of world sites including some of the world's most iconic sites and listed UNESCO World Heritage Sites (UWHS).
World Harder Small Puzzle
744 plays
May 03 24
sw11 gold member star
179 A Time to Gather Stones
This puzzle will take you into the world of the Rolling Stones... their songs, their members and connections to their career. Best of luck.
Music Harder Small Puzzle
677 plays
May 03 24
pollucci19 gold member star
180 Simply General Knowledge! (524)
Another wide range of general knowledge clues have been rounded up for another crossword in this series. Have fun and Good Luck!
General Harder Medium Puzzle
928 plays
May 03 24
moonraker2 gold member star